Alan Klotz Gallery 740 West End Avenue, Suite 52 NY 10025 New York États-Unis
For 30 years this show has been a magnet for all photography fans, from novices buying their first photograph to some of America's top museum curators looking for something really unusual. There are over 400 photographs for sale by such masters as Ansel Adams, Eugene Atget, Edward Curtis, Frantisek Dritikol, Robert Frank, Lewis Hine, E.O. Hoppe, Edwin Hale Lincoln, Eliot Porter, Eadweard Muybridge, George Rodger, Aaron Siskind, W. Eugene Smith, Josef Sudek and others, to the redoubtable, versatile anonymous vernacular photograph.
We will feature, as well, work by contemporary photographers, Carolyn Marks Blackwood, Bob Kolbrener, Alyson Denny and Harry Wilks. Everything from the ridiculous to the sublime vies for the collector's attention, with special groups of images purchased exclusively for this sale. Reductions up to 60%!
The show explores the pleasures of the inexpensive when the economy is in extremis, at the same time as prices for collectable photographs are soaring. They often offer a wonderfully fresh vision which can still be found if you spend all year looking for them as we do. In fact some major museums have some of our "bargains" on display in their permanent collections. We are often their best kept secret. It's all serious fun... Come play!
"More than a yo-yo, less than a Picasso"
-The New Yorker