• Sophie Calle: A Lover’s Monologue
Giuseppe Merlino considers Calle’s recent project Prenez soin de vous (Take Care of Yourself), exhibited at last year’s Venice Biennale.
• The Films of Robert Frank
Luc Sante discusses Frank’s films Pull My Daisy, The Sin of Jesus, and Me and My Brother.
• Disappearances: The Photographs of Trevor Paglen
Paglen’s work with photography and other media confronts the shadowy world of covert American military programs.
• How Silent Images Can Break the Silence
Through words, photographs, and an extraordinary exhibition, Gilles Peress and John Berger express their responses to Picasso’s Guernica.
• Jane Hammond’s Recombinant DNA
Although known for her paintings and prints, Hammond has produced a series of theatrical
• Town & Country: Reading for the Leisure Class
Vince Aletti looks back at the heyday of this publication conceived to entertain the affluent elite.
• Off to Camp: The Photographs of James Bidgood
Bidgood’s over-the-top photographs parody the desire they are meant to elicit.
• Susan Derges: The Eden Windows
Derges implements unusual photographic techniques in an extraordinary series inspired by
the elements.
• Heavy Light: Recent Photography and Video from Japan
Aperture speaks with Christopher Phillips and Fuku Noriko, the curators of this
landmark exhibition.
• Picturing the Iraq War Veterans
Mary Panzer looks at how photographers address a grim legacy of war: wounded veterans.
PLUS: Exhibition reviews from New York, Washingtion D.C., Switzerland, and The Netherlands.