Robert Mapplethorpe (4 novembre 1946 - 9 mars 1989) était un photographe américain célèbre pour ses portraits en noir et blanc très stylisés, ses photos de fleurs et ses nus masculins. Le caractère cru et érotique des œuvres du milieu de sa carrière a déclenché des polémiques sur le financement public de l'art aux États-Unis (culture wars).
Robert Mapplethorpe est né dans une famille catholique d'origine anglo-irlandaise à Floral Park, dans l'État de New York. Il reçoit un Bachelor of Fine Arts du Pratt Institute de Brooklyn à New York, où il travaille pour un certain nombre de médias différents.
Robert Mapplethorpe prend sa première photographie peu après avec un Polaroid. Dans les années 1970, il se procure un appareil de presse grand format et commence à photographier ses amis et connaissances, qui comprennent des artistes (dont Patti Smith pour la pochette de son premier disque "Horses"), des compositeurs, des stars de la pornographie, et des habitués de sex clubs underground. Dans les années 1980, ses photographies prennent un tour plus maniéré, recherchant la beauté abstraite. Robert Mapplethorpe se concentre alors sur des nus statuaires tant féminins que masculins, des natures mortes florales,des images de Lisa Lion et une serie remarquable pour Jean-Charles de Castelbajac et des portraits officiels.
Le début des années 1980 marque un changement radical dans la photographie de Robert Mapplethorpe. Il cherche à capter le raffinement chez ses sujets, et s’intéresse tout particulièrement à la beauté classique. Robert Mapplethorpe prend des photos de nus d’hommes et de femmes aux corps sculpturaux, des nature mortes de fleurs, portraits classiques d’artistes et de célébrités (Peter Gabriel, Andy Warhol, Isabella Rossellini, Iggy Pop...)
Robert Mapplethorpe expérimente de nouvelles techniques et formats dans son travail. Ses modèles Lisa, Lydia, Ken, Tyler, Thomas, Ajitto ont en commun des corps à la beauté graphique. Il a même consacré tout un ouvrage à la première championne du monde de body building, Lisa Lyon, à travers toute une série de portraits provocateurs réalisés dans les années 1980.
Ses portraits de compositeurs, de stars de la pornographie, empreints de crudité et d’érotisme lancent sa carrière et en font un pilier de la photographie underground. Dans les années 80, ses œuvres deviennent plus raffinées et abstraites, par exemple avec ses natures mortes florales, ses images de Lisa Lyon, championne de body building et sa collaboration avec le créateur de mode Jean-Charles de Castelbajac. Robert Mapplethorpe atteint du virus du SIDA, l’artiste crée en 1988 la Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation axée sur la photographie et les recherches liées au SIDA. Robert Mapplethorpe meurt en 1989, laissant derrière lui une œuvre hybride et impénétrable.
Chronique Visite guidée de la rétrospective consacrée à Robert Mapplethorpe au Grand Palais
Jusqu'au 13 juillet prochain, le Grand Palais propose la plus grande rétrospective de l'oeuvre de l'artiste Robert Mapplethorpe jamais réalisée depuis sa mort en 1989.
Visite guidée d'une exposition complète, passionnante et savamment réussie.
Musique Heavy Disco © Encore ! et Behind your Shades © Anoraak.
Rétrospective de Robert Mapplethorpe au Grand... par Actuphoto
...Actualité Let us be gay: 10 pictures for Orlando
Because we choose love over hatred, we pay tribute to the victims of Orlando ... We have selected ten photographs through the ages to remind us that, yes indeed, one is happier in loving each other .
1925 © Unknown
The two lovers we know nothing ... They are part of the first couples to have their picture taken
at a time when homosexuality was still punishable by law.
Street Fair, 1983 © Rink Foto
Photographing the LGBT community since the 70s,
Rink Foto was such a close gay politician Harvey Milk ...
San Francisco'Street Fair © Crawford Barton
Photographer flagship of the emergence of the gay community in San Francisco,
Crawford Barton came from a conservative family that eventually escape through art ...
&c...Actualité Le documentaire d'HBO sur Mapplethorpe : un trailer alléchant
Après le biopic sur Robert Mapplethorpe et Patti Smith, le célèbre photographe revient sur le petit écran avec un film documentaire produit par la chaîne de télévision américaine HBO. Mapplethorpe voulait qu'on démocratise la photographie, on dirait bien qu'il a réussi.
Ce film documentaire intitulé "Mapplethorpe: Look at the Pictures" réalisé par Fenton Bailey et Randy Barbato, et diffusé sur HBO le 4 avril dernier, retrace le parcours de ce photographe emblématique de la fin du XXème siècle. Le reportage se focalise surtout sur l'aspect provocateur et controversé du travail de l'artiste. Rappelons que ses photos érotiques, crues et mettant souvent en sc&egr...Actualité Soyons gay : 10 photos pour Orlando
Parce que nous choisissons l’amour plutôt que la haine, nous rendons hommage aux victimes d’Orlando… Nous avons sélectionné dix photos à travers les âges pour nous rappeller que, vraiment oui, on est plus heureux en s’aimant les uns les autres.
1925 © Unknown
De ces deux amants nous ne savons rien... Ils font partis de ces premiers couples à s’être pris en photo
à une époque où l’homosexualité était encore punie par la loi. D’autres photos vintage ici
Street Fair, 1983 © Rink Foto
Photographiant la communauté LGBT depuis les années 70,
Rink Foto fut notamment un proche du politicien gay Harvey Milk…
...Actualité Un dos musclé de Mapplethorpe en vente à l'Hôtel Drouot
Lors de la rétrospective de Mapplethorpe au Grand Palais, nous avions pu voir sa fascination pour les corps et plus particulièrement pour les muscles. La nouvelle photo mise en vente par l'hôtel Drouot confirme cet attrait en nous en mettant plein la vue. Rappelant les sculptures grecques, le corps est photographié comme une texture maliable, prête à être travaillée... On ne sait plus bien si l'artiste est le photographe ou le photographié lui-même. Sa posture dessine des courbes exceptionnelles, comme si le modèle était peintre de son propre corps. Pour afficher cette merveille au-dessus de votre lit, il vous faudra tout de même débourser entre 8 000 et 10 000 euros.
Source : HôtelDrouot
...Actualité Les chansons inspirées par les clichés de photographes de renom Jessie Wender, journaliste pour le magazine américain The New York s'est posée cette question : « que fait le bruit des photographies » ?
De ce questionnement, elle a mis en lumière le jumelage entre photographie et chanson. KT Tunstall’s, Moby ou encore le groupe de rock Jimmy eat, se sont inspirés de clichés pour la création de leurs chansons, devenues pour certaines des tubes. Parmi eux, le cas d'Aaron Copland qui compose son opéra « The Tender Land », après avoir vu les clichés de Walker Evans accompagnant l'ouvrage de James Agee « Louons maintenant les grands hommes ». Dans une réflexion sur le temps, le musicien Robert Honstein s'inspire des travaux du photographe Chris McCaw, et notamm...Actualité Résultats de la vente inagurale du département photographie d'Artcurial
La vente d'ouverture du département photographie d'Art Curial le 20 mai dernier, première maison française de vente aux enchères, a rassemblé près de 730 985 €.
Le choix de la maison de proposer à la fois des « images iconiques » et des clichés de photographes émergents s'est révélé concluant. Christophe Lunn, expert photographie d’Artcurial, déclare ainsi : « Pour ce baptême, nous sommes heureux que les acheteurs aient adhéré à notre proposition. Nous avons réussi à établir des prix de référence autours des valeurs classiques comme Helmut Newton ou Robert Mapplethorpe. Nous avons pu ainsi établir...Actualité Robert Mapplethorpe traverse l'écran grâce à James Franco
Nouveau projet entertainment autour de Robert Mapplethorpe. Après l'exposition des ses photos choisies par la cinéaste Sophia Coppola à Paris, un biopic sur le photographe américain est dans les tuyaux. Pour interpréter le sulfureux ami de Patti Smith, l'acteur James Franco est fortement pressenti, d'après le Hollywood Reporter.
Ce projet, longtemps dans l'attente de financement, vient d'être relancé après avoir reçu une bourse de 15 000 dollars par le Tribeca All Access program. Le film, baptisé Mappelthorpe, sera réalisé par Ondi Timoner, auteur des documentaires Dig ! et We live in public. D'après cette dernière, son film reviendra sur la vie d'un photographe qui « ...Actualité Le Westlicht Museum of Photography de Vienne aquiert et sauve la Collection Internationale Polaroid Le Westlicht Museum of Photography de Vienne, en Autriche, vient d'acquérir une partie de la Polaroid Collection, lui évitant ainsi d'être éclatée et vendue pièce par pièce.
La partie International de la collection était hébergée au Musée de l'Elysée à Lausanne depuis 1990. Elle regroupe plus de 4400 images d'artistes comme Ansel Adams, Andy Warhol, Robert Mapplethorpe et Sally Mann. Parmi elles, 1400 ont été prises avec l'appareil grand format de Polaroid, du 20x24. Cette aquisition permet à la collection de rester intacte.
Polaroid, en banqueroute en 2008, avait du vendre chez Sotheby's une partie de la collection, soit un millier d'oeuvres, pour tenter de combler ses dettes. La collection a été...Actualité Les 10 photos les plus chères au monde Le récent "montant astronomique" de la vente d'une photo d'Eward Weston, adjugée à plus d'un million de dollars (, nous donne l'occasion de revenir sur le classement des 10 photos les plus chères du monde.
1. Andreas Gursky, 99 Cent II Diptychon (2001) vendu 3 346 456$ en février 2007 lors d’une vente aux enchères chez Sotheby’s à Londres.
2. Edward Steichen, The Pond-Moonlight (1904) vendue 2 928 000$ en février 2006 lors d’une vente aux enchères chez Sotheby’s à New York.
3. Edward Weston, ...Actualité de l'air - Le magazine qui donne à voir N°40 de l'air - Le magazine qui donne à voir N°40
Spécial autoportrait
16 Devant, derrière
À travers 35 autoportraits, de l’air aborde les différentes
formes que revêt cet exercice fondamental dans l’histoire de la
photographie. Illustrations.
32 Je est-il un autre ?
Pourquoi les femmes photographes se mettent-elles plus
facilement à nu que leurs homologues masculins ?
Réponse (parmi autres) de Christian Caujolle.
38 Martin by Parr
Pour clore notre série sur les autoportraits, l’auto-interview
d’un artiste qui ne craint pas l’autodérision.
56 Au milieu de l’empire
La route fragile et poétique d’un jeune photographe dans une
Chine en profonde mutation. Un portfolio de Luo Dan, ...Livre « Flora : Les fleurs de Mapplethorpe », un ouvrage sublime à prix d'or
L'idée peut paraître saugrenue. Acheter un livre de photos de fleurs. Oui, mais pas n'importe quel livre et pas n'importe quelles fleurs. Celles de Mapplethorpe. Magnifiques et sexuelles jusqu'au bout du pistil. Couleurs vénéneuses et noir et blanc envoûtants. Le feuilletage devient orgasmique. Oh oui. Encore. Le prix, on l'avoue, a calmé nos ardeurs. 175 euros TTC. À moins de faire un crowdfunding ou d'avoir de très (nombreux) bons amis, qui donc peut s'offrir cette beauté ?
C'est que les éditions Phaidon ont mis le paquet. Un joli coffret comme un écrin bordeaux pour un bijou de la photo. 368 pages de pur bonheur. Flora Les fleurs de Mapplethorpe n'est ni plus ni moins que la collection complète de...Livre Catalogue de l'exposition Robert Mapplethorpe au Grand Palais Catalogue de l'exposition Robert Mapplethorpe, présentée au Grand Palais, du 26 Mars au 13 Juillet 2014.Robert Mapplethorpe est l’un des plus grands maîtres de la photographie d’art. C’est avec un noir et blanc extrêmement stylisé qu’il réalise portraits, nus, et natures mortes. Au-delà de la puissance érotique qui fait la célébrité de l’oeuvre de Mapplethorpe, l’exposition présente la dimension classique du travail de l’artiste et sa recherche de la perfection esthétique, à travers plus de 200 images qui couvre toute sa carrière du début des années 1970 à sa mort précoce en 1989....Livre Dans la vie noire et blanche de Robert Mapplethorpe
Il avait un visage d’ange et un look de dandy rock’n’roll, ce qui, ajouté à son génie de photographe, fit de lui une légende mondiale de l’art contemporain.
Mais qui était vraiment le génial et scandaleux Robert Mapplethorpe ?
Un virtuose du noir et blanc ? Un enfant terrible du trash sexuel du New York des Seventies ? Une brebis galeuse du Queens ? Un mondain qui dînait avec Saint Laurent, Loulou de la Falaise ou la sœur de la reine d’Angleterre ? L’enfant chéri de sa mère ? Le fils honni de son père ? La coqueluche des galeristes branchés ?
Pour saisir sur le vif le destin de cet artiste, Judith Benhamou-Huet a choisi d’interroger une quarantaine de personnes qui l’ont renc...Livre Rodin - Robert Mapplethorpe Ce catalogue d'exposition du musée Rodin confronte les oeuvres du photographe américain Robert Mapplethorpe (1946-1989) à celles de Rodin, dans un dialogue fort. Le premier a beau sculpter les corps à travers son objectif, et le second recourir à la photographie tout au long de sa carrière, rien ne semble lier les deux artistes. L'un court après la forme parfaite, l'autre s’obstine à capturer le mouvement dans la matière. Rien de spontané chez Mapplethorpe le méticuleux, tandis que Rodin s'en remet aux fulgurances du geste, quitte à en accepter l’expression accidentelle. Les plans hyper maîtrisés de l’un font écho aux rondes-bosses tourmentées de l’autre. La fragmentation ...Livre From Polaroid to Impossible, Masterpieces of Instant Photography - The WestLicht Collection, Hatje Cantz Verlag
While the world evaporates into the digital, the anachronistic Polaroid snapshot dominates media and advertising. The recent sale of the photography collection owned by Polaroid’s inventor Edwin Land to the Viennese photography museum WestLicht marks an art-market trend toward the analog. Beginning in the sixties, Polaroid supplied artists around the world, from Ansel Adams to Andy Warhol, with each one of the imperium’s latest products. In return, 4,400 works by 800 photographers found their way into the company’s International Collection at their European headquarters near Frankfurt am Main. In 2008, when the last instant film factory was rescued from demolition by the company Impossible, the founder’s commitment to collecting could be carried on as well. This publication features selected Po...Livre Mapplethorpe x7 - Editions TeNeues
L’influence artistique de Robert Mapplethorpe n’a cessé de grandir depuis sa mort précoce en 1989.
Récemment, pendant une période de 7 ans, 7 artistes extraordinaires - David Hockney, Vik Muniz, Catherine Opie, Sterling Ruby, Cindy Sherman, Heidi Slimane et Robert Wilson - se sont penchés sur la totalité du travail du photographe, pour sélectionner les œuvres qui les touchaient le plus. Cette sélection a généré des expositions documentées dans ce livre, et une série d’interviews conduites par Richard Flood, conservateur du New Museum of Contempory Art de New York. Cet ouvrage complet offre ainsi un nouveau regard sur le génie du travail de Robert Mapplerthorpe, et sur son impact sur l’art c...Livre Hommes pour Hommes : Homoérotisme et homosexualité masculine dans l'histoire de la photographie depuis 1840
Indissociable des transformations religieuses, politiques, scientifiques et sociales, de la libération progressive des mœurs et du besoin des photographes de s'exprimer librement, l'histoire de la photographie homoérotique et des représentations homosexuelles est riche aussi bien d'approches documentaires que des expressions artistiques les plus suggestives, les plus provocantes, les plus courageuses. Cette veine photographique a profité d'interférences variées avec, notamment, l'invention de la sexologie, la résurgence de la culture physique et du sport, les audaces littéraires et cinématographiques des temps modernes, de même qu'avec l'histoire de l'art qui lui a maintes fois servi de point d'appui ou de tr...Livre Robert Mapplethorpe Perfection in Form Ce livre Perfection in form explore les liens entre les perspectives académiques et esthétiques du photographe. Vingt ans après la mort du photographe, la Galleria dell’Academia de Florence propose une exposition incluant 91 photographies de Mapplethorpe s’inscrivant dans la tradition classique.
Ses modèles aux corps sculpturaux rappellent les travaux de Michelangelo, axe clé de l’exposition. Le rapprochement est fait entre l’approche du photographe et celle de Michelangelo quant à la forme de la perfection que l’on retrouve dans ses sujets, qu’il s’agisse de nus, de portraits, de fleurs ou d’architecture.
Ses modèles Lisa, Lydia, Ken, Tyler, Thomas, Ajitto ont en commun des corps à la beauté graphique. Il...Livre Mapplethorpe This major, long out-of-print survey, widely regarded as the definitive overview of Mapplethorpe's black-and-white photography, is once again available in a new, updated edition. It presents a comprehensive selection of Mapplethorpe's nudes, portraits, self-portraits, floral still lifes and other works, including his best known and most controversial images. Mapplethorpe's choices were both innovative and bold, and his work has continued to resonate since his early death in 1989. His cutting-edge use of homoerotic and other challenging themes has become embedded in our culture, with pervasive echoes not only in the work of other artists but in mainstream advertising as well.
Hardcover: 384 pages
Publisher: Te Neues Publishing Company (September 15, 2007)
Language: English ...Livre Mapplethorpe: Polaroids Robert Mapplethorpe's black-and-white Polaroid photographs of the 1970s--a medium in which he established the style that would bring him international acclaim--are brought together in this exquisite volume for the first time.
Critically praised for his classically composed photographs, Mapplethorpe remains intensely controversial and enormously popular. Revealing the themes that would inspire him throughout his career, this book brings together almost three hundred images, many never published, from the Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation's archive and private collections, to provide a critical view of Mapplethorpe's formative years as an artist. Included is a selection of his color Polaroids and objects incorporating his early "instant" photographs. Some images convey a disarming tenderness and vulnerability, while others...Livre Robert Mapplethorpe: Forty Nudes Mapplethorpe's most famous images at a glance--a handy complement to the re-edition of our weighty Mapplethorpe monograph. 40 nudes of black and white men, of women, fruit and flowers. Be it a person or a plant, the classicist of 20th-century photography focused on the sculptural qualities of each model. As if molded by light, the bodies are staged to resemble statues, the moist, shimmering skin over tensed muscles looks like polished marble, just as a Brancusi sculpture can appear like the perfected curve of an aubergine.
After all, in Mapplethorpe's work all the different motifs are addressed with regard to a single theme: sexuality as embodied in the still life.
Broché: 120 pages
Editeur : Schirmer/Mosel (15 avril 2007)
Langue : Anglais
...Livre Robert Mapplethorpe: A Monograph Robert Mapplethorpe firmly rooted the homosexual motif in high and mass culture, devising a strictly classicist image of the male (and, on occasions, the female) body that tamed and commercialized, then conquered advertising--and made the artist a cult photographer.
Yet his work also caused fierce controversy. Years after his early death at the age of 41, exhibitions of his photographs were still being boycotted, censured, or closed down, and his major 1992 monograph was only allowed into bookstores bearing a warning as to its adult content. We are honored to now be bringing it out in its 3rd edition.
Philosopher and art critic Arthur C. Danto, who has contributed an essay to this opulent volume, celebrates Mapplethorpe as an "allegorical figure of his time... alongside Andy Warhol one of the few artists whose fame...Vente Photography Auction : The Circle of Life | TEUTLOFF PHOTO + VIDEO COLLECTION On June 18, 2016, at 6 pm the leading online auction house Auctionata will present a special livestream auction in cooperation with TEUTLOFF PHOTO + VIDEO COLLECTION, which deals with the representation of the human body in contemporary photography. Entitled “The Circle of Life”, around 200 works from the collection capture 17 essential motifs such as Early Childhood, Adolescence, Couples, Voyeurism and Desire, Body and Religion, the Political Body, Gender, Beauty, Tattoo, Age,
Death as well as Transformation. The human existence has always fascinated and inspired artists from all over the world; whether it’s the emotions that are reflected in the physiognomy, the body as a form of expression for a particular member of society or the process of aging.
Bidders can immerse themselves in the world of...Vente Modern and Contemporary Photographs
Modern and Contemporary Photographs
On Wednesday, June 1 more than 230 works of modern and contemporary photography will be offered for sale at Grisebach in Berlin.
Vintage prints are rare on the auction market by such artists as Gertrud Arndt, Edward Steichen, André Kertész and Iwao Yamawaki. Gertrud Arndt’s innovative 1930 “Negativ-Portrait Wera Meyer-Waldeck” where the artist utilized the negative copy technique is considered one of the “classics“ of Bauhaus photography (€ 10,000/15,000). While Edward Steichen’s 1921 study of a sunflower emanates the artist’s hallmark precision and focused lighting (€ 20,000/30,000), the Hungarian photographer André Kertész, on his forays into Paris, captured the unusual moments and chance encounters of daily life such...Vente Auction Photographs For their Autumn Season, the Auction House Boetto in Genova has the pleasure of presenting a collection of Man Ray's photographs which include two vintage gelatin silver prints produced at the beginning of the 1900's: Portrait of Lily Butler darkroom elaborated (€13.000/15.000) and the Parisian scene Place Vendome (€ 6.000/8.000) taken from the collection of Florence Henri, freelance photographer and anti-conformist exponent of the Bauhaus of Weimer, a scholar of Wassily Kandinsky and Paul Klee, with a Self Portrait from 1928 re-printed in 1977 (€1200/1500).
We would also draw your careful attention to Andres Serrano's The Morgue (Airplane Crash) (€ 8.000/9.000). This work comprises of a series of photographs aimed to shock its public taken in 1992 in a morgue. Stereometric forms in pla...Vente Vente Artcurial le lundi 29 juin Artcurial - Photographies
Terry Richardson, Helmut Newton, David Lachapelle, Robert Mapplethorpe, Valérie Belin, Phillipe Lorca Di Corcia, Frank Horvat, Martin Parr, Lucien Clergue, Horst P. Horst, Albert Watson, Jean-Baptiste Mondino et bien d'autres...
© Albert WATSON, Monkey with a gun, 1992
Vente le lundi 29 juin 2015 à 19h00
Le vendredi 26 juin de 11h à 19h
Le samedi 27 juin de 11h à 18h
Le dimanche 28 juin de 14h à 18h
Le lundi 29 juin sur rendez-vous
...Vente Auction : Modern and Contemporary Photographs On Wednesday 26 November over 250 lots of modern and contemporary photography will be auctioned at Villa Grisebach in Berlin.
The modern photography selection is lead by two vintage pigment prints by the Czech photographer Frantisek Drtikol, dating from the mid-1920s. Depicting scenes typical of Drtikol’s output, "The Movement" and "Akt" work with elements of art deco, the theatre and of abstraction; only very rarely do works of this quality appear on the market (each €15,000/25,000). Two outstanding examples of early twentieth century pictorial photography are provided in the form of works by Rudolf Koppitz ("Esche", bromoil transfer print, c. 1912, €15,000/20,000) and Heinrich Kühn ("Pustertalerinnen", bromoil transfer print on Japan paper, 1913-1914, &eur...Vente Photography Auction | Kunsthaus Lempertz, Cologne To celebrate the 25th anniversary of our photography auctions, this autumn Lempertz will be offering numerous particularly fine classics of 20th and 21st century photography.
Andreas Gursky’s spectacular 1989 shot of the tourist ferry "Maid of the Mist" at the base of the Niagara Falls is one of the highlights of these season’s photography auctions. The chromogenic print from an edition of 12 will be coming up for sale as part of the CONTEMPORARY ART + PHOTOGRAPHY auction on Saturday 29 November (lot 547 / 60,000 – 80,000 €).
Andreas Gursky, Niagara falls, 1989. Chromogenic print on plastic board.
75 x 58 cm (100.8 x 83.5 cm). From an edition of 12. Estimate 60,000 – 80,000 €
This piece of the "Becher School" will be accompanied on the same...Vente "Photography: Rebels", Online auction by artnet artnet Auctions is pleased to present Photography: Rebels, a sale that embraces the wild and adventurous human spirit, featuring images that capture individuals who resist convention and rules. This edgy sale includes works by notorious artists such as Robert Mapplethorpe, Richard Prince, Nan Goldin, Larry Clark, Diane Arbus, and Sally Mann, as well as artists who have recently established their place among the rebels of the photography world, such as Anthony Goicolea, Katy Grannan, and Ryan McGinley.
Diane Arbus
Lady Bartender at Home with Souvenir Dog, New Orleans, 1964
Gelatin silver print
Edition of 75
16 x 19.78 in.
Est. US$25,000–35,000
...Vente Vente aux enchères chez Sotheby Paris Vente exceptionnelle chez Sotheby à Paris !
Plusieurs clichés uniques seront vendus pour la première fois comme ceux d'Andreas Gursky et d'Edward Burtynsky.
Du 19e siècle ou plus contemporains, américains ou français, du monde du design ou d'avant-garde, autant d'artistes qui pourront s'installer chez vous, de Horst P. Horst, Robert Mapplethorpe, Irving Penn, Helmut Newton, William Klein à Otto Steinert, Adolf de Meyer, Florence Henri et Henri Cartier-Bresson.
Voici une liste non exhaustive des photographes représentés
- 19e siècle : Edouard-Denis Baldus, Charles Nègre
- 20e siècle, Avant-garde : Hannah Höch, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, August Sander, Man Ray, Hans Bellmer
- Photographes humainiste frança...Vente Vente aux enchères chez Ader Nordmann À partir de 14h le 16 novembre, des photographies faites par les plus grands seront en vente chez Ader Nordmann. Retrouvez des oeuvres de Robert Capa, Joel-Peter Witkin, Édouard Buguet, Paul Facchetti et bien d'autres.
© Édouard Buguet (1840-1901)
The spirit of the emperor Napoléon III appears to the empress Eugénie.
Paris, c. 1873.
Carte de visite.
© Robert Capa (1913-1954)
France. Normandy, June 6, 1944.
D-Day. US troops on Omaha Beach.
Gelatin silver print (c. 1960).
161. © Paul Facchetti (1912-2010)
Truman Capote, 1952.
Vintage gelatin silver print, solarized.
...Vente Ventes : Modern and Contemporary Photographs in Villa Grisebach Modern and Contemporary Photographs are in Auction Wednesday, 26 November 2014, at 5:30pm.
The Villa Grisebach was founded in 1986.
Main focus: Art of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries and photography; staff members (May 2007): 35; representatives in Berlin and across Germany, as well as offices in Switzerland and North America; 2 suite of sales annually: spring and late autumn.
Peter Beard
Gelatin silver print, before 1998. Unique work
32 x 47,5 cm (40,2 x 50,2 cm) (12 5/8 x 18 3/4 in. (15 7/8 x 19 3/4 in.))
Signed and inscribed within the image with black ink lower left:
„greetings", in the margin lower left in black ink dated and titled.
Robert Mapplethorpe
Gelatin silver print, 1982
38,3 x 38,6...Vente Vente chez Christie's : « Photographs Icons & Style »
Le 1er juillet prochain, le département Photographie présentera une nouvelle vente intitulée Photographs Icons & Style qui offrira aux amateurs une centaine de photographies signées des grands noms du XXème siècle. Plusieurs ensembles provenant de collections prestigieuses seront à l’honneur dont des tirages signés Irving Penn, Robert Mapplethorpe, Richard Avedon, Horst P. Horst, David Lachapelle ou encore Albert Watson. L’ensemble de la vente, composée de 120 tirages, est estimée environ 2 millions d’euros.
Parmi les pièces majeures de la vente, retenons notamment un bel ensemble de 12 tirages réalisés par Irving Penn et Robert Mapplethorpe représentant des fleurs et provenant d’une même collection privée européenne. Si pour Irving Penn la fleur repre...Vente Vente Man Ray - Robert Mapplethorpe (lots 46 à 50), le 2 décembre à l'Hôtel Drouot
Nous présentons quatre importantes photographies de Man Ray, tirages d’époque, dont deux très beaux portraits d’André Breton, Joan Miro et Joyce Mansour et la Centrale Surréaliste. Ces œuvres proviennent de la Vente André Breton de 2003.
Maître Marie-François Robert – Expert Viviane Esders Hôtel Drouot - 14h - Salle 2
Expositions Samedi 30 Novembre 11h-18h et Lundi 2 Décembre 10h-12h
Catalogue en ligne
...Vente Auction of classic photographs & Photobooks in Swann Galleries', December 12
New York—Swann Galleries’ December 12 auction of Classic Photographs & Photobooks offers many examples of envelope-pushing photobooks exploring sexual themes, a run of Pop Art works in the photographic medium by Andy Warhol and a group of ephemeral news images of the assassination of JFK and its aftermath.
Among the sex books by Japanese artists are Document Kouen, in which photographer Kohei Yoshiyuki captured nighttime rendezvous in Tokyo parks circa 1980 (pre-sale estimate: $800 to $1,200); Ikko Kagari’s Document Tsuken Densha [Document Tsuken Express Train], which documents the “ch...Vente Sale - Phillips de Pury & Company
New York - Phillips de Pury & Company is pleased to announce the highlights of the forthcoming Photographs sale on Saturday 9 April 2011, to be held at its Park Avenue location.
“We are looking forward to bringing the Photographs preview to our flagship space at 57 Street and Park Avenue. The uptown location will be a fresh setting to showcase our exhibition, comprised of a diverse selection of classic and contemporary photographs to fulfill the needs of our international clientele.” Vanessa Kramer, Worldwide Director of Photographs.
Highlights of the New York Photographs sale include: Cindy Sherman’s Untitled #278, 1993, estimated at $200,000-$300,000, exemplifying the famed photographer’s poignant critiques of the fashion industry, juxtaposed by one of the most revered images i...Vente Auction Photographs at Sotheby's Sotheby's May 2010 auction of Photographs features remarkable works from all periods of the history of photography.
Amongst the highlights of the sale is an exquisite albumen print of the eminent La Villette, rue Asselin, fille publique faisant le quart devant sa porte, 1921 by the famous and acclaimed early 20th century French photographer Eugène Atget.
The modern section comprises an intriguing group of vintage prints from the estate of the German avant-garde photographer Heinz Hajek-Halke. The collection is headed by two vintage silver prints from the Black and White Nudes series (1930-36) and includes a selection of photo-montages and abstract experimental studies from the 1930s and 1940s.
Furthermore, the Property from an Important French Collection includes significant works by such outstanding figure...Vente Artnet, Masters of Photography
artnet Auctions offers continuous online auctions of fine art, prints and photographs. Starting April 15, artnet Auctions will present 275 exquisite photographs by artists from Berenice Abbott to James Van Der Zee in a special sale that ends April 29th.
Leading the sale is an extraordinary group of photographs by f/64, a group of seven San Francisco artists known for their modernist images of natural forms and found objects. The magnificent gelatin silver print Dunes, Oceano 31SO, 1971 is one of 20 works by Edward Weston offered in this section (estimate: $25,000-$30,000). Other works by the f/64 include Two Callas, 1925, one of five floral prints by Imogen Cunningham (estimate: $2,000-$3,000) and Mandenhall Glacier, c.1935 by Brett Weston (estimate: $7,500-$8,...Vente Auction on Friday 20rd November 2009, 4:00 p.m. Exhibition: 16, 17, 18 & 19 NOVEMBER from 10 am to 6 pm
Sotheby's first "various owner" Photographs auction in Paris features important works by the great masters of Photography, from 19th century historical material to classical 20th century photographs and contemporary works. We are very proud to offer a group of 14 wonderful photographs by Eugène Atget, one of the most influential photographers of the beginning 20th century.
Other artists represented in the sale are Gustave le Gray, August Sander, Albert Renger-Patzsch, Rudolf Koppitz, Heinrich Kühn, Hans Bellmer, Florence Henri, Horst P. Horst, Robert Mapplethorpe, Irving Penn, Helmut Newton, Hiroshi Sugimoto and David LaChapelle....Vente Villa Grisebach, Berlin: Auction Modern and Contemporary Photographs
Now online:
Catalogue No. 159: Modern and Contemporary Photographs
Auction on Thursday, 27 November 2008, at 3 p.m.
Viewing from 22 to 26 November in Berlin, Fasanenstrasse 73.
Saturday - Tuesday, 10 a.m. - 6.30 p.m.
Wednesday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
...Vente Vente 30 janv 2008 14:15 Hôtel Dassault - Collection Jean Albou Salle 1420, Photographie : collection Jean Albou, 30 janv 2008 14:15 Hôtel Dassault
1 Willy RONIS (Né en 1910) Paris (Notre-Dame la nuit), 1934 Tirage argentique de l'époque 8000-10000€
2 Willy RONIS (Né en 1910) Rue Rambuteau, 1946 Tirage argentique postérieur 2000-3000€
3 Edouard BOUBAT (1923-1999) Place Clichy, 1940 Tirage argentique de l'époque monté sur carton 6000-8000€
4 Edouard BOUBAT (1923-1999) Avenue de Clichy, 1948 Tirage argentique de l'époque 6000-8000€
5 Edouard BOUBAT (1923-1999) Boulevard de Clichy, 1947 Tirage argentique de l'époque monté sur carton 6000-8000€
6 Edouard BOUBAT (1923-1999) Rue Servandoni, Paris, 1948 Tirage argentique de l'époque 6000-8000€
7 Edouard BOUBAT (1923-1999) Montm...Festival KYOTOGRAPHIE International Photography Festival 2017
Press Release KYOTOGRAPHIE - "The 5th edition of the KYOTOGRAPHIE International Photography Festival will be held from April 15th–May 14th 2017, presenting 14 exhibitions around the theme “LOVE” all shown in iconic Kyoto venues with original scenography.
The Kyotographie International Photography Festival is held annually over four weeks during the height of the spring tourist season in Kyoto, in a style that is unique in Asia. Exhibitions are spread across the city, staged creatively in various traditional and contemporary settings. The exhibitions and events create opportunities, bringing people together of all ages, cultures and backgrounds. Now recognized as one of the world’s leading photography events, Kyotographie has attracted some 250,000 visitors from within Japan and ...Exposition Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Photographs of the 60s and 70s Photographs of the 60s and 70s from the Nicola Erni Collection
"Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!" is a collection of spectacular snapshots of a turbulent and legendary age in the history of art, music, fashion and film – the 1960s and ’70s. These decades were known for upheaval, provocation and creative energy. The Nicola Erni Collection, based in Zug, Switzerland, of which some 200 photographs are displayed here, takes visitors right into the heart of the vibrant cultural and party life that dominated the scene in New York, London and Paris. We penetrate this world through the lenses of the great photographers of the day, from Diane Arbus and Richard Avedon, Gary Winogrand, Helmut Newton, Annie Leibovitz to Robert Mapplethorpe. They trained their cameras on a range of celebrities including big names such as...Exposition Exhibition : « Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! » in Munich Münchner Stadtmuseum's press release
"Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!" is a collection of spectacular snapshots of a turbulent and legendary age in the history of art, music, fashion and film – the 1960s and ’70s. These decades were known for upheaval, provocation and creative energy. The Nicola Erni Collection, based in Zug, Switzerland, of which some 200 photographs are displayed here, takes visitors right into the heart of the vibrant cultural and party life that dominated the scene in New York, London and Paris. We penetrate this world through the lenses of the great photographers of the day, from Diane Arbus and Richard Avedon, Gary Winogrand, Helmut Newton, Annie Leibovitz to Robert Mapplethorpe. They trained their cameras on a range of celebrities including big names such as Andy Warhol, The Be...Exposition Exhibition : Robert Mapplethorpe at The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts Press release of the exhibition
One of the most influential photographers of the twentieth century, Robert Mapplethorpe (1946-1989) gained renown for his masterful compositions and subjects that have compelled new reflection on questions of gender, race and sexuality.
The MMFA is presenting the first major North American retrospective on Robert Mapplethorpe’s oeuvre since the landmark exhibition The Perfect Moment, organized in 1988 by the Institute of Contemporary Art in Philadelphia, and the national controversy that it provoked during the US Culture Wars of the 1980s and 1990s. It is the only Canadian venue for the exhibition.
Organized by the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) and the J. Paul Getty Museum in collaboration with The Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation and the MMFA, this exhibition has a...Exposition The exhibition : « Something for Everyone » Hamiltons group summer exhibition will showcase a selection of gallery artists, including Irving Penn, Helmut Newton, Richard Avedon, Robert Mapplethorpe, Herb Ritts, Robert Frank, Hiro, Don McCullin, Guido Mocafico, Erwin Olaf, Cathleen Naundorf and Tomio Seike.
Skin Deep Female Nude No. 6, 2015 © Erwin Olaf
Twitter: @HamiltonsGall
Instagram: @hamiltonsgallery
FB: Hamiltons Gallery
...Exposition Exhibition : « Robert Mapplethorpe : the perfect medium »
Since his death in 1989, Robert Mapplethorpe (American, 1946-1989) has become recognized as one of the most significant artists of the late 20th century. The legacy of Robert Mapplethorpe is rich and complicated, triggering controversy, polarizing critics, and providing inspiration for many artists who followed him. Today, Mapplethorpe stands as an example to emerging photographers who continue to experiment with the boundaries and concepts of the beautiful.
Identical self-portraits of Robert Mapplethorpe with trip cable in hand, 1974. Robert Mapplethorpe American, 1946-1989. Gelatin silver print. Gift of The Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation
to the J. Paul Getty Trust and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Held at the Getty Research Institute, 2011.M.20.24 © Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation.
Robert Ma...Exposition Exhibition : « Unique by Robert Mapplethorpe » Sean Kelly is delighted to present Unique, an exhi- bition of carefully selected Polaroid photographs taken between 1970 and 1975 by legendary American photographer Robert Mapplethorpe. The exhibition includes over twenty-five examples of Mapplethorpe's early use of instant photography. An opening reception will take place on Friday, November 6, from 6:00 to 8:00pm.
Featuring self-portraits, figure studies, still lifes, and portraits of his lov- ers and friends, Unique offers a glimpseat Mapplethorpe's formative throughout his career. Marked by a spontaneity and creative curiosity, these intimate photographs offer an illuminating contrast to the carefully crafted and controlled studio images for which the artist subsequently became known.
Mapplethorpe once said, photography “was the perfect medium, or...Exposition Exhibition : Robert Mapplethorpe at Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma in Helsinki reopens its doors with a solo exhibition by Robert Mapplethorpe, one of the most prominent photographers of the 20th century. The retrospective is the most comprehensive and broad presentation of the artist's work and career ever to have appeared in Finland. At the same time, we will open two exhibitions from the Collections: Face to Face – Portrait Now and Elements.
The American photographer Robert Mapplethorpe (1946–1989) lived a life of passion in the New York underground and art scenes in the 1970s and '80s. That passion also made its way into his art. In their aspiration for perfection, Mapplethorpe's pictures blend beauty and eroticism with pain, pleasure and death. Mapplethorpe also photographed his celebrity friends such as Patti Smith, Andy...Exposition Exhibition : The Story Of A Bad Boy
© Tim White-Sobieski - Lab Party Before They Were Beatles, 2004-2005
The Story of a Bad Boy" is a semi-autobiographical novel written by Thomas Bailey Aldrich in 1870. Although loosely based on his own childhood, it is a fictional story of a young boy's experience growing up in the Northeast of the United States. By introducing readers for the first time to a portrait of a boy in less than idealistic light, Aldrich's story is considered to be the foundation of what has come to be called the "bad boy" genre of literature. It has influenced the creation of some of the most memorable characters in storytelling from Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn to Dennis the Menace and Bart Simpson.
This genre of literature has gone beyond the pages of books to film and tel...Exposition Exposition : The Art of Arrangement We are pleased to announce a group exhibition dedicated to the genre of still-life in photography.
The term “still-life” originated in the 16th century in Netherlands and, by the 17th century, it had emerged as a distinct and specialised genre in Western painting. Many different types of still-life have developed since then, usually addressing the sensual perception of the viewer. Masters of still-life painting intended not only to create a hyper - realistic depiction of the world and to give a deceptively perfect illusion of reality, but to convey an often moral message through their use of certain symbols. For a vanitas theme, still-lifes often appear with aesthetically appealing luxury objects next to representations of mortality such as skulls, sand glasses, faded candles, withered flowers and broken g...Exposition Carlo Mollino & Robert Mapplethorpe exposés à la Galerie Hamilton
Pour son programme d'été 2014, la Galerie Hamilton (Londres) présente une sélection unique de photographies et de meubles du célèbre designer italien Carlo Mollino ainsi que des clichés en couleur tirés de la série Flowers de Robert Mapplethorpe.
Mollino est reconnu comme l'un des artistes les plus originaux d'Italie. L'expostion incluera des polaroids et des clichés en couleur datant des années 50-60 au côté de deux de ces chefs d'oeuvre dans le domaine du design moderne : The Lattes Chair et The Copenhagen Chair. Il avait un talent unique pour mélanger diverses passions et influences. De fait, le propriétaire de la galerie, Tim Jefferies, a voulu inclure à l'exposition ces deux obj...Exposition Robert Mapplethorpe : une rétrospective au Grand Palais
L'exposition Robert Mapplethorpe au Grand Palais compte plus de 250 oeuvres, ce qui en fait une des plus importantes rétrospectives muséales organisées autour de l'oeuvre de cet artiste. La sélection couvre toute la carrière de photographe de Mapplethorpe, des polaroids du début des années 1970 aux portraits de la fin des années 1980, en passant par les nus sculpturaux, les natures mortes, le sadomasochisme... L'exposition s'attache à révéler toutes les facettes de cette oeuvre au-delà des clichés dans lesquels elle a longtemps été enfermée. Par exemple, un focus autour de ses deux muses Patti Smith et Lisa Lyon permet d'aborder le thème de la féminité et de voir un aspect moins connu de l'oeuvre du photographe. ...Exposition As Above, So Below - Robert Mapplethorpe
OHWOW is pleased to announce As Above, So Below, the gallery’s first exhibition of Robert Mapplethorpe’s work, on view February 28 through March 29, 2014. This thematic exhibition, based on theoretical concepts of achieving visual equity and superseding artifice through method, presents more than 50 of Mapplethorpe’s images, including silver gelatin prints and polaroids, which reveal a novel interpretation of the artist’s practice – some are unique works, and many have rarely been shown.
The phrase “as above, so below” refers to a Hermetic principle, which suggests that whatever happens on one level of reality also occurs on a separate level. The idea relates to the ancient Greek concept of microcosm and macrocosm, which recognized that patterns reproduce on small and larg...Exposition Warhol & Mapplethorpe: Guise & Dolls
Focusing on New York in the 1970s and early 80s, Warhol & Mapplethorpe: Guise & Dolls will explore the vibrant and tumultuous era of change through the work of Andy Warhol and Robert Mapplethorpe, both of whom created significant bodies of work in self-portraiture, in which particular disguises, characters and ambiguous personalities are evoked. The first dual museum exhibition to feature these two visionary artists, Guise & Dolls will include the artists’ portraits of each other, self-portraits and a selection of iconic portraits of sitters that address role-playing and gender roles–masculinity, femininity and androgyny.
Guise & Dolls will focus on several prominent bodies of work from each artist’s oeuvre: Warhol’s “Ladies and Gentlemen” series (1975) of drag q...Exposition « Tattoo, the face of freedom » in Teutloff Museum
The tattoo, originally “the tatau” ornaments the skin and thus abstracts everyday life. The Tattoo is a masquerade of the skin and marks the body itself as the place of fantasy. Because through the painted body - through the tattoo - the body itself becomes exotic and therefore there is no normal everyday life anymore. Now there is only an exotic and erotic everyday life possible.
To cover the body with signs is like opening a door. A door to paradise, to another place, to an utopian place. The body itself becomes this heterotopos. The body itself becomes this utopian place. The door of the tattoo leads to the theater of illusions - just think of Genet -, to the theater of desires like in a dream. The door of the tattoo leads to the room of childhood, to the chambers of the unconscious.
To tattoo o...Exposition Robert Mapplethorpe presents « Fetish »
Mapplethorpe took his first photographs using a Polaroid camera. He did not consider himself a photographer, but wished to use his own photographic images in his paintings, rather than pictures from magazines. « I never liked photography, he is quoted as saying, Not for the sake of photography. I like the object. I like the photographs when you hold them in your hand. » His first Polaroids were self-portraits and the first of a series of portraits of his close friend, the singer-artist-poet Patti Smith. These early photographic works were generally shown in groups or elaborately presented in shaped and painted frames that were as significant to the finished piece as the photograph itself.
© Robert Mapplethorpe. "Snakeman", 1981, silver gelatin print, 50,8 x 40,6 cm.
Rob...Exposition The Getty museum presents IN FOCUS : Robert Mapplethorpe
Robert Mapplethorpe (American, 1946–1989) is one of the best-known and most controversial photographers of the second half of the 20th century. As a tastemaker and provocateur, his highly stylized explorations of gender, race, and sexuality became hallmarks of the period and exerted a powerful influence on his contemporaries. In recognition of the 2011 joint acquisition of Mapplethorpe’s art and archival materials with the Getty Research Institute and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), the Getty Museum presents In Focus: Robert Mapplethorpe, on view October 23, 2012–March 24, 2013 at the J. Paul Getty Museum, Getty Center.
Containing 23 images that date from the early 1970s to the late 1980s, the Getty’s exhibition features key last of edition prints, rarely shown early unique m...Exposition Robert Mapplethorpe s'expose au Linlithgow Burgh Halls
« Artist Rooms » on Tour with The Art Fund supported by the Scottish Government is an inspired partnership that will fulfil the vision for this extraordinary collection: that it should be shared across the UK.
Photographs by American artist Robert Mapplethorpe will be on show at Linlithgow Burgh Halls as part of the Mapplethorpe Scottish Tour. The « Artists Rooms » collection includes flower studies and portraits of many of the most influential artists, writers and musicians of the period, alongside several iconic self portraits – in particular a poignant portrait of Mapplethorpe shortly before his death from an AIDS related illness in 1989.
John McKendry 1975, printed 1992 © Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation
Phot...Exposition Robert Mapplethorpe s'expose au Ludwig Museum
A renowned figure of contemporary photography, Robert Mapplethorpe (1946–1989) was in his element in a domain defined by conventions and revolt, classicism and non-conformist cultures, where each picture serves as a document of hard-fought identities, as well as inciting and recording social and artistic debates.
The Ludwig Museum Budapest features nearly two hundred works by Robert Mapplethorpe, from his early Polaroid photos to pieces from his final years. Realised in collaboration with the Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation New York, this large-scale exhibition is presented to a Hungarian audience for the first time.
« Perfection means you don’t question anything about the photograph. There are certain pictures I’ve taken in which you really can’t move that leaf or that hand. It&...Exposition Robert Mapplethorpe expose « Artist Rooms » au Dunoon Burgh Hall
Robert Mapplethorpe has proven to be one of the most celebrated artists of the 20th century, renowned for his magnificent black and white prints which have stirred artistic debate and intrigue.
Born in New York City in 1946, Mapplethorpe produced some of the most striking images in photographic history. Garnering fame and notoriety in equal measure, Mapplethorpe thrived on pushing the boundaries in his work with both his choice of subject and technique. This has led to him often being remembered exclusively for his occasional controversial images of the human body. However, his astute understanding of form and light and his meticulous approach to composition create truly magnificent and enduring images.
The « Artist Rooms » collection of Mapplethorpe’s photographs allows these ‘controve...Exposition In the seven year itch, les plus belles oeuvres de la galerie Bernheimer Fine art Photography
Since 2005, Bernheimer has run a regular program of photography exhibitions. Under the leadership of Blanca Bernheimer the gallery has steadily grown over the last six years and today it is known as one of the leading photography galleries in Germany.
© Lucien Clergue, Nu zébré, New York 1997, Artist Proof
The program of the varying exhibitions sets diverse priorities: firstly, the gallery shows selected "classic" black and white photography from the 20th Century and secondly it presents young artists which are exhibited continuously by regular shows and trade fair presence.
© Guido Mocafico, Walther PPK, 2006, 96 x 120 cm
The exhibition "In the seventh year itch" presents highlights of selected photographers, ...Exposition Les Eaux précieuses/Eaux sauvages des plus grands photographes
L’année 2012 est l’année de l’eau. Un important colloque et de nombreuses rencontres sur cette thématique auront lieu sur le territoire des Bouches-du-Rhône. Dans ce cadre, la collectivité a souhaité que ses principaux lieux d’exposition proposent un temps dédié à cet élément. Dans le même esprit que l’exposition sur le cirque « Parade », il a été demandé à Agnès de Gouvion Saint-Cyr, spécialiste de la création photographique et commissaire de l’exposition, de donner à voir plusieurs époques et divers traitements de cet élément par les yeux des plus grands photographes.
La galerie d’art d’Aix-en-Pro...Exposition Sofia Coppola montre une face cachée de Robert Mapplethorpe à Paris
La galerie parisienne Thaddaeus Ropac accueille une sélection d'oeuvres de Robert Mapplethorpe choisies par Sofia Coppola. Un éclairage puissant et inattendu.
On peut choisir de donner ou non de l'importance au fait que Sofia Coppola ait elle même choisi les photographies de Robert Mapplethorpe exposées en ce moment à la galerie Thaddaeus Ropac à Paris, en allant les chercher à la fondation Mapplethorpe de New York ; les voir alors comme un storyboard en puissance, un tissu d'influences visuelles, un jeu de références (et la plus évidente d'entre elles, le panneau de l'hotel Château Marmont, décor de son dernier film, Somewhere).
D'elle-mêmes pourtant, les images de Mapplethorpe prendront vie sans ...Exposition Robert Mapplethorpe at i8 Gallery
Robert Mapplethorpe was born in 1946 in Queens, New York. In 1963, Mapplethorpe enrolled at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, where he studied drawing, painting, and sculpture. Influenced by artists such as Joseph Cornell and Marcel Duchamp, he also experimented with various materials in mixed-media collages, including images cut from books and magazines. He acquired a Polaroid camera in 1970 and began producing his own photographs to incorporate into the collages, saying he felt "it was more honest." That same year he and Patti Smith, whom he had met three years earlier, moved into the Chelsea Hotel.
Mapplethorpe quickly found satisfaction taking Polaroid photographs in their own right and indeed some Polaroids actually appear in his mixed-media works. In 1973, the Light Gallery in New York City mounted his ...Exposition Vente de livres photographiques de collection 2011
Près de 300 livres provenant de bibliothèques privées, dont celles de l’écrivain Patrick Roegiers ou de la photographe Yvette Troispoux.
Les livres proposés sont, pour la plupart, signés ou accompagnés de tirages, articles d’époque, notes et dossiers de presse.
Exposition à l’étude ADER, salle des ventes Favart
3, rue Favart 75002 Paris
Mardi 29 mars de 11 h à 18 h
Mercredi 30 mars de 11 h à 18 h
Jeudi 31 mars de 11 h à 12 h
Téléphone pendant la vente : 01 53 40 77 10
...Exposition Indiscrétions - Christian Caujolle En mars 2011, GwinZegal Centre d’Art et de Recherche, inaugure dans la ville de Guingamp un espace d’exposition, [Studio]GwinZegal. Lieu d’expérimentation, de « work in progress », de compte-rendu de travaux photographiques réalisés dans le cadre de résidences, d’accueil de propositions initiées par des personnalités qui nous accompagnent dans notre projet, espace de rencontres, de débats, [Studio]GwinZegal est aussi la préfiguration d’un lieu plus important, destiné à accueillir dans un avenir proche les activités de GwinZegal, Centre d’Art et de Recherche.
La première exposition, présentée à partir du 5 mars 2011 et jusqu’au 17 avril, est consacr&eacu...Exposition Polaroid en péril ! Durant un demi-siècle, Polaroid a été synonyme de photographie instantanée. Les amateurs comme les professionnels s’enthousiasmaient à l’idée d’appuyer sur le déclencheur de l’appareil pour en voir sortir un petit tirage quelques minutes plus tard. Le format et le cadre blanc font du Polaroid un objet immédiatement identifiable, lequel n’est, par ailleurs, pas un multiple. Peu après son apparition en 1948, le Polaroid s’est imposé comme un objet culte. Dans les années 1960, près de la moitié des foyers américains possédait un tel appareil.
Dès sa fondation en 1937, la société Polaroid a cherché à innover dans de nombreux domaines. Avant la...Exposition NUDES Positions of Nude Art Photography
A group exhibition mainly curated from its own collection, displaying more than 40 photographers and their perspectives on mostly female nude art. Selected classics are supplemented with, in some cases, never before exhibited contemporary works of Blaise Reutersward, Nadav Kander, or Ralph Mecke.
The kaleidoscopic exhibition stretches from classical, nearly sculptural studio-stagings, as in the works of Horst P. Horst, Frantisek Drtikol, or Rudolf Koppitz, to the erotic and provocative images of Helmut Newton or Bettina Rheims, and extending to the series of documentary pictures by recently-deceased Larry Sultan, which originated off-set during pornographic shootings.
The studio-photography of the Pictorialists was followed by trend-setting picture experiments in the 1920s. Artists like Man Ray, Andr?© K&e...Exposition Portraits of writers from 1850 to the present at the Maison de Victor Hugo This exhibition of portraits features works taken from three Parisian collections. Photographs from the Maison de Victor Hugo collection evoke the early years of photography and the history of portraiture between 1850 and 1885, while journalistic reportage and studio portraits from the first half of the 20th century are represented by a selection from the Roger-Viollet collections. Lastly the show focuses on great photographers of the second half of the 20th century, with works borrowed from the collections of the Maison Européenne de la Photographie. The 200 photographs selected illustrate how original these collections are and how they complement each other not only chronologically but also aesthetically and thematically, bringing together the notions of “portrait” and “masterpiece” thank...Exposition Portraits d'écrivains de 1850 à nos jours à la Maison de Victor Hugo Cette exposition propose un ensemble d’oeuvres autour du thème des portraits d’écrivains à travers trois collections parisiennes : la collection de la Maison de Victor Hugo (1850 et 1885), les collections Roger-Viollet (1re moitié du xxe siècle) et les collections de la Maison Européenne de la Photographie (2de moitié du xxe siècle). Les 200 oeuvres choisies illustrent la complémentarité et l’originalité de ces collections dans un parcours à la fois chronologique mais aussi esthétique et thématique, associant les notions de portrait et de chef-d’oeuvre par des rapprochements et des mises en regard souvent inattendus.
La collection photographique de la Maison de Victor Hugo regroupe essentiellement ...Exposition Focus on the extreme at the MEP The exhibition at the Maison Européenne de la Photographie offers a selection of major photographs from its collection, first created in 1980. Choosing from 20,000 contemporary photographs inevitably involved selecting a theme.
Autour de l’extrême (‘focus on the extreme’) refers to a recurring theme in contemporary art, which constantly attempts to push back social, political, aesthetic or scientific limits. Showcasing work by internationally famous photographers such as Pierre Molinier, Robert Mapplethorpe, Andres Serano and Joël-Peter Witkin, and also pieces by young photographers such as Rodrigo Braga and Raphaël Dallaporta, the exhibition explores all the territories of the visible, from the conquest of the Moon to recent conflicts, and from medical research to experimenta...Exposition LA COLLECTION S'EXPOSE - Polaroïd en péril ! Ansel Adams | Manuel Alvarez-Bravo | Nancy Burson | Walker Evans | Joan Fontcuberta | Gisèle Freund | Luigi Ghirri | Ralph Gibson | Yousuf Karsh | David Levinthal | Sally Mann | Robert Mapplethorpe | Arno Minkkinen | Sarah Moon | Arnold Newman | Helmut Newton | Bill Owens | Bernard Plossu | Bettina Rheims | Lucas Samaras | Stephen Shore | Aaron Siskind | Oliviero Toscani | Andy Warhol | Willliam Wegman.
Durant un demi-siècle, Polaroïd a été synonyme de photographie instantanée. Malgré l'attachement que lui portaient les amateurs comme les professionnels, les films et les appareils Polaroïd ont été victime de la révolution numérique. Avec toutes les consé-quences que cela impliquait pour quantité d'artistes qui a...Exposition A Retrospective - Robert Mapplethorpe 'Some of the most shocking and indeed some of the most dangerous images in modern photography, or even in the history of art
In 2010, the NRW-Forum in Düsseldorf will organise a major retrospective of Robert Mapplethorpe's photographs. His work was first shown in Germany in 1977 as part of documenta 6 in Kassel and then in a European solo exhibition in 1981 with German venues in Frankfurt, Hamburg and Munich. In addition to various museum and gallery exhibitions the largest museum exhibition in Germany of Mapplethorpe's work took place in 1997 when the worldwide Mapplethorpe retrospective, which opened at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Denmark, traveled to the Staatsgalerie in Stuttgart. The last time Robert Mapplethorpe's works were shown in Düsseldorf was in the exhibition 'Mapplethorpe versus Rodin...Exposition Exposition collective : Love or Sex? - Galerie Brugier-Rigail Il s’agit d’une exposition collective qui réunit différents artistes de la scène contemporaine, issus du street art, de la figuration narrative, de la photographie, du digital art, ou bien encore du manga-pop.
Chaque artiste résident aura invité un autre artiste, son alter ego, afin de mettre en relation leurs oeuvres sur un même thème : Love or Sex.
Qu’ils soient en accord ou en désaccord, chaque « couple » d’artistes vous présentera leur interprétation sur le sujet.
Gérard Rancinan / Robert Mappelthorpe
Speedy Graphito / Noart
JonOne / Psykoze
Taling / Bettie Nin
Exterface / David Mason
Katya Legendre / Éric Guglielmi
Jef Aérosol / LA2
Mijn Schatje / Chris Von Steiner...Exposition C'est la vie! Vanités de Caravage à Damien Hirst L'exposition « C’est la vie!! - Vanités de Caravage à Damien Hirst! », présentera environ 160 oeuvres, peintures, sculptures, photographies, vidéos, bijoux, objets.
"C’est la vie !
Jamais l’art des vanités n’a été aussi vivant, accaparé par la mode, la musique ou la rue. Crânes et ossements envahissent notre quotidien et s’affichent sur les vêtements, les bijoux, les figurines de publicité, les vidéos et autres pochettes de CD. A l’origine de cet élan, une petite phrase qui résonne et se démultiplie : « Souvienstoi que tu vas mourir », chuchotait l’esclave à l’oreille du général romain pendant la cérémonie...Exposition Robert Mapplethorpe: Polaroids in Henry Art Museum This exhibition traces the American photographer Robert Mapplethorpe's use of instant photography from 1970 to 1975. Bringing together almost one hundred polaroids taken by the artist, the exhibition includes self-portraits, figure studies, still lifes, and portraits of lovers and friends such as Patti Smith and Marianne Faithfull. These disarming, and at times moving, pictures offer insight into the artist's creative development at a formative time in his career. Organised by the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, in collaboration with the Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation, New York....Exposition Shake It - Polaroid exhibition at Pump House Gallery From the lyrics of OutKast’s pop anthem Hey Ya to clues laid out for the amnesiac protagonist in Christopher Nolan’s film Memento, the Polaroid has had a significant impact on contemporary culture. ‘Shake It: An instant History of the Polaroid’ brings to light some of the more intriguing and innovative examples in the history of the Polaroid photograph, exploring its cultural significance and the diversity of its applications. Besides work by some of the most important artists working with the medium, the show will also include Polaroids from other diverse professions and disciplines such as forensics, archaeology, medicine, filmmaking and fashion, as well as those of amateurs and enthusiasts.
Many of the works in this exhibition have never been shown in the UK before, such as David Hock...Exposition Robert Mapplethorpe: Polaroids and Silver Prints In Context Die Galerie Stefan Röpke freut sich, die Ausstellung Robert Mapplethorpe "Polaroids And Silver Prints In Context" vom 4. September bis 17. Oktober, 2009, präsentieren zu können.
Die Ausstellung zeigt zum ersten Mal die frühen, weitgehend unbekannten Polaroid Arbeiten neben den Silber-Gelatine-Fotografien der 80er Jahre. Die späteren und auch ausgereiften Fotografien machten Mapplethorpe erst bekannt, aber ohne die frühe Phase wären sie undenkbar.
In den 70er Jahren begann Mapplethorpe mit einer Sofortbildkamera Polaroidaufnahmen zu machen. Diese verwendete er in einem weiteren Schritt als Grundlage für seine Collagen dieser Zeit. Schnell lernte er aber das Medium selbst zu nutzen. Es entstanden zahlreiche Polaroids, von denen einige auch in einer Ausstellung im Janu...Exposition Robert Mapplethorpe : Polaroids and Silver Prints In Context Galerie Stefan Röpke is pleased to present Robert Mapplethorpe: Polaroids and Silver Prints In Context on view from September 04 - October 17, 2009.
The exhibition presents for the first time the early Polaroid works of Robert Mapplethorpe alongside and intermixed with the silver print photographs of the 80's; the mature work that he is most renowned for.
Mapplethorpe first began taking instant photographs with a Polaroid camera in 1970 as a tool to create material for the collages that he was making at the time, but very shortly after, he appreciated the medium for itself, taking hundreds of pictures and eventually having a solo show in January of 1972.
In 1975, Sam Wagstaff, Mapplethorpe's lover at the time, gave him a Hasselblad 2¼-inch camera that would allow him greater control and quality. Mapp...Exposition POLAROID exhibition Atlas gallery
Early last year, the Polaroid Corporation ceased producing its iconic film. The 9th October 2009 will see the final “Use by” or Expiration date of the last batch of Polaroid film manufactured. The exhibition at Atlas will feature a wide selection of Polaroid prints by photographers who have either worked directly with the Polaroid Corporation as part of their research program or who have become famous for the quality of their Polaroid prints either alongside or independent from their traditional camera-based work. It will thus trace the development and use of this unique medium up to the present day. The opening reception will coincide with Polaroid film’s final date of expiration.
The Polaroid or ‘one-step photography’ was invented by Edwin H. Land, founder of the Polaroid Corporati...Exposition Robert Mapplethorpe - Polaroids This exhibition traces the American photographer Robert Mapplethorpe's use of instant photography from 1970 to 1975. Bringing together almost one hundred polaroids taken by the artist, the exhibition includes self-portraits, figure studies, still lifes, and portraits of lovers and friends such as Patti Smith and Marianne Faithfull. These disarming, and at times moving, pictures offer insight into the artist's creative development at a formative time in his career. Organised by the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, in collaboration with the Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation, New York....Exposition Robert Mapplethorpe: Perfection in Form Setting ninety-two of the artist's works amidst the likes of David, one of the world's most famous studies of physical form underlines the similar emphasis on perfection evident in Mapplethorpe's own ceaseless attempts to capture physical beauty.
The title of the exhibition, which is curated by Franca Falletti and Jonathan Nelson, comes directly from the late photographer's own description of artistic intent: "I am looking for perfection in form". The photographs are divided into five groups; four to be on display in the special exhibition area, and one to be displayed separately, inside the main body of the museum. Each group tackles a different aspect of Form, the overarching concept valourized by Mapplethorpe's work.
Several of the photographs will be displayed next to works by Michelangelo (four drawi...Exposition Selected photograhs - From Brassaï to Cindy Sherman
For a number of years we have been gathering together a collection of photographs which has evolved into a substantial group, but has never been shown publicly. A selection of which we would now like to present in our exhibition 'Selected photographs. From Brassaï to Cindy Sherman'.
Our intentions are to provide a wide and representative cross section of our inventory, beginning in the late 1920s and continuing up to the present day. We focus on American and European photography; black and white, as well as color. We have chosen works - in addition to the significance of the individual artists according to certain central themes: the nude, landscapes, portraits and architecture, to name the most prominent.
Brassaï and Cindy Sherman are representative of the chronology of our selection, the ...Exposition Art Cologne 2009 "Every mystery seems absurd, and yet nothing is profound, whether in life or art or state, without mystery."
- David Friedrich Strauss
Galerie Stefan Roepke presents The Mystery Behind The Image at Art Cologne 2009 in Booth A-51/Hall 11.2, an exhibition of works by gallery artists that invite the viewer to go beyond their initial impressions and to investigate deeper to discover the subtlety and profundity within them.
Among the artists that will be included are Edward Burtynsky, Aleksandar Duravcevic, Jason Gringler, Sharon Harper, Robert Mapplethorpe, Max Neumann, Bernardí Roig and Keisuke Shirota.
We also invite you to view the concurrent exhibition at the gallery, "restless", a solo show of new works by Aleksandar Duravcevic.
We look forward to welcoming you to this year's ed...Exposition A virtual exhibition - TATTOO
Curated by Peter Weibel, ZKM
The tattoo, originally "the tatau" ornaments the skin and thus abstracts everyday life. The Tattoo is a masquerade of the skin and marks the body itself as the place of fantasy. Because through the painted body - through the tattoo - the body itself becomes exotic and therefore there is no normal everyday life anymore. Now there is only an exotic and erotic everyday life possible.
To cover the body with signs is like opening a door. A door to paradise, to another place, to an utopian place. The body itself becomes this heterotopos. The body itself becomes this utopian place.
The door of the tattoo leads to the theater of illusions - just think of Genet -, to the theater of desires like in a dream. The door of the tattoo leads to the room of childhood, to t...Exposition Darkside - Photographic Desire and Sexuality Photographed Photography is present everywhere. It plays a formative role in all societies and in private, public, intimate, commercial, and "free" areas of our lives. It is also present in the closed off areas, there where it is "dark", where we withdraw from society, or where acts are excluded from society. For eroticism, sexuality, desire, and identity, photography is a central visual tool: as document, stimulation, instrument of power, and as artistic form of expression.
The exhibition and book project Darkside will discuss photography as an instrument of representation and as an important visual catalyst of sexuality. Photography shows and stylizes lust and passion, fantasy and desire, power and violence, voyeurism and self-presentation in sexuality. Fantasy and desire form a thrilling pact with photograph...Exposition Female Trouble The camera as mirror and stage of female projection Since the invention of photography more than 170 years ago it has been largely women who have used this technical medium to project themselves through role playing and masquerading. As well as the experimental urge to constantly recreate ones ego, the camera has also served as a means of calling into question clichés of female representation. Playing with the image of the eternally feminine was and remains a discourse with gender identity, its social and political definitions and reaching beyond them.
The exhibition focuses on contemporary women artists such as Cindy Sherman, Sarah Lucas, Monica Bonvicini and Pipilotti Rist, who with the aid of photography and video art investigate the female image. The artists explore the question of what image patterns the media age employs for portraying femininity and how t...Exposition ROBERT MAPPLETHORPE Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac is pleased to announce an exhibition by Robert Mapplethorpe that brings together the portraits of four of his most important models, Lisa, Milton, Thomas and Ken. The oeuvre of the American artist has become known the world over through his iconic images of black and white nudes, sensual flowers and portraits of celebrities and friends.
Lisa Lyon, who won the 1979 First Womenʼs World Bodybuilding Championship, was Mapplethorpeʼs most photographed female model, culminating in the publication of a seminal book Lady: Lisa Lyon (1983). Through this extensive body of work, Mapplethorpe not only creates formally beautiful studies of the human form, but also calls into question the gender roles and female stereotypes of the 1980s.
Mapplethorpe was fascinated by the nude black man rendering ma...Modifier l'image