Robert Frank né en 1924 en Suisse. De ses débuts photographiques et de sa vie en Suisse, avant son départ pour l'Amérique, il faut retenir qu'il a appris la photographie aux côtés d'un retoucheur du nom de Sesseger ; de cet apprentissage, il gardera surtout sa passion pour les cartes postales. Robert Frank ironise aussi beaucoup à propos de son éducation suisse. Lorsqu'il est arrêté en Arkansas par une patrouille de police, alors qu'il photographie pour son projet les Américains, ou lorsque plus récemment, découragé par son manque d'entrain pour une commande de photographies reçue de la ville de Birmingham, Géorgie, il est à la limite dans les deux cas, d'abandonner ces projets en cours, il dira de ces deux situations "C'est là que je me suis rendu compte que j'étais plus Suisse que je ne le croyais : le travail que 1'on a commencé, tout Suisse sait cela, il faut le terminer," Ce trait ironique est cependant la dernière chose qui unit encore Robert Frank avec la Suisse lorsqu'il arrive à New York en 1947, c'est bel et bien pour fuir une Suisse trop étriquée, trop allemande.
English version
Robert Frank was born in Zurich, Switzerland in 1924 and went to the United States in 1947. He is best known for his seminal book The Americans, first published in 1959, which gave rise to a distinct new art form in the photo-book, and his experimental film Pull My Daisy, made in 1959. His other important projects include the book Black White and Things (1954) the book Lines of My Hand (1972) and the film Cocksucker Blues (1972). Frank's work has been the subject of major exhibitions around the world and is included in many significant public and private collections. He divides his time between New York City and Nova Scotia, Canada.
Chronique « Robert Frank, un regard étranger. Paris / Les Américains ». Le musée du Jeu de Paume présente du 20 janvier au 22 mars 2009 une exposition exceptionnelle intitulée « Robert Frank, un regard étranger. Paris / Les Américains ».
Cette exposition est l’occasion de revenir sur l’oeuvre d’un maître incontesté de la photographie documentaire, auteur du célèbre livre de photographies intitulé Les Américains, publié par Robert Delpire en France en 1958 (1959 pour l’édition américaine chez Grove Press), et qui fit l’effet d’une onde de choc dans l’histoire mondiale de la photographie.
Située au rez-de-chaussée du musée, l’exposition propose un dialogue entre d’une part l’ensemble des cl...Actualité Cartier-Bresson sur Ebay ! La société Sotheby's s'est associée avec Ebay pour vendre aux enchères 188 clichés. Henri Cartier-Bresson, Diane Arbus, Robert Frank, Man Ray... les artistes sont nombreux. Adjugez ? Vendu !
Sotheby's est considérée comme le plus grand groupe international de ventes aux enchères d'oeuvres d'art. Il est connu pour organiser des centaines de ventes chaque année à travers les grandes villes comme Paris, New-York, Londres, Hong-Kong, Milan...
Aujourd'hui associé avec Ebay, le site français propose des clichés de grands artistes qui ont marqué leur temps. Le modernisme européen, la mode, la photographie contemporaine... les thèmes sont nombreux. Ci-dessous, un avant goût...Actualité Le Leica de Robert Frank au Musée suisse de l’appareil photographique
Il est dans la vie des musées des hasards parfois tout à fait extraordinaires…
Lors du vernissage de l’exposition de Peter Olpe, celui-ci nous présenta un ami à lui de longue date, Dadi Wirz, qui nous déclara souhaiter faire un cadeau au Musée : un Leica avec lequel Robert Frank prit les photographies illustrant son célèbre ouvrage : « Les Américains ».
Dadi Wirz, après ses études à la Kunstgewerbeschule à Bâle, est parti enseigner la taille-douce aux Etats-Unis durant une quinzaine d’années. Il est également l’auteur d’un film sur les traces de son père ethnologue qui a vécu en Nouvelle Guinée, où il est dé...Actualité Gilles Mora Visite de l'exposition Robert Frank : un regard étranger Visite de l’exposition "Robert Frank : un regard étranger. Paris / Les Américains", par Gilles Mora, historien de la photographie, le mardi 20 janvier à 19 heures.
À Concorde, visite gratuite sur présentation du billet d'entrée.
Réservation auprès du service culturel au 01 47 03 12 41 oué Aperture magazine Summer 2008 in Aperture • Sophie Calle: A Lover’s Monologue
Giuseppe Merlino considers Calle’s recent project Prenez soin de vous (Take Care of Yourself), exhibited at last year’s Venice Biennale.
• The Films of Robert Frank
Luc Sante discusses Frank’s films Pull My Daisy, The Sin of Jesus, and Me and My Brother.
• Disappearances: The Photographs of Trevor Paglen
Paglen’s work with photography and other media confronts the shadowy world of covert American military programs.
• How Silent Images Can Break the Silence
Through words, photographs, and an extraordinary exhibition, Gilles Peress and John Berger express their responses to Picasso’s Guernica.
• Jane Hammond’s Recombinant DNA
Although known for her paintings and prints, Hammond has produced a series of t...Concours Les rencontres d'arles 2009 - Annonce des lauréats pour le prix du livre LES RENCONTRES D’ARLES 2009
« Looking in: Robert's Franck's The Americans »
Robert Franck
Steidl Verlag
« Picture Postcards »
Walker Evans
Steidl Verlag
« »
Sarah Moon
La Collection « Rhinocéros »
Librairie Serge Plantureux
« The Corinthians »
Ouvrage collectif
Ed Jones & Timothy Prus
« In History »
Editeur : Steidl Verlag
Short list :
« Landmasses and Railways »
De Bertrand FLEURET
J and L Books
« The Plan »
J and L Bo...Livre « Visionnaires, les plus grands photographes » aux éditions La Martinière Qu'est-ce qui définit le photographe si ce n'est son oeil ? Les 75 artistes du livre « Visionnaire : les plus grands photographes » ont en commun le fait d'avoir réussi à capter un monde en train de changer radicalement. Et si ce n'était pas un mais différents regards croisés sur leur environnement ? Regarder dans plusieurs directions à la fois. C'est ce qui fît leur talent.
« Qui est capable d'anticipation, qui a l'intuition de l'avenir » : c'est en ces termes que le dictionnaire Larousse définit le terme « visionnaire ». Effectivement, visionnaires, ces 75 photographes l'étaient tous. Il faut être extrêmement lucide, ...Livre « Park / Sleep », le nouvel ouvrage de Robert Frank
P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }
Né en 1924 à Zurich, Robert Frank commence à s'intéresser à la photographie dès l'âge de 12 ans, avant de devenir apprenti chez le voisin de la famille, le photographe Hermann Segesser.
Robert Frank est connu, entre autres, comme une figure du mouvement Beat, et fut un temps le compagnon de route de Jack Kerouac. Grâce à une bourse de la fondation Guggenheim, il part traverser les États-Unis en voiture pendant un an, avec son appareil photo.
Suite à ses vagabondages à la fin des années 1950, Robert Frank publie The Americans. Même s'il ne rencontre pas un véritable succès à sa sortie, le livre devient par la suite une référence en mati&e...Livre Valencia 1952 - Robert Frank
In 1950, Robert Frank left his job as a photographer in New York to travel through Europe with his family. That summer he arrived in Valencia, Spain, which was at the time a humble, bleak place enduring the austere conditions of the postwar period like the rest of the country. The pictures Frank took of Valencia depict the daily life of a fishing village. His portrayal is so natural and clear that further verbal explanation seems superfluous; they simply reflect, in the photo grapher’s words, “the humanity of the moment”. The photographs in this book, many of which have never been published before, allow dignity to override poverty.
...Livre Park / Sleep - Robert Frank
Après Tal Uf Tal Ab (2010) et You Would (2012) voici le troisième opus du journal du photographe américain. Ce carnet mélange photos anciennes et récentes, portraits d'amis, intérieurs et scènes de rue ; photographies en noir et blanc.
La chambre Claire
Following its acclaimed predecessors Tal Uf Tal Ab (2012) and You Would (2012), Park / Sleep is the third of Robert Frank’s visual diaries. It takes up his familiar collage technique, combining new and old snapshots, mainly of his friends, family, and home studio, but also scenic and urban settings and interiors. The images are accompanied by short texts; notes, snatches of conversation, poems and thoughts.
...Livre Hold Still-Keep Going Frank Robert
Scalo, Zurich-Berlin-New York, 2001.
Relié, cartonnage éditeur, jaquette illustrée. Format 210x270. 168 pages, 102 photographies la plupart en n/b reproduites en deux tons, quelques unes en coul. Essai (en anglais) par Christoph Ribbat, Wolfgang Beilenhoff et Ute Eskildsen. Comprend egalement une conversation avec Frank, une bibliographie et une biographie. Ouvrage publié à l'occasion de l'importante exposition de Robert Frank en 2000/2001 "Hold Still-Keep Going". Première édition originale.
...Livre Frank Robert aux éditions delpire
Aperture / Nouvel Observateur-Delpire Paris 1976.
Relié, cartonnage éditeur avec couverture illustrée. Parution sans jaquette. Format 210x210. 96 pages. Collection “Histoire de la photographie N° 3”. Edition originale. Bel exemplaire.
...Livre The lines of my hand Robert Frank
New York, Pantheon Books, 1989.
Relié, cartonnage éditeur, jaquette en papier calque, titre imprimé en rouge. Format 325x255 mm. Pas de pagination. Edition revisitée de la première parution en 1972 chez Lustrum Press.
...Livre Pangnirtung - Robert Frank
En août 1992, à l'invitation d'un vieil ami, Robert Frank effectue un séjour de cinq jours sur le cercle polaire arctique à Pangnirtung, bourgade canadienne peuplée de 1300 Inuits. Dans ces lieux désolés, Frank photographie à son habitude en Polaroid noir et blanc. Le livre s'ouvre sur quelques paysages. Masse sombre des eaux du fjord et des montagnes environnantes, pâleur des cieux nuageux. Pour Pangnirtung Robert Frank choisit de ne photographier aucune présence humaine.Passé la présentation du cadre naturel, Frank se borne à décrire cette petite ville où l'on ne trouve que le minimum vital. Ce faisant, il parvient à mettre en exergue certains fondamentaux du monde moderne. Un fil tél&...Livre Robert Frank, Tal Uf Tal Ab “Tal Uf Tal Ab is Swiss-German. It means direction up the valley – down the valley. Now I live and wait and think mostly in the places I live – New York City and Mabou N.S.” Robert Frank
Tal Uf Tal Ab is a book of new photographs by Robert Frank. Frank’s subjects are his life now, an inquisitive existence shaped by memory: newsstands, streetscapes, portraits of friends and his wife June Leaf, interiors, a self-portrait. This book is the latest phase in Frank’s unceasing exploration of photography, and a humble yet important progression in the medium of the photobook.
© Robert Frank / Steidl...Livre Frank Films - The Film and Video Work of Robert Frank “I put my Leica in a cupboard. Enough of lying in wait, pursuing, sometimes catching the essence of the black and the white, the knowledge where God is. I make films. Now I speak to the people in my viewfinder.” Robert Frank
Robert Frank turned to filmmaking at the end of the 1950s. Although he has made 27 films, the work is largely a well kept secret. Frank approaches each film project as a new experience, challenging the medium and its possibilities at every turn. He has amalgamated documentary, fiction, and autobiography, cutting across genres. This book offers a visually unique approach to Frank’s films: only new stills taken from videotapes have been used and they add up to a visual essay on Frank’s cinema that establishes an engaging dialogue with his photographic work. Each film is introdu...Livre Delpire & Cie : catalogue en trois volumes de l'exposition
Delpire & Cie, catalogue de l’exposition présentée aux Rencontres d’Arles du 17 juillet au 13 septembre 2009, elle aura lieu à la Maison Européenne de la Photographie du 28 ocobre 2009 au 24 janvier 2010. Il y a deux ans, (ou un peu plus), mes amis Hébel et Monterosso mʼont proposé de présenter une rétrospective de ce que nous avons fait depuis 27 ans, (ou un peu moins), jusquʼà aujourdʼhui.
Peu porté sur les hommages et les médailles, jʼai dit que non, vraiment non. Durant ces quelques années qui me restent, je préfère continuer à bricoler dans lʼincurable, avec Cioran. En plus, cʼest dangereux dʼaller de lʼavant et de regarder en arrière. Ils ont accepté mon argument. Sa...Livre Robert Frank LES AMERICAINS Paris, Robert Delpire, 1958.
Relié, cartonnage éditeur, couverture illustrée par un détail d'un dessin de Saül Steinberg. 174 pages, 83 photographies en noir et blanc reproduites en héliogravure. Edition originale. Bel exemplaire, rarissime dans cet état, frais et compact, quasiment neuf.
Les photographies de Robert Frank publiées dans cet ouvrage, sont le résultat d'un voyage de deux ans, à travers les Etats-Unis, financé par une bourse décernée par la Guggenheim Fundation of New York. Le livre culte de Robert Frank.
Référencé dans: A. Sinibaldi et J-L. Couturier - Regards sur un siècle de photographie à travers le livre. M. Parr et G. Badger - The Photobook: A history volume 1.
Catal...Livre Edward Hopper & Company: Hopper's Influence on Photography British author Geoff Dyer once surmised that Edward Hopper "could claim to be the most influential American photographer of the twentieth century- even though he didn't take any photographs." What we see in Hopper's paintings when we look at them through the lens of photography, and how, in turn, the language of photography was influenced by Hopper's work, are the twin subjects of Edward Hopper & Company. Thoughtfully curated and edited by the respected San Francisco gallerist Jeffrey Fraenkel, seven paintings and three drawings by Hopper are here thematically interlaced with carefully selected photographs by eight of the masters of twentieth-century photography: Robert Adams, Diane Arbus, Harry Callahan, William Eggleston, Walker Evans, Robert Frank, Lee Friedlander and Stephen Shore. As Fraenkel writes in...Livre Frank Robert PARIS Göttingen, Robert Frank et Ute Eskidsen, Steidl, 2008.
Relié, cartonnage éditeur, jaquette illustrée. Format 245x200 mm. 160 pages, 80 photographies en n/b. Maquette de Robert Frank et Gerard Steidl. Un travail en référence à Eugène Atget et dans la tradition des flâneurs chers à la Ville lumière, et une esquisse de son chef-d'œuvre,"Les Americains". Edition originale de la version française. Livre neuf.
Catalogue #900
Prix : 30 € Commander le livre Looking In : Robert Frank's The Americans irst released in 1958, Robert Frank's seminal work, The Americans, is without question the single most important photographer's book published since World War II, and it continues to be profoundly influential, inspiring countless photographers around the world. This catalogue and the traveling exhibition it accompanies mark the fiftieth anniversary of the book's publication. Looking In: Robert Frank's The Americans provides a fascinating, in-depth examination of the making of the photographs for the book and its actual construction, using vintage contact sheets and work prints that literally chart Frank's journey around the country on a Guggenheim grant in 1955-56. Curator and editor Sarah Greenough and her colleagues explore the making of The Americans as well as its roots in Frank's earlier books, which are abundantly ...Livre Robert Frank Paris Paris is the first time that the significant body of photographs which Robert Frank made in Paris in the early 1950s have been brought together in a single book. His visit to Paris in 1951 was his second return to Europe after he had settled in New York City in 1947 and some of the images he made during that visit have become iconic in the history of the medium.
The 80 photographs selected by Robert Frank and Ute Eskildsen suggest that Frank’s experience of the “new world” had sharpened his eye for European urbanism. He saw the city’s streets as a stage for human activity and focused particularly on the flower sellers. His work clearly references Atget and invokes the tradition of the flaneur.
Price €30.00...Livre Robert Frank - Les Américains Publié dans l'indifférence en 1958, ce livre est devenu un classique. Jugé triste ou pervers, voire subversif, par la presse américaine d' alors, son importance n'a pourtant cessé de croître au fil des années. Car les photographes, les critiques et le grand public ont salué en Robert Frank un véritable novateur. Ce livre n'a rien d'un reportage. Il ne raconte pas le périple d'un homme à travers les Etats-Unis. Il rassemble une suite de notes prises sur le vif par un écorché vif.
Reliure inconnue: 174 pages
Editeur : Delpire (3 septembre 2007)
Langue : Français
...Livre Robert Frank: London/Wales New York Times Magazine, By W.S.Di Piero
These remarkable pictures jump alive and insinuate themselves into our consciousness with qualities that later gained notoriety in "The Americans."
Book Description
Between 1949 and 1953, Robert Frank continually returned to Europe from his new home in New York to take photographs in France, Switzerland, Spain, and Great Britain, photographs that show the development of his uniquely humanist, poetic, and realist eye. In 1951 and early 1952, Frank visited London--"I liked the light, I liked the fog."--and set out to photograph the unique atmosphere of the city. He followed British financiers around the City, capturing them in their traditional top hats and long coats, creating images that depict them in a poetic dance with their fog-shrouded environment. He shot pictures of wo...Livre Robert Frank: Me and My Brother Broché: 56 pages
Editeur : Steidl Publishing (janvier 2007)
Langue : Anglais
...Livre Robert Frank One Hour Relié: 96 pages
Editeur : Steidl Publishing (30 mars 2007)
Langue : Anglais
...Livre Robert Frank's complete oeuvre Steidl Publishers is proud to announce a long term publishing program with Robert Frank. It will encompass Robert Frank's complete oeuvre – reprints of his classic books, publication of
previously unseen and brand new projects, and the first release of his Complete Film Works as DVDs.
Developed in collaboration with Ute Eskildsen, as Editorial Adviser, and Gerhard Steidl, this program will ensure that Robert Frank's work will be made available for many years to come in a
scheme and to a standard that the artist himself has overseen and approved.
Commencing in Spring 2007 and in every season thereafter until Fall 2010, Steidl Publishers will release a combination of one or more of the following:
• a reprint of one of Robert Frank's classic books, adopting the same design, format and finish of the original
• a ...Livre Robert Frank - The Complete Film Works Steidl Publishers is proud to announce a long term publishing program with Robert Frank. It will encompass Robert Frank's complete oeuvre – reprints of his classic books, publication of
previously unseen and brand new projects, and the first release of his Complete Film Works as DVDs.
Developed in collaboration with Ute Eskildsen, as Editorial Adviser, and Gerhard Steidl, this program will ensure that Robert Frank's work will be made available for many years to come in a
scheme and to a standard that the artist himself has overseen and approved.
Commencing in Spring 2007 and in every season thereafter until Fall 2010, Steidl Publishers will release a combination of one or more of the following:
• a reprint of one of Robert Frank's classic books, adopting the same design, format and finish of the original
• a ...Livre Robert Frank: Come Again In November of 1991 Robert Frank went to Beirut on a commission to photograph the city's devastated downtown in the aftermath of the Lebanese civil war (1975-1990). Much of the work he did there, together with that of five other photographers with whom he shared the assignment, was put together in Beirut City Centre by Editions du Cypres in 1992. Alongside that commissioned work, he also made Polaroids of the city and its environs, which, on his return home, he stowed away in his studio. It was only many years later that he considered those images again, and used them to create a sketchbook's worth of Polaroid collages. Come Again is a facsimile reprint of that notebook. In recent years Frank has worked almost exclusively with Polaroids, exploring the collage and assemblage possibilities of the instant photograph. Come A...Livre Robert Frank - Americans Armed with a camera and a fresh cache of film and bankrolled by a Guggenheim Foundation grant, Robert Frank crisscrossed the United States during 1955 and 1956. The photographs he brought back form a portrait of the country at the time and hint at its future. He saw the hope of the future in the faces of a couple at city hall in Reno, Nevada, and the despair of the present in a grimy roofscape. He saw the roiling racial tension, glamour, and beauty, and, perhaps because Frank himself was on the road, he was particularly attuned to Americans' love for cars. Funeral-goers lean against a shiny sedan, lovers kiss on a beach blanket in front of their parked car, young boys perch in the back seat at a drive-in movie. A sports car under a drop cloth is framed by two California palm trees; on the next page, a blanket is draped o...Vente American & European Prints & Photography chez Skinner La Maison Skinner organisera le 23 janvier 2015 une vente aux enchères de photographies intitulé American & European Prints & Photography. On y retrouvera des clichés d'Ansel Adams, Alfred Stieglitz, RObert Frank, Steve McCurry, Andy Warhol, etc.
© Andy Warhol
© Robert Frank
© Ansel Adams
...Vente La photo à l'honneur dans une vente aux enchères à l'Hôtel Drouot
L'Hôtel Drouot mettra en vente jeudi 5 juin 2014 à 14h un important lot de photographies consacré aux grands maîtres de la photographie du 20e siècle ainsi qu’à certains photographes contemporains.
La vente commencera avec de rares tirages sur papier salé sur l’Italie par Gustave Le Gray, Eugène Constant, Tommaso Cuccioni, Adriano de Bonis, accompagné d’Auguste Salzmann sur Jérusalem.
On retrouvera les années 1930 à 1950 avec des tirages d’époque sur Paris, des nus, des études surréalistes et des portraits par Pierre Boucher, André Steiner, Jean Moral, George Hoyningen Huene, Emeric Feher, Aram Alban, Izis, Marcel Bovis, Maurice Tabard, René-Jacques, Lucien Hervé...Vente Sale - Phillips de Pury & Company
New York - Phillips de Pury & Company is pleased to announce the highlights of the forthcoming Photographs sale on Saturday 9 April 2011, to be held at its Park Avenue location.
“We are looking forward to bringing the Photographs preview to our flagship space at 57 Street and Park Avenue. The uptown location will be a fresh setting to showcase our exhibition, comprised of a diverse selection of classic and contemporary photographs to fulfill the needs of our international clientele.” Vanessa Kramer, Worldwide Director of Photographs.
Highlights of the New York Photographs sale include: Cindy Sherman’s Untitled #278, 1993, estimated at $200,000-$300,000, exemplifying the famed photographer’s poignant critiques of the fashion industry, juxtaposed by one of the most revered images i...Vente Auction of Photographic Literature & Important Photographs
On Thursday, May 20, Swann Galleries will conduct a two-part auction of Photographic Literature & Important Photographs that features many scarce and significant works-both individual photographic images and books.
The auction opens with nearly 200 lots of Photographic Literature, including many sought-after monographs such as a first edition of Berenice Abbott's Changing New York, 1939, signed and inscribed to photograph collector and dealer Howard Daitz (estimate: $4,000 to $6,000); signed and inscribed first editions of Manuel Alvarez Bravo's Fotografias, Mexico, 1945 ($9,000 to $12,000), and Alexey Brodovitch's Ballet, New York, 1945 ($8,000 to $12,000); as well as Robert Frank's The Lines of my Hand, Tokyo, 1972 ($3,500 to $4,500).
There are three sumptuous examples from 21st Edition...Vente Photobooks auction / Livres de photographies
An important collection of books from the private library of Christer Strömholm, the famous swedish photographer, and many others by
Adams | Alvermann | Albin-Guillot | Blossfeldt | Brassaï | Baitel | Carmi | Carrieri | Cartier-Bresson | Coppens | Doisneau | Frank | Friedlander | Hendrikse | Jiménez | Kippenberger | Man Ray | Petersen | Ruscha | Winogrand | ...
Expert_Dirk Bakker
FOR ALL INFORMATION CONCERNING THE AUCTION + 33 (0)1 49 49 90 31 / 11 / 10
Public viewing
At Pierre Bergé & associés (12 rue Drouot - 75009 Paris)
From Thuesday 17th to Friday 20th November 2009 - 11am-6pm
At Drouot-Richelieu - Salle 10 (9 rue Drouot - 75009 Paris)
Thuesday 24t...Projection Robert Franck au Centre Pompidou Robert Frank, né à Zurich en 1924, est l'un des photographes vivants les plus célèbres : sa contribution à l'art photographique du 20e siècle est essentielle et son livre mythique The Americans est rapidement apparu comme le manifeste d'une nouvelle esthétique qui devait dominer la scène photographique de l'après-guerre. À la fin des années 1950, au moment où il accède à la reconnaissance, Robert Frank abandonne la photographie pour se tourner vers le cinéma - d'abord le film puis la vidéo.
Il retournera à la photo dans le courant des années 1970, et son travail de cinéaste restera largement confidentiel pendant près de quarante ans. Les films de Robert Frank sont de petits récits à tonalité intimiste et autobiographique dans lesquels il capte la fugacité de l'instant qu'il cherchait à fixer d...Exposition The exhibition PORTRAITS Press release
Portraits. The Fundación MAPFRE Photography Collection can be seen at Fundación MAPFRE’s Sala Recoletos exhibition space in Madrid between 22 June and 3 September 2017. Based on works from the Fundación’s holdings of photography, this exhibition presents a survey of the history of photography with the guiding theme of the portrait, one of the most dynamic genres in the visual arts and a key practice within photography from the origins of the medium.
Nine years ago Fundación MAPFRE launched its collection of photography, an initiative that now coexists with its already well-established drawings collection. The result has been to complement our exhibition programme and contribute to institutional collecting in a way that we considered both necess...Exposition The exhibition : « Something for Everyone » Hamiltons group summer exhibition will showcase a selection of gallery artists, including Irving Penn, Helmut Newton, Richard Avedon, Robert Mapplethorpe, Herb Ritts, Robert Frank, Hiro, Don McCullin, Guido Mocafico, Erwin Olaf, Cathleen Naundorf and Tomio Seike.
Skin Deep Female Nude No. 6, 2015 © Erwin Olaf
Twitter: @HamiltonsGall
Instagram: @hamiltonsgallery
FB: Hamiltons Gallery
...Exposition L'exposition « BEAT GENERATION » au Centre Pompidou
22 JUIN - 3 OCTOBRE 2016
Le Centre Pompidou présente « Beat Generation. New York, San Francisco, Paris »,
une rétrospective inédite consacrée au mouvement littéraire et artistique né à la fin
des années 1940 et étendant son influence jusqu’à la fin des années 1960.
C’est tout le Centre pompidou qui se met à l’heure de la beat generation à travers une riche programmation d’événements conçue avec la bpi et l’Ircam, en écho à l’exposition: lecture, concerts, rencontre, cycle de films, colloque, programmation au Studio 13/16, etc.
Aux Etats-unis au lendemain de la Seconde guerre mondiale et...Exposition ARLES 2015 : la MEP prêche pour ses chapelles « Ensembles, la photographie » : l'exposition de la Maison Européenne de la Photographie (MEP) a pris ses quartiers d'été à Arles. Et ce sont les murs des chapelles du Méjean et de Saint-Laurent Le Capitole qui servent d'écrin aux joyaux de l'institution.
Commencée il y a plus de 35 ans, la collection de la MEP compte à ce jour 21 000 oeuvres environ. En voir une infime partie, c'est déjà en voir beaucoup.
A la Chapelle du Méjean, on révisera ses classiques, tandis qu'à Saint-Laurent Le Capitole, on fera face à des œuvres plus contemporaines. En deux actes, pas un drame, ni une comédie, plutôt un dialogue savoureux entre les photographes les plu...Exposition Exhibition : « On the Scene: 20th Century Street Photography » at Addison Gallery In the second decade of the 20th century, as the population of New York surpassed that of London, images of street life became an increasingly appealing form of documentary and artistic interpretation among American photographers. This new subject matter was most certainly influenced by contemporary painters like John Sloan and Robert Henri, who found excitement in the physically teeming and visually cacophonous streets of New York. In addition, while photographers had been drawn to urban spaces since the medium’s beginnings, new technological advances encouraged spontaneity and easier movement through congested spaces and rushing crowds. Offering a wide cast of characters and vast variety of experiences on which to focus, the city street took firm hold of photographers’ imaginations, giving birth to a rich g...Exposition « Celebrated » at the Atlas Gallery "Celebrated" will showcase important and iconic works from internationally renowned photographers; through exhibiting a variety of photographers each capturing diverse subject matter the exhibition aims to illustrate the varying forms that the photographic image can take and offer something for everyone during the holiday season. Included in the show will be abstract works by Bill Brandt, Andreas Gefeller and Niko Luoma alongside black and white reportage photographs by Henri Cartier-Bresson and Robert Frank.
A particular highlight in this exhibition will be the works of Magnum photographer, Elliott Erwitt, who eloquently captures the whimsical and the humorous in everyday life and his works will form a significant part of the exhibition. Highlights include the romantic "Eiffel Tower, Paris, 1989" ...Exposition Les Yeux Grands Ouverts: 100 ans de photographie Leica L’exposition Les YEUX GRANDS OUVERTS: 100 ANS DE PHOTOGRAPHIE LEICA organisée par Hans- Michael Koetzle, éclaire divers aspects de la photographie 35 mm récente, du photojournalisme à la photographie documentaire, en passant par des regards artistiques libres, couvrant quatorze chapitres de l’histoire de la photographie. Parmi les artistes dont le travail est montré, figurent Alexander Rodtchenko, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, Christer Strömholm, Robert Frank, Bruce Davidson, William Klein, William Eggleston, René Burri, Thomas Hoepker, Bruce Gilden. Après la Maison de la Photographie au Deichtorhallen de Hambourg, l'exposition voyagera à Berlin, Francfort, Vienne, et d’autres endroits en Europe.
Selon une note inscrite dans les r...Exposition Photographs from the Collections of Fotomuseum Winterthur and Fotostiftung Schweiz
After having travelled across the United States for two years taking photographs, Robert Frank selected 83 pictures for his book The Americans. Published in the United States in 1959, the book provided a stark contrast to the media’s superficial image of American society. The critical response was savage. The Americans was described as a sad poem by a sick person. Robert Frank had produced one of the most influential books of photographs of all time.
Arguably one of the world’s most important photographers, the Swiss Robert Frank has questioned and challenged the boundaries of photography and film for over sixty years. His work has influenced photographers, filmmakers and artists alike. In 1996 Robert Frank received the prestigious Hasselblad Award.
Robert Frank met with a lot of resistance in the ...Exposition Swann Galleries’ Thursday, October 4 auction of Fine Photographs & Photobooks
Auction Also Offers Outstanding Selection of Vintage Photographs, Photojournalism Images, Contemporary Art.
Swann Galleries’ Thursday, October 4 auction of Fine Photographs & Photobooks is Edward S. Curtis’s magnum opus The North American Indian, a documentation of the customs, manners and rituals of more than 80 Native American tribes west of the Mississippi. This complete set, with 20 folios on Japan tissue (featuring 722 large-format photogravures), and 20 text volumes (with more than 1500 small-format photogravures on vellum), is one of the most stunning and ambitious photographically illustrated books ever produced. Ink numbered 113/500, ...Exposition Hail Traveler! The Photographer as Tourist, and the Tourist as Subject, at Rick Wester Fine Art
«Being a tourist meant being an outsider, and inexperienced member of the public. Isolated from the commonplace world by tour buses and guides, the modern tourist is protected from foreign-ness, but in the old days we wanted to pass as natives, if only to avoid being overcharged by street vendors and taxi drivers.»
— J.B. Jackson, The Necessity for Ruins
New York, NY - Inspired by the writings of the late J. B. Jackson, Hail Traveler! The Photographer as Tourist, and the Tourist as Subject at Rick Wester Fine Art features photographs focusing on the itinerant essence of photography. Works included speak to Jackson's definition by exposing the tourist that resides in every photographer, and the tourist as a perennial target for the lens.
J.B. Jackson (1909-1996), a professor of landscape...Exposition American Photography From Berenice Abbott to Alec Soth - Kunsthandel Jörg Maaß
The 40 works range from early black and white photographs to the classic icons of American color photography.
A number of great photographers played a large role in forming and defining the American Myth. The discovery of everyday aspects of American life was decisive in this: cities and symbols, cars, signs, billboards, advertising, telephone poles, parking lots and barbershops.
People are a second aspect of the wide-ranging exhibition, from the years of the Great Depression to impressive portraits of celebrities.
The comparison of almost a century of American photographs results in an interesting structure of similarities and contrasts, which are balanced through the selective choice of images.
The exhibition begins with works of the early 20th century by Paul Strand and Berenice Abbott, who both show ...Exposition Vente de livres photographiques de collection 2011
Près de 300 livres provenant de bibliothèques privées, dont celles de l’écrivain Patrick Roegiers ou de la photographe Yvette Troispoux.
Les livres proposés sont, pour la plupart, signés ou accompagnés de tirages, articles d’époque, notes et dossiers de presse.
Exposition à l’étude ADER, salle des ventes Favart
3, rue Favart 75002 Paris
Mardi 29 mars de 11 h à 18 h
Mercredi 30 mars de 11 h à 18 h
Jeudi 31 mars de 11 h à 12 h
Téléphone pendant la vente : 01 53 40 77 10
...Exposition Great Photographs of the 20th Century - Hasted Kraeutler p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }
This is the gallery's second annual Great Photographs of the 20th Century exhibition, following the success of last year's exhibition titled Staged and Startled. This recurring program is an opportunity for collectors and the public to view important and rare vintage photographs that would usually be restricted to a museum setting.
This year's exhibition, From the Street, is an examination of street photography in works ranging from the 1930s to the present. The exhibition will include iconic examples of the genre, such as Robert Frank's Rodeo, New York City (1954), Lisette Model's Promenade des Anglais, Nice (1934), and Lee Friedlander's Newark, N.J. (1962), alongside rarely exhibited photographs by masters of photography such as Richard Avedon and Garry Winogrand. The exhibition uniquel...Exposition Street Photography Selected Works from Six Decades
In the context of the 4th European Month of Photography Berlin, which is presented for the first time as a themed event, the Kunsthandel Jörg Maaß is pleased to announce the exhibition “Street Photography. Selected Works from Six Decades”.
The exhibition centers around vintage prints which document life on the streets through the decades. This wide overview begins in Europe in the early 1930s with selected black and white photographs from Ilse Bing, Bill Brandt, Brassai, Cartier-Bresson and others.
American Street Photography of the 1940s to the 1970s is represented by works from Harry Callahan, Louis Fauer, Andreas Feininger, Robert Frank, Leon Levinstein, Ray K. Metzker, Erika Stone and Weegee. The exhibition closes with color prints of iconic examples of Street Photography, such as ...Exposition Steidl : When Photography and Books Become One From Robert Frank to Karl Lagerfeld
As part of its plans to engage with a wider public and in line with its desire to share in key events of Parisian cultural life, the Monnaie de Paris is taking part for the second time in the Mois de la Photo (Photo Month) and has chosen to pay tribute to a key figure from the world of photography, namely Gerhard Steidl.
Steidl founded the publishing house and printing works which bear his name in 1972 and has played a part in promoting the work of the most important photographers, past and present, with a whole series of admirable books. The quality of the page layout, typography and choice of paper, together with the incredible care taken over the actual manufacturing of the books, mean that these are genuine objets d’art and very popular with connoisseurs. The artists not just photographers but also visu...Exposition Steidl : Quand la photographie devient livre De Robert Frank à Karl Lagerfeld Dans le cadre de son ouverture au plus large public, en accord avec sa volonté de partager les moments forts de la vie culturelle parisienne, la Monnaie de Paris participe pour la deuxième fois au Mois de la Photo. Elle a choisi de rendre hommage à l’incontournable personnalité du monde de la photographie : Gerhard Steidl.
Fondateur, en 1972, de la maison d’édition et de l’imprimerie qui portent son nom, Steidl a contribué à la diffusion du travail des plus importants photographes d’hier et d’aujourd’hui au travers d’ouvrages admirables. La qualité de la mise en page, de la typographie, le choix du papier, l’extrême soin porté à la fabrication même du livre en font un objet d’art pri...Exposition Exposed : Voyeurism, Surveillance and the Camera
Exposed presents over two hundred photographic works, from the late nineteenth century to the present day, offering an illuminating and provocative perspective on subjects both iconic and taboo.
Images selected are by well-known artists and photo-journalists, as well as amateur photographers and those using automated technologies such as CCTV. Among the key issues will be the power struggle between those with the authority over image production (artists, authors or the state) and the rights and desires of individuals. This relationship is under increasing pressure,both from the escalating use of surveillance, and the advance of small, portable digital cameras in mobile phones.
Includes work by Henri Cartier-Bresson, Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Walker Evans, Robert Frank, Nan Goldin, Dorothea Lange, Paul Strand and ...Exposition On the Road. Le voyage ce n'est pas arriver, c'est partir “On the Road”, une sélection de tirages issus des collections de la MEP et de la Médiathèque de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine autour du thème de la route.
Le voyage, ce n’est pas arriver, c’est partir. Les photographes adorent le voyage. La saveur de l’inconnu, du mouvement, d’ici ou d’ailleurs.
“On the Road” réunit les visions oniriques de photographes majeurs du 20ème siècle qui rendent compte de ce moment privilégié de la transition. Il n’était pas évident d’amener vingt-cinq auteurs dans sur la plate-forme d’un camion suggéré par Jack Kerouac sur les routes de la poésie. La joie, la force, la suggestion qui s’en dégagent invite...Exposition Great Photographs of the 20th Century: Staged and Startled - At Hasted Hunt Kraeutler HASTED HUNT KRAEUTLER is pleased to announce Great Photographs of the 20th Century: Staged and Startled. The gallery will be exhibiting a selection of rare and sought after photographs lent from numerous private collections representing some of the most important photographers of the last 100 years.
The title Staged and Startled refers to the various processes artists use in achieving their final images including lighting, setting, equipment and planning, or conversely, deliberate eschewal of preparation. The opportunity to compare these works side by side reveals the individuality of the century's most iconic photographers. The exhibition spans from the premeditated studio portraits of artists such as Richard Avedon and Irving Penn to the spontaneous street photographs of such masters as Robert Frank and Lee Friedla...Exposition On the Road - Maison Européenne de la Photographie La Maison Européenne de la Photographie présente “On the Road”, une sélection de tirages issus des collections de la MEP et de la Médiathèque de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine autour du thème de la route.
Le voyage, ce n’est pas arriver, c’est partir. Les photographes adorent le voyage. La saveur de l’inconnu, du mouvement, d’ici ou d’ailleurs.
“On the Road” réunit les visions oniriques de photographes majeurs du 20ème siècle qui rendent compte de ce moment privilégié de la transition. Il n’était pas évident d’amener vingt-cinq auteurs dans sur la plate-forme d’un camion suggéré par Jack Kerouac sur les routes de la poésie. La jo...Exposition Fine 19th, 20th and Contemporary Photography For 30 years this show has been a magnet for all photography fans, from novices buying their first photograph to some of America's top museum curators looking for something really unusual. There are over 400 photographs for sale by such masters as Ansel Adams, Eugene Atget, Edward Curtis, Frantisek Dritikol, Robert Frank, Lewis Hine, E.O. Hoppe, Edwin Hale Lincoln, Eliot Porter, Eadweard Muybridge, George Rodger, Aaron Siskind, W. Eugene Smith, Josef Sudek and others, to the redoubtable, versatile anonymous vernacular photograph.
We will feature, as well, work by contemporary photographers, Carolyn Marks Blackwood, Bob Kolbrener, Alyson Denny and Harry Wilks. Everything from the ridiculous to the sublime vies for the collector's attention, with special groups of images purchased exclusively for this sale. ...Exposition Robert Frank - The premiere exhibition Robert Mann Gallery is pleased to begin the fall season with Robert Frank, the premiere exhibition in our renovated Chelsea gallery space. Representing an outstanding collection of exquisite rare Frank prints, the exhibition will include iconic images from The Americans, as well as earlier poetic photographs taken in Paris and London. In surveying the early years that solidified Frank's style and reputation, we celebrate one of the most singular, original voices in the history of photography.
Robert Mann Gallery's presentation of Robert Frank coincides with the 50th anniversary of the publication of his seminal book The Americans, first released in 1958 by Parisian publisher Robert Delpire, and in 1959 by Grove Press, which made the book available to a wider audience. The anniversary is marked by a substantial tou...Exposition Looking In: Robert Frank's The Americans This exhibition will celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of The Americans, Robert Frank’s influential suite of black-and-white photographs made on a cross-country road trip in 1955–56. Although Frank’s depiction of American life was criticized when the book was released in the U.S. in 1959, it soon became recognized as a masterpiece of street photography. Born in Switzerland in 1924, Frank is considered one of the great living masters of photography. The exhibition will feature all 83 photographs published in The Americans and will be the first time that this body of work is presented to a New York audience. In addition, the exhibition will include a full set of contact sheets that Frank used to create the book; earlier photographs made in Europe, Peru, and New York; a short film by th...Exposition POLAROID exhibition Atlas gallery
Early last year, the Polaroid Corporation ceased producing its iconic film. The 9th October 2009 will see the final “Use by” or Expiration date of the last batch of Polaroid film manufactured. The exhibition at Atlas will feature a wide selection of Polaroid prints by photographers who have either worked directly with the Polaroid Corporation as part of their research program or who have become famous for the quality of their Polaroid prints either alongside or independent from their traditional camera-based work. It will thus trace the development and use of this unique medium up to the present day. The opening reception will coincide with Polaroid film’s final date of expiration.
The Polaroid or ‘one-step photography’ was invented by Edwin H. Land, founder of the Polaroid Corporati...Exposition Marks of Honour A Striking Library Marks of Honour - A Striking Library
Marks of Honour is a photo book project and exhibition organised and curated by Nina Poppe and Verena Loewenhaupt.
MoH was conceived in order to reveal the inspiration that a new generation of photographers have gained from the history of photography in the form of books.
13 international photographers were invited to pay artistic tribute to a publication that has been influential to their own work.
All participating works are limited to three copies, each containing the original photo book and its accompanying homage.
The exhibiton MoH/08 displays the variety of inspirational sources and their tributes through a combination of different media.
Marks of Honour is an ongoing project that aims to create a striking library of contemporary photo books.
Catalog: books@...Exposition LE PARADIS, OU PRESQUE LOS ANGELES 1865-2008 L.A. ou si vous préférez Los Angeles, la cité des anges... et des démons. Pour quelques chanceux, L.A. est synonyme de soleil, de plage, de piscine, de corps sains et bronzés. Pour les autres, L.A. n'est souvent qu'une concentration d'autoroutes encombrées, de pollutions et de peurs de toutes sortes. C'est une ville sans centre et sans âme... Là-haut, dans les cieux, règnent les stars d'Hollywood; mais ici-bas, les habitants craignent un nouveau tremblement de terre ou le déclenchement d'émeutes. Rêve ou cauchemar? Réalité ou fiction? La vérité sur ce lieu mythique et fascinant se situe peut-être entre les deux.
Los Angeles, ville à multiples facettes, est adorée des photographes de tout...Exposition ROBERT FRANK, UN REGARD ÉTRANGER
On doit à Robert Frank d’avoir associé et fait dialoguer photographie et poésie, littérature et peinture, initiant un langage qui affirme sa subjectivité tout en intégrant l’héritage de la photographie documentaire. Il est l’auteur d’un livre mythique, Les Américains (publié en France en 1958), et d’une très importante production photographique et cinématographique. Au tout début des années 1950, alors qu’il était déjà installé à New York, il a réalisé des images de Paris avec un œil aiguisé par son éloignement.
Cette exposition accueille la sélection de photographies de la série Paris, choisies par Robert Fra...Exposition Robert Frank - Paris Il Museo di Fotografia Contemporanea presenta 80 opere, la gran parte inedite, di Robert Frank, uno dei padri della fotografia contemporanea, realizzate a Parigi tra il 1949 e il 1952, negli anni immediatamente successivi al suo trasferimento negli Stati Uniti, avvenuto nel 1947. Si tratta di fotografie che vengono presentate per la prima volta al pubblico, raccolte in una mostra itinerante promossa dal Folkwang Museum di Essen e che, dopo il Museo di Fotografia Contemporanea, farà tappa nelle prestigiosi sedi del Jeu de Paume di Parigi e del Nederlands Fotomuseum di Rotterdam.
Molte delle fotografie prodotte da Robert Frank durante i suoi soggiorni parigini sono oggi famose in tutto il mondo e appartengono ad un solido repertorio della storia della fotografia. Le opere in mostra sono state scelte dall’au...Exposition The New York School Alexei Brodovitch - Diane Arbus - Lee Friedlander - Lisette Model - Louis Faurer - Richard Avedon - Robert Frank - Sid Grossman - Ted Croner - Weegee - William Klein
Between the late 1930s and the early 1960s a group of young photographers living and working in New York City redefined street photography.
This group of artists became known as The New York School.
These photographers documented the post war energy and exotic chaos of New York City as it evolved from the crisis years of the Great
Depression and the Second World War through to the social turbulence of the early seventies. Most of them worked on magazines but it was their personal work that stood them apart.
They captured the choreography of the city from the sidewalks of downtown, to the intensity of Times Square, the isolation and elegance of the arc...Modifier l'image