Eve Arnold (née le 21 avril 1912 à Philadelphie et morte le 5 janvier 2012 à Londres) est une photographe et photojournaliste américaine.
Eve Arnold étudie la photographie de 1947 à 1948 à la New School de New York. Elle fut la première femme collaboratrice de l'agence Magnum. Elle a rejoint l'agence de Photos de Magnum en 1951 et est devenue un membre à part entière en 1957.
Arnold est né à Philadelphie en Pennsylvanie, ses parents sont des immigrants russes-juifs, William (Velvel né Sklarski) et Bessie Cohen (Bosya né Laschiner). Son intérêt de devenir photographe a commencé en 1946, quand elle a travaillé pour une usine photo-finissante à New York. Elle a brièvement acquis des compétences photographiques en 1948 du directeur artistique de Bazar d'Harper Alexei Brodovitch à la Nouvelle École pour la Recherche Sociale au Manhattan.
Arnold est le mieux connu pour ses images d'actrice Marilyn Monroe sur le jeu de Monroe dernier (1961) le film, les Inadaptés, mais elle a pris beaucoup de photos de Monroe de 1951 en avant. Une exposition de ses photos précédemment invisibles de Monroe a été montrée à la Galerie Paisible à Londres en mai 2005. Monroe a eu confiance en Arnold plus qu'un autre photographe.
Non seulement Arnold photographie des célébrités comme la Reine Elizabeth II, Malcolm x et Joan Crawford, elle a voyagé largement dans le monde entier, photographiant en Chine, la Russie, l'Afrique du Sud et l'Afghanistan. [Citation nécessaire]
En 1980, elle avait sa première exposition de solo, qui a représenté (qui a disposé de) son travail photographique fait en Chine au Brooklyn Museum à New York. La même année, elle a reçu le Prix pour l'ensemble des réalisations de la American Society of Magazine Photographers. En 1995, elle a été faite membre honoraire de la Royal Photographic Society et élue Maître Photographe par le Centre international de photographie de New York. Elle a aussi fait une série de portraits des femmes des Présidents américains.
Arnold a quitté les États-Unis au début des années 1960 avec son fils, Francis, se déplaçant en Angleterre, qui est finalement devenue sa maison adoptive. En Angleterre, en travaillant pour le Royaume-Uni dimanche des Temps, elle a commencé à sérieusement utiliser la couleur comme un moyen pour la photographie. Dans sa patrie adoptée, elle était postérieure nommée un membre du Consultatif.
Actualité Vente caritative de Magnum Photos au profit de la Croix-Rouge Magnum Photo lance sa grande oeuvre caritative saisonnière au profit du comité international de la Croix-Rouge. Du lundi 23 novembre au mardi 1er décembre, se tiendra une vente de planches-contacts des photographes les plus renommés de l'agence : Elliott Erwitt, Martin Parr, Dennis Stock ou Eve Arnold.
Contact Sheet Print: James Dean
Dennis Stockt
Magnum photos entretient une relation de longue date avec la Croix-Rouge et couvre ses travaux depuis la seconde guerre mondiale. L'agence souhaite donc célébrer cet héritage lors de cette œuvre de bienfaisance saisonnière, en proposant ses planches-contacts au prix de 175 dollars.
Les planches seront toutes estampillées au verso par les artistes et au recto par Magnum Ph...Actualité A 99 ans, Eve Arnold rejoint Marilyn Monroe
Elle allait fêter son centenaire dans quelques mois. A l'abri dans une maison de retraite londonienne, la photographe Eve Arnold s'est éteinte le mercredi 4 janvier, laissant derrière elle une empreinte indélébile. Américaine issue d'un milieu modeste, fille d'immigrants russes, elle réussit à s'imposer dans le monde très masculin du photojournalisme.
Elle prend ses premières photos à 34 ans et commence à étudier à la New School for Social Research de New York deux ans plus tard, où elle reçoit les enseignements d'Alexei Brodovitch. La reconnaissance viendra, et vite. Picture Post, mais aussi sa ténacité, lui permettent de devenir, en 1951, la première femme p...Actualité Eve Arnold reçoit le Prix Lifetime Achievement Award pour l'ensemble de son oeuvre Eve Arnold recevra cette année un prix Lifetime Achievement Award pour l’ensemble de son oeuvre à l’occasion des Sony World Photography Awards.
Elle sera à l’honneur à la cérémonie de récompenses annuelle qui se déroulera à Cannes le 22 avril, au lendemain de son 98e anniversaire, aux côtés de grandes figures de la communauté internationale de la photographie.
Scott Gray, directeur général de la World Photography Organisation, a déclaré :
« Au cours d’une vie remarquable et d’une longue carrière, il est difficile d’imaginer ce qu’Eve Arnold n’a pas capturé au travers d’un objectif. Et les images qu’elle a capturées ...Livre MAGNUM MAGNUM, les photographes de l'agence se commentent en duos
Réédité en « Petit Format », l'ouvrage Magnum Magnum était déjà paru en 2007. Ce livre retrace le travail des grands maîtres de la photographie du XXe siècle, des grands photographes actuels et des nouveaux talents de l'agence de photographes la plus connue du monde. 400 images iconiques des 60 dernières années ont été ici sélectionnées et commentées par les 69 photographes de Magnum. Ainsi, entre autres duos le travail d'Henri Cartier-Bresson est décrit par Eve Arnold, celui de Martin Franck par Ferdinando Scianna. L'oeuvre de Martin Parr est commenté par René Burri et l'oeuvre d'Alex Webb est détaillé par Chris Steele-Perkins.
Ma...Exposition The women in honor by Staley-Wise Gallery Press Release -
“I feel there is something unexplored about women that only a woman can explore.” Georgia O’Keeffe, 1925
Staley-Wise Gallery presents an exhibition celebrating prominent women photographers from the fields of documentary and fashion photography. Photographers from the legendary cooperative Magnum Photos are engaged in a visual and thematic dialogue with photographers working in editorial and advertising photography. Photographing and moving in different spheres, they are recording and interacting with women in the larger world to highlight disparate subjects such as war, childhood, religion, sexuality and style while celebrating the complexity of the female experience.
Photographers included: Eve Arnold / Olivia Arthur / Lillian Bassman / Louise Dahl-Wolfe / Bieke Depoorter / Ca...Exposition « Autophoto » : en voiture pour la Fondation Cartier !
La Fondation Cartier nous accueille dans son immense espace à l'occasion de l'exposition « Autophoto », ode des temps modernes à l'automobile. Jeudi 20 avril, jour d'ouverture, le petit monde de la presse et de l'art se pressait dans le 14ème arrondissement pour avoir la chance d'observer les clichés de légende réunis dans une scénographie à couper le souffle. À voir d'urgence.
L’exposition est née d'une idée de Xavier Barral, fondateur des Editions éponymes dédiées au monde de l'art, et de Philippe Séclier, photographe et rédacteur en chef du magazine AUTOhebdo. Sont mis en scène plusieurs dizaines d’artistes, du XXème sièc...Exposition Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Photographs of the 60s and 70s Photographs of the 60s and 70s from the Nicola Erni Collection
"Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!" is a collection of spectacular snapshots of a turbulent and legendary age in the history of art, music, fashion and film – the 1960s and ’70s. These decades were known for upheaval, provocation and creative energy. The Nicola Erni Collection, based in Zug, Switzerland, of which some 200 photographs are displayed here, takes visitors right into the heart of the vibrant cultural and party life that dominated the scene in New York, London and Paris. We penetrate this world through the lenses of the great photographers of the day, from Diane Arbus and Richard Avedon, Gary Winogrand, Helmut Newton, Annie Leibovitz to Robert Mapplethorpe. They trained their cameras on a range of celebrities including big names such as...Exposition Exhibition : « Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! » in Munich Münchner Stadtmuseum's press release
"Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!" is a collection of spectacular snapshots of a turbulent and legendary age in the history of art, music, fashion and film – the 1960s and ’70s. These decades were known for upheaval, provocation and creative energy. The Nicola Erni Collection, based in Zug, Switzerland, of which some 200 photographs are displayed here, takes visitors right into the heart of the vibrant cultural and party life that dominated the scene in New York, London and Paris. We penetrate this world through the lenses of the great photographers of the day, from Diane Arbus and Richard Avedon, Gary Winogrand, Helmut Newton, Annie Leibovitz to Robert Mapplethorpe. They trained their cameras on a range of celebrities including big names such as Andy Warhol, The Be...Exposition Peter Fetterman Gallery presents « Portraits of the 20th Century »
To look upon someone extraordinary, who has achieved greatness against great odds. To be moved by an image of one who has touched upon the lives of thousands. To seek knowledge and understanding. To find inspiration.
These are the experiences we seek when confronted by a great portrait. The figures captured in this exhibition were extraordinary, exuding character and living lives of triumph and disaster. The photographers who captured their essence, by necessity required a technical prowess but more importantly possess depth, empathy and pursue a true understanding of the human condition.
Portraits are certainly the great power in photography. They are the great confluence of documentary and artistry. Our natural voyeuristic condition draws us in and the medium allows us to feel an element of intimacy. A great...Exposition Posing Beauty in African American Culture
Posing Beauty in African American Culture examines the contested ways in which African and African American beauty has been represented in historical and contemporary contexts through a diverse range of media including photography, film, video, fashion, advertising, and other forms of popular culture such as music and the Internet. The exhibition explores contemporary understandings of beauty by framing the notion of aesthetics, race, class, and gender within art, popular culture, and political contexts.
The exhibition is organized by the Department of Photography & Imaging at New York University, Tisch School of the Arts, traveled by Curatorial Assistance Traveling Exhibitions, and curated by Dr. Deborah Willis. The touring exhibition is made possible in part by the JP Morgan Chase Foundation. Additional supp...Exposition Fotomuseum WestLicht presents « In Our Time »
Until today Magnum stands for documentary photography of the highest standard. Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, George Rodger and David Seymour (Chim) founded the legendary photo agency in 1947, with the aim to work independently in a motivated cooperative of likeminded photographers - as reporters, commentators and poets with a camera. The decisive moment and Human Interest became the central paradigms of this group.
The exhibition IN OUR TIME opens a time window to the first forty years of Magnum with photographs of the five initiators and fifty other members, such as Werner Bischof, Ernst Haas, Erich Lessing, Eve Arnold, Marc Riboud, Elliott Erwitt, Inge Morath, René Burri, Bruce Davidson, Constantine Manos, Burk Uzzle, Hiroji Kubota, Bruno Barbey, Josef Koudelka, Gilles Peress, Mary Ellen Mark, Susa...Exposition Swann Galleries’ Thursday, October 4 auction of Fine Photographs & Photobooks
Auction Also Offers Outstanding Selection of Vintage Photographs, Photojournalism Images, Contemporary Art.
Swann Galleries’ Thursday, October 4 auction of Fine Photographs & Photobooks is Edward S. Curtis’s magnum opus The North American Indian, a documentation of the customs, manners and rituals of more than 80 Native American tribes west of the Mississippi. This complete set, with 20 folios on Japan tissue (featuring 722 large-format photogravures), and 20 text volumes (with more than 1500 small-format photogravures on vellum), is one of the most stunning and ambitious photographically illustrated books ever produced. Ink numbered 113/500, ...Exposition Hommage to Eve Arnold
This spring the Kunstfoyer der Versicherungskammer Bayern pays homage to the grand dame of photography with a retrospective exhibition that is also Eve Arnold’s first exhibition in Germany. It will showcase her reportages such as New York by Night, Harlem Fashion Show (1950), The First Five Minutes of a Baby‘s Life, Voodoo in Haiti, Malcolm X, and Vogue Fashion Show (1977); as well as her travel photographs from Afghanistan (from the late ‘60s), China and India (circa 1980), and her legendary portraits of Marilyn Monroe, Marlene Dietrich, Joan Crawford, Isabella Rossellini, Clark Gable, Orson Welles, Peter O’Toole, and Anthony Quinn. She became particularly close to Marilyn Monroe, whom she accompanied and photographed over a period of ten years.
Image : © Eve Arnold
...Exposition CHIOTTISSIME - Des toilettes à ciel ouvert 24h/24 à Bastille ! A l’occasion de son 40ème anniversaire, le SIAAP (Syndicat Interdépartemental pour l’Assainissement de l’Agglomération Parisienne) organise une exposition de photographies grand format et à ciel ouvert, boulevard de la Bastille à Paris 12ème.
L’exposition aura lieu, en accès libre, du 9 septembre au 20 octobre 2010.
Un véritable tour du monde des trônes ! Du simple trou dans la terre aux toilettes en or les plus chères du monde à Hong Kong. Des toilettes flottantes lors d’une crue à Djakarta aux urinoirs vengeurs garnis de photos des banquiers islandais.
Des incroyables toilettes glacées de la banquise aux toilettes flottantes du Mékong.
Atlas Gallery announce an important new exhibition of rare portraits by some of the most notable photographers of the last six decades. Curated personally by the gallery's director Ben Burdett, the subjects have been chosen from the fields of politics, sport, the arts, entertainment and science.
The selection of works on show attempts to examine the way in which the camera portrait not only provides the individual with a visual memory and reference for the subjects of the portrait but in some rare cases, when reproduced enough times, provides an almost universal human record.The works chosen have been selected not only for the status and influence of the subjects but for the importance of ...Exposition Marilyn à la Galerie de l'Instant De Marilyn Monroe, tout a été dit, sa beauté, sa destinée tragique, son enfance malheureuse, les hommes, la fragilité... Nous l’appelons Marilyn, comme une de nos connaissances, une habituée, une vieille amie, et cepen- dant, le mystère demeure...
Pourquoi après tant d’années depuis sa disparition, reste-t-elle un tel mythe ? Auprès des femmes, des hommes, toute génération confondue ? Car si le mot existe, il semble avoir été crée pour elle ! Qu’on l’apprécie ou pas, ce symbole de la féminité reste un mystère, que les documentaires et autres spécialistes, essaient toujours de percer, et dont nous essayons aussi parfois d’entrevoir la vérité, au travers d&rsqu...Exposition Early Magnum à Londres rare prints from the Magnum archive
In February 2010 Magnum Photos announced the sale of its New York print archive to the founder of Dell computers, Michael Dell. Comprising over 185,000 photographs, this landmark acquisition takes a substantial amount of previously purchasable early Magnum photographs off the market, to be catalogued and preserved as a study collection at the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas, Austin. “Early Magnum” provides an opportunity to view rare prints from the Magnum archive in London, which remain available for sale. Composed of work by photographers associated with the agency in its first 10 years (1947 – 1957), it includes all four founders: Henri Cartier-Bresson, David Seymour, George Rodger and Robert Capa; series’ by Werner Bischof, Leonard Freed and Dennis Stock, as well as individua...Exposition Faces of our Times Iconic Portraits of Powerful and influential figures of the last 60 years.
The selection of the works on show attempts to examine the way in which the camera portrait not only provides the individual with a visual memory and reference for the subjects of the portrait but in some rare cases, when reproduced enough times, provides an almost universal human record....Exposition Tokyo photo 2009 Japan's first art fair dedicated to still photography TOKYO PHOTO 2009 endeavors to be the foremost art fair of photography in Japan. The venue is located in the heart of international business and culture in Tokyo. To be held from September 4 to 6, Tokyo Photo 2009 will provide visitors with a unique opportunity to see and buy a wide range of photographic works from vintage prints to cutting-edge digitally enhanced images.
With the support of the US Embassy and in collaboration with the Museum of Photographic Arts in San Diego, Tokyo Photo will mount a special exhibition entitled Photo America. Featuring over 50 historical works spanning the 19th century to the present, Photo America will present a panoramic overview of American photographic expression. Virtually all of the works will be displayed for the first time in Japan.
Lectures and seminars will...Exposition BITTER FRUIT: Pictures from Afghanistan A cross roads between East and West, mountainous and landlocked, Afghanistan’s history is one of regular invasion and a long struggle for self definition. In the late 19th century, Afghanistan became a buffer state in "The Great Game" played between the Russian and British Indian Empires and has remained a pawn in international politics ever since. Since the late 1970s the country has suffered continuous and brutal civil war in addition to foreign interventions by Russia and America. Post 9/11 and the start of America’s war on the Taliban, Afghanistan has rarely been out of the news: in the UK media, announcements of British army losses resulting from tough fighting in Helmand province are an unfortunately familiar occurrence. With a new administration in the White House and a shift in foreign polic...Exposition Portraits d'artistes Les grandes figures du XXe siècle devant l'objectif Picasso en pleine création dans les ateliers de Madoura ou arborant chapeau et revolver offerts par Gary Cooper, Alberto Giacometti aux côtés du Buste de Diego, Francis Bacon dans son atelier devant Trois Etudes pour le portrait de John Edwards, mais aussi Arthur Miller prenant la pose pour son épouse au Champs de Mars, François Truffaut à l’écriture et Henri Cartier-Bresson découvrant ses oeuvres au Grand Palais…
A l’honneur : peintres et sculpteurs, de Pablo Picasso à César en passant par Georges Braque, Fernand Léger, Jean Dubuffet, Salvador Dali, Max Ernst, Alberto Giacometti, Francis Bacon, Alexander Calder, et Andy Warhol. A leurs côtés : poètes et écrivains – Jean Cocteau, Jacques Pr&eac...Exposition 30 Contemporary Collection + Print Draw 30 is a unique collection celebrating 30 years of contemporary photography at the Gallery of Photography. Fifty photographers: world famous, established and breakthrough talents are represented in the show. The 30 Collection Print Draw offers a fantastic opportunity to win the framed exhibition print of your choice. This is your chance to invest in both the history and the future of photography in Ireland.
Print Draw: A draw will be held for each framed photograph. So simply visit the exhibition or our online 30 webgallery, select the print you want to win, buy a ticket and come to the Draw Event where the winners will be announced.
30 Grand Draw: Following the 50 individual draws, all tickets are entered into our Grand Draw for superb framed photographic prints by Anthony Haughey, Jackie Nickerson and Harry Thuill...Exposition Eve Arnold portraits As one of Magnum’s earliest female members, Eve Arnold’s archive is as diverse as any from photojournalism’s heyday. Ranging from portraiture to editorial assignments, advertising and long term projects, it reflects the flexibility and tenacity needed to sustain a career spanning over 50 years. When she started in the 1950s, Arnold was a forerunner of the changes taking place in portraiture, which saw a more natural approach applied to all subject matter, whether Hollywood studio stars or documentary on the lives of poverty stricken potato pickers. Her empathy and determination, led to amazingly candid portraits of key Twentieth Century figures from the worlds of politics and popular culture from Malcolm X to Marilyn Monroe.
Born in Philadelphia in 1913 of Russian immigrant parents, Arnold came to p...Exposition Magnum Photos 60 years at the Stedelijk Museum Throughout that period MAGNUM never ceased to supply photographs that have become part of the world’s collective memory – pictures of landmark events like the Russian army’s invasion of Prague in 1968 and the Tiananmen Square demonstrations in Beijing in 1989. The exhibition uses photographs, books and texts to illustrate the history of MAGNUM year by year and gives visitors the opportunity to view work by 83 photographers, such as Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Carl de Keyzer, Martin Parr, Susan Meiselas and Leonard Freed.
MAGNUM was established in 1947 by Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, George Rodger and David Seymour. They were convinced that photography was the best medium with which to document world events and raise public awareness. And they succeeded – the way MAGNUM photographer...Modifier l'image