Diane Arbus (14 mars 1923-1971 États-Unis)
Diane Arbus commence à pratiquer la photographie dès les années 1940.
Fille d'un fourreur, Diane grandit dans les quartiers chics de l'Upper West Side à New York. À l'adolescence, elle rencontre Allan Arbus, qui deviendra son mari et le père de ses deux filles.
Elle débute sa carrière en travaillant à ses côtés pour des magazines de mode comme Glamour, Seventeen ou Mc Call's. Au milieu des années 1950, elle acquiert une indépendance professionnelle et étudie alors à la New School de New York avec Alexey Brodovitch ; mais c'est à partir de 1957 en suivant les ateliers conduits par Lisette Model qu'elle trouve une réelle complicité artistique.
En 1963, puis en 1966, elle obtient une bourse de la fondation Solomon R. Guggenheim qui lui permet de concentrer son activité à New York et ses alentours. Elle se fascine pour les personnages hors normes, travestis, monstres de foire (les « freaks »), naturistes, jumeaux…
À la recherche d'expériences et de rencontres, elle multiplie les clichés, toujours en noir et blanc, et cherche à révéler l'intimité entre le photographe et la personne photographiée sans complaisance.
En 1967, elle participe à l'exposition New Documents qui se tient au Musée d'art moderne de New York avec des portraits qui côtoient les vues urbaines de Lee Friedlander et Garry Winogrand. Son travail reçoit un accueil controversé, mais ses photographies s'imposent comme de véritables oeuvres artistiques loin du simple reportage photographique.
Elle consacre les derniers mois de sa vie à une longue série réalisée dans des hôpitaux psychiatriques, qui ne sera publiée qu'après sa mort, sous le titre Untitled. Elle se donne la mort en juillet 1971 à Greenwich Village. Son travail aura marqué l'histoire de la photographie en influençant plusieurs générations d'artistes.
2007 Patricia Bosworth, Diane Arbus une biographie, Random House, Seuil, Paris
2006 Diane Arbus Revelations, Random House, New York Patrick Roegiers, Diane Arbus ou le rêve du naufrage, Perrin, Paris
1993 Susan Sontag, Sur la photographie, éditions Christian Bourgois, Paris
1985 Diane Arbus, Photographe de presse, éditions Herscher, Paris
1984 Diane Arbus, Magazine Work, Aperture, New York
Actualité Journée de la femme et photographie : Diane Arbus #1
Diane Arbus est née à New York en 1923. Née Diane Nemerov, elle rencontre à 14 ans son futur mari Allan Arbus. Ce dernier assimile la photographie lors de son service militaire, et à son retour, à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, ils ouvrent ensemble un magasin de photo de mode. A ce moment-là, Diane Arbus n'est pas encore photographe même s'il elle s'y initie progressivement. Allan Arbus prend les photos, Diane Arbus est alors styliste et contacte les agences.
Ce n'est qu'en 1957 que Diane Arbus débute ses projets personnels. Elle se sépare de son époux en 1960, et étudie alors la photographie à la New School for Social Research à New York, aux côtés de Marvin Israel, R...Actualité 26 photographies de Diane Arbus offertes au SFMOMA
D'après l'agence ce contenu sur le marché de l'art AMA (Art Media Agency), « Le galeriste Jeffrey Fraenkel prévoit d’offrir 26 photographies de Diane Arbus au San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA). Pour le Los Angeles Time, cette donation fait de San Francisco une destination de choix pour la photographie.
Ces 26 photographies de Diane Arbus ont été réalisées entre 1969 et 1971. La photographe a principalement immortalisé des malades de différents hôpitaux et institutions pour cette série. Avec cette donation, le San Francisco Museum of Modern Art comptera 64 photographies de Diane Arbus, la plus importante collection de la côte ouest des États-Unis.
Le Los Angeles Time ajoute que le San Fra...Actualité 20 ans, une fête Insensée
L'imposante revue propose une édition hors norme pour son anniversaire. Telle une compilation de chansons d'amour, la parole est donnée à cinquante personnalités de tous horizons. Comme un cadeau, ils ont choisi une photo « préférée » et en ont expliqué l'émotion et l'intimité. Le magazine se retrouve alors à incarner ce qu'il est à la base ; une rencontre. Il y a vingt ans, Elizabeth Nora et Vanessa van Zuylen Menesguen montaient le projet un peu dingue de créer une revue purement photographique. Ce projet a finit par aboutir. Et quel aboutissement !
Au fil des pages, on croise les choix d'écrivains, de designers, de réalisateurs, de créateurs, d...Livre Diane Arbus : Sans Titre
Sans titre est le troisième volume de l’œuvre de Diane Arbus, et le seul consacré exclusivement à un projet spécifique. Les photographies ont été prises dans les centres pour handicapés mentaux entre 1969 et 1971, pendant les dernières années de sa vie. La plus grande majorité de ces photos, dont elle avait songé faire le sujet d’un livre, est restée inédite jusqu’ici. Avec ces photographies, Diane Arbus atteint un lyrisme, une pureté émotionnelle, qui les distinguent du reste de son œuvre. « Enfin ce que je cherchais », écrivit-elle à l’époque. Résultat de son estime inébranlable pour la réalité telle qu’elle la ...Livre Diane Arbus : Une chronologie
A partir de l’importante correspondance qu’entretenait Diane Arbus avec ses amis, sa famille et ses confrères, mais aussi de ses carnets personnels et d’autres écrits inédits, cet ouvrage révèle, à la manière d’un journal intime, les pensées, les motivations et les stratégies de la célèbre photographe. Dans ce récit organisé autour des grands moments de sa vie, sa perception d’elle-même, de son travail et des personnes qu’elle rencontre offre pour la première fois au lecteur une vision intime de la femme qu’elle a été et de l’univers de ses photographies. Un important appareil critique ainsi qu’une biographie courte d’hommes et de femmes qui o...Livre 40 ans après : Diane Arbus sous le feux des projecteurs
Trois livres et une exposition. Diane Arbus est partout.
Exposition au Jeu de Paume du 18 octobre 2011 au 05 février 2012.
(lien de l'exposition : http://actuphoto.com/19408-diane-arbus-r-trospective-au-jeu-de-paume.html )
Avec plus de deux cents clichés, cette première rétrospective en France permet au public de découvrir un grand nombre de photographies qui n'ont à ce jour jamais été exposées en France et de redécouvrir les clichés emblématiques de la photographe.
Diane Arbus Sans Titre aux Editions de la Martinière. Livre réédité.
Sans Titre est le troisième volume de l'oeuvre de Diane Arbus, et le seul consacr&e...Livre Diane Arbus par Violaine Binet A Londres, en janvier 2006, l'exposition consacrée à la photographe Diane Arbus s'achève en triomphe. La presse entière acclame ce travail longtemps jugé dérangeant, voire " pervers ", comme le disait Susan Sontag. Les collectionneurs s'arrachent les tirages à prix d'or. Quelqu'un manquerait-il à la fête ? Diane Arbus n'est plus là. En juillet 1971, à l'âge de 48 ans, un jour de moite chaleur new-yorkaise, un ami la trouve les veines tranchées dans sa baignoire. Diane Arbus, née Nemerov sur Central Park West, petite fille gâtée de la grande bourgeoisie juive américaine, puis mère de famille se levant à 5 heures du matin pour courir les cirques ou les asiles psychiatriques, est une ex...Livre Edward Hopper & Company: Hopper's Influence on Photography British author Geoff Dyer once surmised that Edward Hopper "could claim to be the most influential American photographer of the twentieth century- even though he didn't take any photographs." What we see in Hopper's paintings when we look at them through the lens of photography, and how, in turn, the language of photography was influenced by Hopper's work, are the twin subjects of Edward Hopper & Company. Thoughtfully curated and edited by the respected San Francisco gallerist Jeffrey Fraenkel, seven paintings and three drawings by Hopper are here thematically interlaced with carefully selected photographs by eight of the masters of twentieth-century photography: Robert Adams, Diane Arbus, Harry Callahan, William Eggleston, Walker Evans, Robert Frank, Lee Friedlander and Stephen Shore. As Fraenkel writes in...Livre Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph was originally published in 1972, one year after the artist's death, in conjunction with a retrospective of her work at the Museum of Modern Art. Edited and designed by Arbus's daughter, Doon, and her friend and colleague, painter Marvin Israel, the monograph contains eighty of her most masterful photos. The images in this newly published edition, marking the twenty-fifth anniversary of the collection's original publication, were printed from new three-hundred-line-screen duotone film, allowing for startlingly clear reproduction. The impact of the collection is heightened by the introduction, which contains excerpts of audio tapes in which Arbus discusses her experiences as a photographer and her feelings about the often bizarre nature of her subjects. Diane Arbus's work has indelibly i...Livre Diane Arbus - une Biographie Biographie de la très célèbre photographe américaine par Patricia Bosworth auteur connue entre autres pour son ouvrage Montgomery Clift.
Editeur : Seuil
Collection : BIOGRAPHIE
Langue : Français...Livre Diane Arbus : Ou le rêve du naufrage Diane Arbus est aujourd'hui un mythe et, trente-cinq ans après sa mort, son œuvre demeure l'une des plus fascinantes de l'histoire de la photographie du XXe siècle, tant par sa beauté que par la singularité des sujets abordés : les " monstres ", bien sÛr, mais aussi la solitude et la vieillesse, le corps et son image, la panoplie des déviations sexuelles, l'enfer du couple et de la famille, le spectacle de la laideur et le fantasme désormais commun de la reconnaissance ou de la célébrité. Sans oublier le portrait de l'Amérique si turbulente des années soixante, qui semble à mille lieues de celle que nous connaissons aujourd'hui. A la fois puissante, fragile et solitaire, Diane Arbus apparaît ici comme la figure centrale d'un conte de fées à rebours, sorte de descente tragique aux Enfers, qu'elle-même e...Livre Diane Arbus: A Biography Opportunities for sensationalism abound in a book about Arbus, who already had a history of severe depressions and a crumbling marriage by the time she began to take the controversial, technically innovative pictures of dwarfs, nudists and drag queens that won her a reputation as "a photographer of freaks." Bosworth balances the lurid details -- rumors that Arbus had sex with her subjects, that she photographed her own suicide in 1971 -- with a nuanced appraisal of an artist whose images captured the uneasy mood of the 1960s by expressing her personal obsessions. --Ce texte fait référence à une édition épuisée ou non disponible de ce titre.
From Publishers Weekly
Examines the life of the famous photographer, which culminated in suicide in 1971, in terms of her famous images of the grotesque and aberrant.
Copyr...Livre Arbus, Model, Strom-Holm This catalogue from an exhibition at the Moderna Museet in Stockholm unites three modern photographic masters who worked in black-and-white and found their subjects in the characters of the urban street: Diane Arbus, Lisette Model, and Christer Strömholm. Portraits from the three take precedence here. Arbus and Model ventured into New York to find their gallery of faces, while Strömholm wandered through Paris. No matter where they went, their eyes were finely tuned to the variety of human emotion and experience passing on the sidewalks. Arbus's photographs here are drawn from the 60s, particularly those which were included in the first book devoted to her work published by Aperture in 1972. With Model emphasis is on her work in America from the 1940s onwards. Strömholm is primarily represented by pictures from Paris t...Livre Diane Arbus Langue : Français Éditeur : Aperture (23 octobre 2005)
Format : Relié
ISBN : 1931788049
Dimensions (en cm) : 2 x 24 x 29...Vente Ventes : « Maîtres de la photographie contemporaine » sur Arnet Les Enchères en ligne Artnet invitent à la mise en consignation de photographies dans le cadre de la prochaine vente intitulée Les Maîtres de la photographie contemporaine. Depuis le milieu du XXe siècle jusqu’à aujourd’hui, Arnet recherche des photos significatives d’artistes importants tels que Cindy Sherman, Robert Mapplethorpe, Andy Warhol, Nan Goldin, Diane Arbus, Garry Winogrand, Sally Mann, Richard Prince, Vik Muniz, Robert Longo, Richard Avedon, Ryan McGinley, Gregory Crewdson, Andreas Gursky, William Eggleston et Wolfgang Tillmans, entre autres.
En devenant vendeur sur les Enchères en ligne Artnet, vos photographies seront accessibles aux millions de personnes qui visitent Artnet tous les mois ainsi qu’aux collectionneurs recherchant des ...Vente Auctions : Leaves Of Light And Shadow Leaves Of Light And Shadow
Photographs Gathered By William T. Hillman
Auction: Tuesday, 31 March, 10AM`
On 31 March, Christie’s will present the sale of "Leaves Of Light And Shadow: Photographs Gathered By William T. Hillman", comprising 117 works judiciously acquired by William Hillman over the past three decades. With a sophisticated eye and tremendous dedication to photography, Hillman has built a comprehensive collection by pursuing consummate examples from top photographers spanning the history of the medium. In Hillman’s dedication to both photography and his hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, his primary mission over the past three decades has been to build a world-class collection that will ultimately be gifted to the Carnegie Museum of Art. “There are gaps in the vintage acqui...Vente Sale : Photography New york New york Artnet Auctions is pleased to present Photography: New York, New York, an auction dedicated to the city that never sleeps, with works ranging in value from $1,500 to 25,000.
©Neal Slavin
The works included range from turn of the century to present day, and capture the beauty and spirit of the city and those who inhabit it. This auction features works by renowned photographers such as Diane Arbus, Paul Strand, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Nan Goldin, Robert Longo, Stephen Wilkes, Aaron Siskind, Ruth Orkin, Leonard Freed, Edward Pfizenmaier, William Klein, Berenice Abbott, Ernst Haas, Tom Baril, Garry Winogrand, Josef Hoflehner, and George Tice.
© Berenice Abbott (American, 1898–1991)
...Vente 11th WestLicht Photo Auction "If I hadn’t photographed some things nobody would have seen them", Diane Arbus said.
Indeed, the photographer born in 1923 in New York saw many things in such a way that had not been known before and so revolutionised and marked photography as very few others have done.
Among her pictures, many of which have long since become 20th century icons, the "Identical Twins (Cathleen and Colleen)" from 1967 (lot 97, estimate €80,000 – €100,000) is probably the most well-known.
This and three others of her works, for example also "The King and Queen of a Senior Citizens Dance", New York 1970 (lot 95, estimate €50,000 – €70,000), are absolute highlights of the 11th WestLicht photo auction on 21 November 2014. The photographs derive from a single portfoli...Vente "Photography: Rebels", Online auction by artnet artnet Auctions is pleased to present Photography: Rebels, a sale that embraces the wild and adventurous human spirit, featuring images that capture individuals who resist convention and rules. This edgy sale includes works by notorious artists such as Robert Mapplethorpe, Richard Prince, Nan Goldin, Larry Clark, Diane Arbus, and Sally Mann, as well as artists who have recently established their place among the rebels of the photography world, such as Anthony Goicolea, Katy Grannan, and Ryan McGinley.
Diane Arbus
Lady Bartender at Home with Souvenir Dog, New Orleans, 1964
Gelatin silver print
Edition of 75
16 x 19.78 in.
Est. US$25,000–35,000
...Vente Auction : Modern and Contemporary Photographs - Villa Grisebach (Berlin)
312 lot numbers of modern and contemporary photography will be sold on Wednesday, May 28, at Villa Grisebach in Berlin.
Leading the sale is Irving Penn’s 1970 “3 New Guinea Men, (2 with Pipes),” a group portrait shot during a traditional dance festival, in a platinum palladium print of 1983. The portrait of the tribe members in noble embellishments, who in the photographer’s mobile tent studio assume a pose of highest concentration, is one of Penn’s most formidable works (€ 35,000/45,000).
From the estate of Otto Steinert, one of the pioneering German photographers of the post-war era, two of the most well-known subjects will be sold that document his preoccupation with finding way of personal photographic expression: “Rhythmus und Struktur,” 1951 (€ 20,000/3...Vente VAN HAM - Auction Photographs of the 19th, 20th and 21st Century
In the upcoming Photography Sale at VAN HAM Fine Art Auctioneers on June 14 in Cologne, the renowned photographers Bernd und Hilla Becher will be represented by a typography of ten “Industriebauten” (Industrial Buildings). The group is a rare edition from the City Museum in Mönchengladbach, dating to 1968 (Estimate: 15,000 – 18,000 euros).
© Höfer, Candida. "Teatro Colón Buenos Aires" 2006
In contemporary photography, two of Becher’s students are also well represented. Candida Höfer's work “Teatro Colón Buenos Aires I 2006“ is the highlight of VAN HAM’s photography sale this spring. The monumental work is sized at 200 x 304 cm and seems to entrance the viewer with the space it port...Vente Sale - Phillips de Pury & Company
New York - Phillips de Pury & Company is pleased to announce the highlights of the forthcoming Photographs sale on Saturday 9 April 2011, to be held at its Park Avenue location.
“We are looking forward to bringing the Photographs preview to our flagship space at 57 Street and Park Avenue. The uptown location will be a fresh setting to showcase our exhibition, comprised of a diverse selection of classic and contemporary photographs to fulfill the needs of our international clientele.” Vanessa Kramer, Worldwide Director of Photographs.
Highlights of the New York Photographs sale include: Cindy Sherman’s Untitled #278, 1993, estimated at $200,000-$300,000, exemplifying the famed photographer’s poignant critiques of the fashion industry, juxtaposed by one of the most revered images i...Vente Diane Arbus, star des ventes de photographie Du 26 au 28 avril, les ventes new-yorkaises consacrées à la photographie ont été couronnées de succès chez Christie´s, Phillips et Sotheby´s. Plus de 14 millions de $ ont été collectés par les trois auctioneers. La plus réussie des vacations revient à Christie´s : les 334 lots dispersés lui ont rapporté 5 millions de $, avec une enchère haute à 350 000 $ pour « Child with a Toy Hand Grenade, Central Parc, N.Y » de Diane Arbus.
De ces 3 jours d´enchères, le lot le plus cher revient encore à Diane ARBUS. Une boite de 10 photographies, numéroté 23/50 a trouvé preneur à 553 600 $ (avec frais) chez Sotheby´s. Spécialisée dans les portraits, elle est le premier photographe américain a être représenté à la Biennale de Venise, en 1972, tout juste un an après son suicide.
Selon Artprice,...Festival FRAC Aquitaine 2016 Communiqué de presse de la FRAC d'Aquitaine
« Instantané 2016 invite le public sur la notion de L’habiter à travers les travaux des photographes de la Biennale et une présence artistique nomade dans différents territoires de la ville. Photographier pour se souvenir, pour penser, pour comprendre ? Et de cadrages en cadrages, regarder d’une autre façon les territoires, d’un lieu à un autre lieu. Les photographies nous montrent ce que nous avons pensé, ce que nous avons réalisé, ce que nous avons oublié – en même temps que ce que nous voyons ! Il s’agira cette année, avec le talent des artistes, de voir en quelques images les projets se former et les lieux se transformer. Cela forme notre poin...Exposition The exhibition PORTRAITS Press release
Portraits. The Fundación MAPFRE Photography Collection can be seen at Fundación MAPFRE’s Sala Recoletos exhibition space in Madrid between 22 June and 3 September 2017. Based on works from the Fundación’s holdings of photography, this exhibition presents a survey of the history of photography with the guiding theme of the portrait, one of the most dynamic genres in the visual arts and a key practice within photography from the origins of the medium.
Nine years ago Fundación MAPFRE launched its collection of photography, an initiative that now coexists with its already well-established drawings collection. The result has been to complement our exhibition programme and contribute to institutional collecting in a way that we considered both necess...Exposition Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Photographs of the 60s and 70s Photographs of the 60s and 70s from the Nicola Erni Collection
"Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!" is a collection of spectacular snapshots of a turbulent and legendary age in the history of art, music, fashion and film – the 1960s and ’70s. These decades were known for upheaval, provocation and creative energy. The Nicola Erni Collection, based in Zug, Switzerland, of which some 200 photographs are displayed here, takes visitors right into the heart of the vibrant cultural and party life that dominated the scene in New York, London and Paris. We penetrate this world through the lenses of the great photographers of the day, from Diane Arbus and Richard Avedon, Gary Winogrand, Helmut Newton, Annie Leibovitz to Robert Mapplethorpe. They trained their cameras on a range of celebrities including big names such as...Exposition Exhibition : « Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! » in Munich Münchner Stadtmuseum's press release
"Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!" is a collection of spectacular snapshots of a turbulent and legendary age in the history of art, music, fashion and film – the 1960s and ’70s. These decades were known for upheaval, provocation and creative energy. The Nicola Erni Collection, based in Zug, Switzerland, of which some 200 photographs are displayed here, takes visitors right into the heart of the vibrant cultural and party life that dominated the scene in New York, London and Paris. We penetrate this world through the lenses of the great photographers of the day, from Diane Arbus and Richard Avedon, Gary Winogrand, Helmut Newton, Annie Leibovitz to Robert Mapplethorpe. They trained their cameras on a range of celebrities including big names such as Andy Warhol, The Be...Exposition Exhibition : first major photography survey in 27 years at Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art's press release
Collecting is a curious vice, it changes your whole life—your whole way of looking at the world. – Samuel J. Wagstaff Jr. 1978
Hartford, Conn. (Sept. 9, 2016) – In the first major photography survey displayed at the museum in 27 years, the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art will present, “The Thrill of the Chase: The Wagstaff Collection of Photographs at the J. Paul Getty Museum,” Sept. 10 through Dec. 11. The exhibition offers a selection of nearly 100 photographs from the personal collection of Samuel J. Wagstaff Jr. (American, 1921–1987), and spans the history of photography over 150 years, tracing the artistic and technical development of this art form through the eye of an influential collector. “The Wagstaff Collectio...Exposition Exhibition : « There was a whole collection made » in Chicago Smart Museum's press release
An extraordinary collection of 830 photographic works spanning from 1844 to 2012, bequested to the Smart Museum of Art at the University of Chicago, forms the basis of an expansive new exhibition, There was a whole collection made: Photography from Lester and Betty Guttman, September 22–December 30, 2016. The exhibition of more than 300 works is curated by Laura Letinsky, Professor in the Department of Visual Arts and the College at the University of Chicago, and herself an acclaimed photographer, and Jessica Moss, Smart Museum Curator of Contemporary Art. There was a whole collection made officially opens with a free public reception at the Smart Museum, 5550 S.
There was a whole collection made mines the Estate of Lester and Betty Guttman’s 2014 gift of over eight hund...Exposition Au commencement était Diane Arbus C'est - hélas pour nous - de l'autre côte de l'Atlantique qu'a lieu l'exposition Diane Arbus: in the beginning. Jusqu'au 27 novembre, le Met Breuer dévoile les premiers pas d'une photographe surdouée. Dès 1956, tout est déjà là. Les portraits des marges, des freaks, des New Yorkais pur jus, saisis dans leur bus ou dans la rue. Son œil est bon, dans tous les sens du terme, et le charme opère.
Diane Arbus colle à New York, sa ville, son aire de jeu(x), sa vie et sa mort. L'exposition montre le fruit des errances urbaines de la jeune artiste – des petits formats pris au 35 mm de 1956 à 1962. De Times Square à Coney Island, elle n'a eu de cesse d'y débusquer l'intime et l'in...Exposition «Homage: Malkovich and the Masters», an exhibition of photographs by Sandro Miller
Sandro Miller
Homage: Malkovich and the Masters
May 12 – July 1, 2016
Please join us Thursday, May 12th for a walkthrough with the artist at 5:30pm
Opening reception and book signing, 6-8pm
Yancey Richardson Gallery is pleased to present Homage: Malkovich and the Masters, an exhibition of photographs by Sandro Miller that explores concepts of mimesis and iconicity through the restaging of some of the most iconic photographs of the 20th century and the interpretive abilities of one of the most brilliant actors of our time.
Longtime friends and collaborators, Sandro Miller and John Malkovich first met in the late 1990s on a project for Chicago’s famed Steppenwolf Theater Company. In 2013 Miller proposed to Malkovich the concept of revisualizing forty-one images by legendary masters of phot...Exposition Photobiennale 2014 in Moscow, 18 February – 8 June 2014
Themes :
Britain and British Photography in Focus
Starry Sky
Visual Power
Exhibition sites:
Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow (ul. Ostozhenka, 16)
Manege Central Exhibition Hall (Manezhnaya pl., 1)
New Manege Moscow State Exhibition Hall (Georgievsky per., 3/3)
Moscow Museum of Modern Art (Yermolaevsky per., 17)
Zurab Tsereteli Gallery of Arts (ul. Prechistenka, 19)
EKATERINA Cultural Foundation (ul. Kuznetsky Most, d. 21/5, entrance No. 8 from ulitsa Bolshaya Lubyanka)
Cervantes Institute (Novinsky bulvar, 20A, building 1-2)
and other exhibition halls
Alexander Slyusarev ‘Photographic Essays’
Project presented by the Moscow House of Photography Museum
19.02 – 20.04
Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow
Ostozhe...Exposition Thirty Years Thirty-One Photographers
Over these past three decades, the Laurence Miller Gallery has hosted approximately 250 exhibitions, and the list of these shows reflects the evolution of photography from the classic black-and-white medium that dominated much of the 20th Century, to today's large-format color contemporary works, as well as video. The gallery takes great pride in having given many emerging photographers their first one-person exhibitions in New York City, as well as having presented many of photography's greatest masters.
Thirty Years Thirty-One Photographers offers to both the connoisseur and the novice collector many of the most famous images shown along with rare prints from the Gallery's private collection. Here is a sampling:
Peter Bialobrzeski
Paradise Now #32, 2008
40 x 50 inch Type-C print
Editio...Exposition « This Infinite World » : Set 10 from the Collection of the Fotomuseum Winterthur
For this second anniversary exhibition the British artist and photographer Paul Graham has selected photographers and photographs that are assembled in his investigation of the infinite world of potential images.
© Bieke Depoorter. Untitled, 2012
With This Infinite World Fotomuseum Winterthur presents in this anniversary year its tenth Set exhibition, which captures the 20-year history of the museum in a very special way. None other than the New York-based photographer Paul Graham was invited to curate this second anniversary exhibition following Concrete – Photography and Architecture. With 21 selected works by artists ranging from Diane Arbus to Bertien van Manen, from Lewis Baltz and Luigi Ghirri to Bo...Exposition FORMA presents "Fashion, A century of extraordinary fashion photography" from the Condé Nast archives
On Wednesday, January 16, 2013, at 6:30PM, the Fondazione Forma per la Fotografia, will present the opening of the exhibit Fashion. A century of extraordinary photography from the Condé Nast archives.
“We have to make Vogue into a Louvre.”
Edward Steichen to Edna Woodman Chase, 1920s
These words said by Steichen to the first editor in chief of Vogue aptly summarized the revolution started by Condé Nast, both in fashion as well as in photography more generally, when the publisher acquired the prestigious Vogue masthead in 1909. From then on, the story of fashion was no longer told exclusively in delicate nineteenth-century illustrations, but also by great international photographers with creative license. Edward Steichen was one of the first photographer to shoot for Vogue, accepti...Exposition The FOAM presents an exhibition of two hundred photographs of Diane Arbus
Diane Arbus (1923–1971) revolutionized the art she practiced. Her bold subject matter and photographic approach produced a body of work that is often shocking in its purity, in its steadfast celebration of things as they are. Her gift for rendering strange those things we consider most familiar, and for uncovering the familiar within the exotic, enlarges our understanding of ourselves.
Arbus found most of her subjects in New York City, a place that she explored as both a known geography and as a foreign land, photographing people she discovered during the 1950s and 1960s. She was committed to photography as a medium that tangles with the facts. Her contemporary anthropology—portraits of couples, children, carnival performers, nudists, middle-class families, transvestites, zealots, eccentrics, and...Exposition agnès b. présente l'exposition « la jeune fille dans la ville » au Salon de la Photo
La collection photographique d’agnès b. est réputée, composée à la fois de signatures prestigieuses et de talents nouveaux soutenus par la styliste qui est également mécène et galeriste.
Le Salon de la Photo, partenaire du Mois de la Photographie 2012, est heureux de pouvoir rendre hommage au talent de l’inspiratrice de cette collection (ne serait-ce que par l’entremise d’une partie de cet ensemble), à travers une sélection d’œuvres qu’agnès b. a choisies sur le thème de « La jeune fille dans la ville ».
Une soixantaine de photographies, courant du début du 20e siècle à aujourd’hui et confrontant des œuvres de Brassaï,Walter Evans, Diane Arbus, ou encore Martin Parr, Martine Barrat,...
pour ne citer très arbitrair...Exposition La BNF expose « La Photographie en cent chefs-d'oeuvre »
La photographie en cent chefs-d’œuvre
Explorer la notion de chef-d’œuvre appliquée à un médium aussi foisonnant et divers que la photographie, tel est le propos de cette exposition qui dévoile cent images issues des collections de la BnF. Choisies pour leur beauté, la perfection de leur tirage ou leur provenance, ces pièces, toutes d’auteurs différents, composent un parcours où les grands noms de la photographie des XIXe et XXe siècles côtoient des anonymes.
« Choisir parmi les trésors photographiques que conserve la Bibliothèque est un exercice difficile auquel notre collection se prête avec bonheur. Photographies d’art, documentaires, scientifiques, images issu...Exposition Mois de la Photo 2012: exposition de la BNF
Cette exposition se propose de présenter cent photographies provenant des collections de la BnF (surtout du département des Estampes et de la Photographie mais également des autres départements conservant des photographies : Cartes et Plans, Manuscrits, Arts du spectacle, Bibliothèque musée de l’Opéra, Réserve des livres rares). La plus ancienne photographie présentée est un essai de William Henry Fox Talbot et date de 1839, la plus récente est prise à Fos-sur-Mer en 1986 par Lewis Baltz dans le cadre de la mission de la DATAR.
Tous les genres sont représentés : portraits, paysages, nus, reportages, publicités, photographies scientifiques, etc. Les grands noms de la photographie des xixe et xxe siècles sont représentés : Eugène Atget, Félix Nadar, Frantisek Drtikol, Di...Exposition Diane Arbus exposée à Zurich
Diane Arbus (1923–1971) revolutionized the art she practiced. Her bold subject matter and photographic approach produced a body of work that is often shocking in its purity, in its steadfast celebration of things as they are. Her gift for rendering strange those things we consider most familiar, and for uncovering the familiar within the exotic, enlarges our understanding of ourselves. Arbus found most of her subjects in New York City, a place that she explored as both a known geography and as a foreign land, photographing people she discovered during the 1950s and 1960s. She was committed to photography as a medium that tangles with the facts. Her contemporary anthropology—portraits of couples, children, carnival performers, nudists, middle-class families, transvestites, zealots, eccentrics, and celebriti...Exposition Diane Arbus, un mythe trop imposant ? Retrospective au Jeu de Paume.
Diane Arbus. Un des rares noms de la photographie à évoquer quelque chose au grand public et à inspirer des biopics romancés au cinéma (Fur, avec Nicole Kidman : http://www.allocine.fr/film/fichefilm_gen_cfilm=59947.html). Une icône, mais surtout un mythe étrange et torturé, où la photographie joue le rôle d'une baguette magique.
Du 24 janvier au 5 février 2012, nocturne jusqu'à 21h tous les jours sauf lundi.
S'attardant sur des sujets inattendus, et brisant en cela l'orthodoxie de la photographie commerciale qui l'entourait, Diane Arbus en dit au moins autant sur ses doutes et ses zones d'ombres que sur ceux des gens qu'elle prit en photo entre 1945 et 1970 aux Etats-Unis ; trisomiques, trave...Exposition NUDES Positions of Nude Art Photography
A group exhibition mainly curated from its own collection, displaying more than 40 photographers and their perspectives on mostly female nude art. Selected classics are supplemented with, in some cases, never before exhibited contemporary works of Blaise Reutersward, Nadav Kander, or Ralph Mecke.
The kaleidoscopic exhibition stretches from classical, nearly sculptural studio-stagings, as in the works of Horst P. Horst, Frantisek Drtikol, or Rudolf Koppitz, to the erotic and provocative images of Helmut Newton or Bettina Rheims, and extending to the series of documentary pictures by recently-deceased Larry Sultan, which originated off-set during pornographic shootings.
The studio-photography of the Pictorialists was followed by trend-setting picture experiments in the 1920s. Artists like Man Ray, Andr?© K&e...Exposition Dreamlands L’exposition Dreamlands développe un propos inédit : montrer comment les modèles de foires internationales, d’expositions universelles et de parcs de loisirs ont influencé la conception de la ville et de ses usages.
Démultipliant la réalité par la pratique de la copie, jouant d’une esthétique de l’accumulation et du collage souvent proche du kitsch, ces mondes clos et parallèles ont en effet inspiré les démarches artistiques, architecturales et urbanistiques au XXe siècle, au point de s’ériger en possible norme de certaines constructions contemporaines.
Cette exposition pluridisciplinaire rassemblera plus de trois cents oeuvres, mêlant art moderne et contemporain, architecture, films et docum...Exposition Biennale de la Photographie et de l' Architecture 2010
2010 et déjà la troisième édition de la biennale « Photographie et Architecture » de la Faculté d' Architecture La Cambre/Horta de l'université Libre de Bruxelles, anciennement institut Supérieur d' Architecture La Cambre.
17 expositions ainsi que des pièces extraites de la collection du Musée de la Photographie de Charleroi questionnent le thème de la célébration.
L'architecture a toujours eu, parmi ses vocations, celle de célébrer. L'étymologie latine des mots « célèbre » et « célébration » nous renvoie à la fois à la louange, au grand nombre et à la ritualisa...Exposition Photography! A special Collection from Leiden University The oldest known image of the camera obscura principle (1545), the original camera belonging to painter George Hendrik Breitner, daguerreotypes over 150 years old: Leiden University's photographic collection is unique in many ways. It is both the oldest and the largest museological photography collection in the country, telling the whole story of the emergence and development of photography. It also includes work by contemporary photographers, and 'classic' works by photographers like Alfred Stieglitz and Diane Arbus. The largest ever exhibition of pieces from this unique collection can be seen at The Hague Museum of Photography from 23 January.
Despite resistance from both artists and academics - who felt it was 'beneath them' - in 1953 Hans van de Waal, professor of art history at the Leiden University, began the un...Exposition Quelques Chefs-d'oeuvre incontestables ou inattendus - A la galerie Box, Bruxelles ...Exposition Familair feelings on the boston group Presenting all of the Boston Group active artists: David Armstrong, Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Nan Goldin, Jack Pierson, Tabboo! Gail Thacker and Shellburne Thurber.
Since the mid 1970's, a group of American East Coast artists started defying the conventions of the photographic medium both from its technical and moral aspects, hence greatly influencing the means of representation during the late 20th century. The defence of veracity manifested itself through an unknown degree of exposed privacy by exposing socially non-legitimised ways of life, such as night-time characters, marginal lives, addictions, affections, sexual experiences and the genre or irruption of new models of social conformation. Its fundamental contribution consists in turning uneventful motives into interesting narratives, which up until then had not be...Exposition Biennale de photographie en Condroz 2009 Les expositions sont réparties dans huit lieux d’une région magnifique faite de nature, de calme, de maisons en pierre, de châteaux, de fermes… Nous proposons un nouveau circuit en boucle, de 30 km, au départ du centre culturel de Marchin, place de Grand-Marchin.
Des expositions qui touchent, des œuvres empreintes d’humanité, des expressions et des images variées, du petit format à la photographie géante…
+ Les expositions des onze photographes invités à la Biennale :
Elke Boon (Belgique, 1969), Thomas Chable (Belgique, 1962), Marine Dricot (Belgique, 1988), Lara Gasparotto (Belgique, 1988), Kyna Gourley (Grande-Bretagne, 1979), Clara Gutsche (Canada, 1949), Jouko Lehtola (Finlande, 1963), Isabelle Pateer (Pays-B...Exposition New York Photographs - Sexy and the City Yossi Milo Gallery is pleased to announce Sexy and the City, a summer group show on view from Thursday, July 9, through Friday, August 28, 2009.
Sexy and the City shows the alluring, romantic and sometimes scandalous side of New York's people and places. Capturing private, intimate moments and blatant displays of sexuality, these photographs span the decades from the 1940s to the present day, taken in landmark locations like the Brooklyn Bridge and in the quiet, out-of-the-way corners of the city.
From Alfred Eisenstaedt's iconic image of a kissing couple in Times Square on V-J Day, 1945, to Nan Goldin's drag queen on an anonymous New York street in the 1990s, from Garry Winogrand's topless woman surrounded by a crowd in Central Park to the homosexual couples photographed by Alvin Baltr...Exposition Right Through the Very Heart of It Right Through the Very Heart of It contrasts the icons and idiosyncrasies of New York, from the "vagabond shoes" to the "top of the heap," captured by some of the greatest photographers to roam these concrete streets.
Many of the medium's greatest innovators have made their name photographing the denizens and architecture that define our dear city. But such a diverse environment necessitates representing the grit as much as the glamour. In particular the exhibition will highlight sweeping vistas, architectural studies, street photography and street portraiture....Exposition Selected photograhs - From Brassaï to Cindy Sherman
For a number of years we have been gathering together a collection of photographs which has evolved into a substantial group, but has never been shown publicly. A selection of which we would now like to present in our exhibition 'Selected photographs. From Brassaï to Cindy Sherman'.
Our intentions are to provide a wide and representative cross section of our inventory, beginning in the late 1920s and continuing up to the present day. We focus on American and European photography; black and white, as well as color. We have chosen works - in addition to the significance of the individual artists according to certain central themes: the nude, landscapes, portraits and architecture, to name the most prominent.
Brassaï and Cindy Sherman are representative of the chronology of our selection, the ...Exposition Diane Arbus - Rétrospective imprimée, 1960-1971 Cette première rétrospective de l’oeuvre de Diane Arbus (1923-1971) jamais organisée en France depuis l’exposition du Musée national d’art moderne au Centre Pompidou en 1980, réunit l’ensemble des images commandées à la photographe new-yorkaise par la presse anglo-saxone dans les années 1960. Si certaines de ces photographies sont devenues des icônes de l’Amérique contemporaine et plus généralement, de l’histoire de la photographie, d’autres constituent de véritables découvertes.
La présentation statue sur une forme d’« anthropologie des images » qui interroge directement leur circulation et leur économie.
L’exposition présente les ...Exposition Face à face exposition Depuis les portraits en noir & blanc de Diane Arbus, Harry Callahan et August Sander, jusqu’aux oeuvres en couleur d’artistes contemporains tels Serge Comte, Thomas Ruff et Cindy Sherman, l’exposition «Face à face» propose une variation autour de la représentation de l’individu, de son visage comme de son attitude, à travers laquelle affleurent les notions d’identité.
Ouvert mardi et vendredi de 16h à 18h, mercredi de 10h à 13h et de 14h à 18h, samedi de 10h30 à 13h et de 14h à 16h30...Exposition FASHION 9 decades of fashion photography
Gallery Camera Work in Berlin presents from September 20th until November 15th an exhibition of fashion photography of the 20th and 21st centuries. This group exhibition provides a representative overview of the development of fashion photography from its beginnings in the 1920s to the present time. With over 250 works of a total of 65 photographers - many of which are vintages - one can trace the different trends of fashion photography.
The spectrum of the photographs on display ranges from the sometimes classic compositions of an Edward Steichen to the experimental photographs of Man Ray, from the sexual revolution to the resulting emancipation of women as shown for example by Helmut Newton, from the cool elegance of the 1990s - influenced by Peter Lindbergh - to the highly imaginative works of a Tim Walker. On...Exposition Female Trouble The camera as mirror and stage of female projection Since the invention of photography more than 170 years ago it has been largely women who have used this technical medium to project themselves through role playing and masquerading. As well as the experimental urge to constantly recreate ones ego, the camera has also served as a means of calling into question clichés of female representation. Playing with the image of the eternally feminine was and remains a discourse with gender identity, its social and political definitions and reaching beyond them.
The exhibition focuses on contemporary women artists such as Cindy Sherman, Sarah Lucas, Monica Bonvicini and Pipilotti Rist, who with the aid of photography and video art investigate the female image. The artists explore the question of what image patterns the media age employs for portraying femininity and how t...Exposition The New York School Alexei Brodovitch - Diane Arbus - Lee Friedlander - Lisette Model - Louis Faurer - Richard Avedon - Robert Frank - Sid Grossman - Ted Croner - Weegee - William Klein
Between the late 1930s and the early 1960s a group of young photographers living and working in New York City redefined street photography.
This group of artists became known as The New York School.
These photographers documented the post war energy and exotic chaos of New York City as it evolved from the crisis years of the Great
Depression and the Second World War through to the social turbulence of the early seventies. Most of them worked on magazines but it was their personal work that stood them apart.
They captured the choreography of the city from the sidewalks of downtown, to the intensity of Times Square, the isolation and elegance of the arc...Exposition SWITCHER SEX-Video Works and Photography from the Teutloff Collection Slought Foundation, Philadelphia is pleased to announce the first exhibition of works from the Teutloff Collection, Germany, featuring a selection of international artists whose film and video works examine the varied manifestations of the human body in contemporary society. The exhibition will be on display in the galleries at Slought Foundation from December 12, 2007 - February 9, 2008; the opening reception will take place on Saturday, January 19th, 2007 from 6:30-8:30pm. The works featured in this exhibition will be selected by Osvaldo Romberg, Senior Curator at Slought Foundation;
featuring video works by donigan cumming, tracey emin, sigalit landau, bjørn melhus, patricia piccinini, michael rees, una szeemann, zhou xiaohu, and peter weibel; photographs by diane arbus, matthew barney, katharina bosse, hen...Exposition Retrospective Diane Arbus à Londres
“Nothing is ever the same as they said it was. It's what I've never seen before that I recognize.”
Diane Arbus
The V&As major exhibition this autumn is Diane Arbus Revelations. Arbus is the legendary New York photographer whose work captured 1950s and 1960s America and transformed the art of photography. The exhibition is the largest retrospective of her work ever assembled and is the first international Arbus exhibition for over 30 years.
The exhibition consists of nearly 200 of the artist's most significant photographs. Prints are drawn from major public and private collections throughout the world and include many images that have never been exhibited publicly. Among the works on display are such iconic images as 'Identical twins, Roselle, N.J. 1967' and 'A young man in curlers at home on West 20th Street...Exposition A Londres, la rétrospective «Revelations» A Londres, la rétrospective «Revelations»: plus de 200 tirages de la photographe américaine, ses carnets de notes...
Les gens d'Arbus
par Brigitte OLLIER
QUOTIDIEN : vendredi 28 octobre 2005
Diane Arbus, Revelations,
jusqu'au 15 janvier 2006 au Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington, London SW7 2RL
(44 20 7942 2000). www.vam.ac.uk
Catalogue édité par Schirmer-Mosel.
Organisée par le Museum of Modern Art de San Francisco (Libération du 12 janvier 2004), l'exposition consacrée à Diane Arbus, «Revelations», est aujourd'hui au Victoria and Albert Museum de Londres, après une halte à New York. Plus de 200 tirages, la reconstitution d'une partie de son domaine privé (chambre noire, bibliothèque, etc.), l'exhibition de ses carnets de notes, de ses appareils photo, un bon gro...Modifier l'image