Kunsthandel Jörg Maaß Rankestraße 24 10789 Berlin Allemagne
For a number of years we have been gathering together a collection of photographs which has evolved into a substantial group, but has never been shown publicly. A selection of which we would now like to present in our exhibition 'Selected photographs. From Brassaï to Cindy Sherman'.
Our intentions are to provide a wide and representative cross section of our inventory, beginning in the late 1920s and continuing up to the present day. We focus on American and European photography; black and white, as well as color. We have chosen works - in addition to the significance of the individual artists according to certain central themes: the nude, landscapes, portraits and architecture, to name the most prominent.
Brassaï and Cindy Sherman are representative of the chronology of our selection, the content of their work creating important points of reference. While the European photographer Brassaï stands for the most important period in photography between the two world wars, the American photographer Cindy Sherman is part of the radical change which took place in contemporary photography.
Berenice Abbott | Robert Adams | Diane Arbus | Richard Avedon | Bill Brandt | Brassaï | Manuel Alvarez Bravo | Josef Breitenbach | Harry Callahan | Henri Cartier-Bresson | William Eggleston | Andreas Feininger | Robert Frank | Annie Leibovitz | Leon Levinstein | Esko Männikkö | Robert Mapplethorpe | Joel Meyerowitz | László Moholy-Nagy | Helmut Newton | Ruth Orkin | Tata Ronkholz | Cindy Sherman | Alec Soth | Alex Stöcker | Erica Stone | UMBO | WEEGEE | Dr. Paul Wolff | Wols