Martin Kollar

Martin Kollar

#Photographe #Incontournable
Martin Kollar, Slovaque. Né en 1971. Vit à Berlin

«Il est slovaque, ne manque pas d’humour, et, dans un pays à forte tradition photographique, a choisi l’image fixe pour documenter, d’une manière tout à fait particulière, ce qui se jouait dans un espace en mutation quand le passage du socialisme au capitalisme se doublait de questionnements nationalistes.
Martin Kollar a immédiatement opté pour la couleur, la travaillant avec bonheur, pour nous proposer une collection d’instantanés rigolards de situations frisant l’absurde, par rapport auxquelles il sait prendre la distance juste qui en révèle l’étrangeté.
Confronté à un moment historique, il ne se donne pas pour fonction de le chroniquer, mais d’aller rechercher les surprenants effets de cette situation sur ses contemporains. Martin Kollar sait avec la curiosité qui est la sienne, s’éloigner, prendre du champ, restituer l’espace comme enjeu permanent de ce qui est en train de se passer.
Sa photographie, parfaitement irrespectueuse, a quelque chose de jubilatoire et est en même temps une sérieuse interrogation sur la façon dont nous occupons l’espace, sur notre mode de vie.»

Christian Caujolle, Agence VU’ Galerie, Photo Poche n°107, Actes Sud, 2006

Prix et bourses
2005 Prix Scam Roger Pic
2003 Prix World Press Photo Joop Swart Masterclass

Expositions individuelles
2011 Nothing Special, La Passerelle, Gap
2008 Nothing Special, Château d'eau, Toulouse

2008 Nothing Special, Actes Sud

English version
Born 23 November 1971, Žilina,Slovak Republic 1992-1997 the Academy of Performing Arts, Bratislava the Film faculty, camera department

2003 Member of Agence VU


2005 Scam Roger Pic award,
2004 Czech-Press-Photo: 2nd prize, in category -Everyday Life
2004 Oscar Barnac Award, Honorary mention,
2003 FujiFilm Euro Press Photo Awards, national level: 1st prize
2002 Mio Photo Award Osaka Japan ,Honorary prize,
2002 Backlight Award,Tampere Finland,
2001 FujiFilm Euro Press Photo Awards, national level: 1st prize
2000 Czech-Press-Photo: 2nd prize, in category -Everyday Life 2-prize,in category - Art,

Grants, Photo-stipends

2004 Photo stipend 3ppp,
2003 World Press Photo Joop Swart Masterclass,
2001 A full-year photo-stipend : Annual Country Report awarded by the Institute for Public Affairs- IVO
1999 Joung Europran Artists Award(Pepiniéres europeénes pour jeunes artistes), a photo-stipend,June - September,,

One - Artist Exhibitions

2004 Jordanov-Wacker Gallery,Munich Germany (May Jun)
2004 Siements_artlab,Galerire Ernst Hilger,Vienna Austria(March-April) ,
2003 Visa Pour L'Image, Perpignan France, Screening:Czechoslovakia
2003 The House of Arts, Opava Czech Rep (January-February)
2002 Galeria Opera, Ostrava Czech Rep.(December)
2002 Galeria Mala,Warsava Poland (November)
2002 Galeria Velryba,Praha Czech Rep. (October-November)
2002 House of Photography Prague, Czech Rep.(October-November)
2002 Slovak Embassy, Washington USA (September-October)
2002 The Moravian Gallery, Bozkovice Czech Rep. ( July-August)
2002 The House of photography Poprad, Slovak Rep ( February-March)
2001 Pálfy Pallace, the metropolitan gallery of Bratislava, within the Month of Photography, (november - december 2001)
2000 Gallery Profil, Bratislava (October)

Joint Exhibitions

2004 Berlin,Germany,Neue Berliner Kunstverein(December,February)
2004 Glueckstadt,Germany(August,September)
2004 Kathleen Ewing Gallery,Washington USA (April-May)
2003 Mastterclass,Foam,Amsterdam The Netherlands (November-Januar)
2003 SLO-SLO Artspace Vienna, Austria (April-May)
2003 Conterporary Slovak Documentary Photography, Montreal Canada(January-February) 2002 Czech and Slovak Photography 1980-2000, within the Month of Photography,(november-december 2002)
2002 Backlight 02 Tampere, Finland (october-december)
2002 Czech and Slovak Photography 1980-2000, the Moravian Gallery Olomouc (May-July)
2001 Slovak Photography 1925-2000, the Slovak National Gallery (November-Marec)
2001 Young Slovak Photography, Fotofestival Herten,Germany (Septermber-October)
2001 Substistances, Lyon (January)
1999 AFAD - APA Médium Gallery, within the Month of Photography Bratislava (November)
1999 Nie-licht gallery, Dudelange Luxemburg (September-October)
1998 New names in Slovak documentary photography,The House of Photography, Poprad (february)

Filmography (director of photograpy)

2004 Helpers.Film project/Borders,part 3 (doc.,dir.: P Kerekes 25min)
2003 66 Seasons (doc.,dir.: P Kerekes 86min)
2002 Hey you Slovaks (doc.,dir.:R Kirhohoff 51min)
2001 Acquarium (doc.,dir.:J Vojtek 12min)
2000 Volunteers (doc.,dir.: M Šulik)
1999 Kálo Láv, Black Word (doc.,dir.:R Kirhohoff 26min)
1998 The Voice (doc.,dir.: M. Kuboš 10min)
1998 In the Cube (anim. feature,dir.: M. Struss 6min)
1998 The Morytetes and Legendes of Ladomirova (doc.,dir.: P Kerekes 53min)
1997 Beekeepers year (doc.,dir.: M Šulík)
1996 66 Pribeník (doc., dir.:P. Kerekes 15min)
1996 Lovers without Clothes (anim. feature, dir.:K Urbanová 10min)
1995 About Three Days in the Jasov Monastery (doc.,dir.:P Kerekes 26min)
1995 From the life of a child (doc.,dir.:M Šulík 15min)
1995 The man on the book, the book on the man (doc.,dir.: P Kerekes 20min)