Guy Tillim #Photographe
Né à Johannesburg en 1962, Guy Tillim vit au Cap. Il a entamé sa carrière de photographe en 1986, intégrant le collectif Afrapix dont il a fait partie jusqu'en 1990. Il a en outre travaillé comme photographe indépendant pour différents médias sud-africains et étrangers, dont Reuters de 1986 à 1988 et l'AFP de 1993 à 1994. Maintes fois récompensé pour son travail, Guy Tillim a notamment remporté le prix Leica Oska Barnack en 2005 et a été, en 2006, le premier lauréat de la bourse Robert Gardner de la photographie attribuée par le Peabody Museum de l'Université de Harvard. Ses œuvres ont été exposées à l'occasion de grands rendez-vous de l'art contemporain tels que la biennale de Sao Paulo en 2006 et documenta 12 en 2007. Sa série Congo Democratic s'arrête sur les hommes et les institutions qui ont dirigé le Congo, en les mettant en perspective avec les élections démocratiques supervisées par l'ONU.
Actualité Guy Tillim Lauréat du prix Henri Cartier-Bresson 2017 « Guy Tillim m’a surpris par le dynamisme et l’ambition de
son projet sur les grandes capitales africaines. Il apporte
un regard riche et renouvelé sur la grande tradition de la
photographie de rue, portée par Henri Cartier-Bresson. »
Pierre-Alexis Dumas
Le 20 juin 2017, suite aux délibérations qui se sont tenues à la Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson à Paris, le jury du Prix Henri Cartier-Bresson 2017 a désigné le photographe sud-africain Guy Tillim pour son projet Museum of the Revolution.
Sa candidature était présentée par Federica Angelucci, Galerie Stevenson, Capetown et Johannesbourg. Décerné par la Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson, le Prix HCB est une aide à la création, d’u...Actualité Qian Haifeng, grand gagnant du Lianzhou Foto Festival 2015 Le Lianzhou Foto Festival a annoncé mardi 24 novembre les lauréats de l'édition 2015 du grand concours photographique chinois. C'est Qian Haifeng qui a remporté la palme pour sa série « The Green Train ».
"The Green Train" © Qian Haifeng
Lorsque son travail d'employé d'hôtel le lui permet, Qian Haifeng prend le « train vert » qui parcourt le nord-est de la Chine. En sept ans, il réalise 227 voyages et parcourt 200 000 kilomètres sur les lignes de ce train, emprunté majoritairement par les peuples ruraux : paysans, ouvriers ou étudiants des contrées ouïghours. Les scènes de vie capturées dans cette centaine de photographies vibrent de joie et d'empathi...Actualité 2010 World Press Photo Contest winners to be announced in february The results of the 53rd annual World Press Photo Contest will be announced on Friday, 12 February 2010 at 11.00 a.m. (C.E.T.) during a press conference at the Boekmanzaal in the Amsterdam City Hall, Amstel 1. Following the announcement, the photos will be published on World Press Photo's website: Since it was founded in 1955, the World Press Photo Contest is widely considered to be the premier competition within photojournalism. Its accolades are coveted by photographers across the world.
The jury will select prize-winning images in ten categories from tens of thousands of pictures entered by photographers and their representatives worldwide. Judging takes place at the World Press Photo office in Amsterdam from 30 January to 11 February 2010. The members of the general jury are:
Ayp...Livre Guy Tillim - Léopold and Mobutu Photojournaliste (représenté par l'agence Vu), Guy Tillim tente de vivre de sa photographie sans compromission, associant les témoignages documentaires avec le développement d'une esthétique photographique singulière. Il aime présenter son travail comme autant de possibilités pour franchir les frontières tant physiques que spirituelles. Il a couvert au début des années 90 la guerre en Angola, en Afghanistan et plus récemment au Rwanda.
Ce livre pose un regard sur les événements passés en République Démocratique du Congo entre le roi des Belges Léopold II et le dictateur Mobutu. pixel...Festival Fotobookfestival Kassel 2016
Fotobookfestival Kassel 2016
The 8th Fotobookfestival Kassel will take place as a special Kassel / Beijing edition in cooperation with Éditions Bessard, Paris, from 11 June until 3 July at the Three Shadows Photography Art Centre. The festival weekend, with presentations, workshops and lectures, will be from 9 to 12 June, the book exhibitions are from 11 June until 3 July.
The Program:
Thursday 9. June
10am-5pm : Book Design Workshop by Sybren Kuiper (SYB) (Three Shadows)
Information and booking here.
3pm : Talk with Dieter Neubert, Eva Gravayat, Pierre Bessard, Ramon Pez and Richard Reisen about photographers and bookmaking (Goethe Institute, Originality Square, 798 Art District)
Friday 10. June
10am-5pm: Book Design Workshop by Ramon Pez (Three Shadows)
Information and booking here.
Sa...Festival PHotoEspaña 2013 : 74 exhibitions and activities in Madrid, Alcalá de Henares, Alcobendas, Cuenca, Lanzarote and Zaragoza
Between June 5 and July 28, PHotoEspaña 2013, the XVI edition of the international festival of photography and visual arts, presents 74 exhibitions with works by 328 artists from 42 countries and an ample selection of public and professional activities. Lanzarote, Zaragoza and Prague are added to Madrid, Cuenca, Alcalá de Henares, and Alcobendas as venues of the festival.
© Ricard Terré, Sant Boi de Llobregat
In his last years as general curator of the festival, Gerardo Mosquera presents an exhibition program that revolves around the theme, Body. Eros and Politics, which look at the diversity with which photography has approached one of its major themes: the human body.
© Birgit Jürgenssen, Untitled (Self with Little Fur), 1974-1977
...Festival Scotiabank Contact Festival 2011 - Figure and Ground
Tout au long du mois de Mai à Toronto au Canada, le Festival Scotiabank CONTACT présente dans 200 lieux de la ville des expositions, installations publiques, projections, films, conférences et stages à environ un million de visiteurs. Nous vous présentons ci-dessous le contenu de ce festival, qui présente le meilleur de la photographie contemporaine et dont l'édition 2011 est intitulée Figure & Ground, explorant «les tensions mouvantes entre l'humanité et la nature». Pour en savoir plus :
«Focusing on our relationship to the environment, CONTACT 2011: Figure & Ground looks at how photographic images alter perception, inform knowledge, and uncover meaning. From classical portraits of t...Exposition Exposition : « Après Eden, collection Walther » Du 17 octobre 2015 au 17 janvier 2016, c’est l’exceptionnelle collection de photographies d’Artur Walther qui est dévoilée. Artur Walther a rassemblé en vingt ans des ensembles conséquents d’une grande cohérence ; partant de la photographie allemande, puis américaine, il s’est ensuite tourné vers la photographie africaine et asiatique.
Artur Walther est né à Ulm en Allemagne. Il vit et travaille à New York. Ancien banquier d’affaires, il ouvre sa collection au public en juin 2010 avec l’inauguration d’un musée, constitué de quatre
bâtiments et situé dans un quartier résidentiel de sa ville natale, Neu-Ulm / Berlafingen, dans le sud de l’Allemagne. Il soutient depuis vingt ans des programmes et bourses photographiques. Artur Walther a ...Exposition Exhibition : « The Order of Things » from The Walther Collection The Walther Collection presents "The Order of Things: Photography from The Walther Collection", a major exhibition exploring how the organization of photographs into systematic sequences or typologies has affected modern visual culture. The Order of Things investigates the production and uses of serial portraiture, conceptual structures, vernacular imagery, and time-based performance in photography from the 1880s to the present, bringing together works by artists from Europe, Africa, Asia, and North America. Curated by Brian Wallis, former Chief Curator at the International Center of Photography in New York, the exhibition will be accompanied by a catalogue published by Steidl/The Walther Collection.
Throughout the modern era, photography has been enlisted to classify the world and its people. Driven by a be...Exposition Exposition : AFRICA Big Change - Big Chance Africa Big Change Big Chance explore les changements et transformations à l’œuvre sur le continent africain.
Ceux-ci agissent sur une grande échelle et concernent tout autant le déplacement des populations, les pressions diverses causées par l’urbanisation et la surexploitation des ressources naturelles et des territoires. Transformation – Big Change – et opportunité – Big Chance : telles sont les perspectives permettantd’esquisser pour l’Afrique un futur meilleur et durable. Car ce continentpourrait bien devenir le théâtre d’une nouvelle modernité, d’où émergeront des formes alternatives de culture globale et cosmopolite.
Ala Kheir (Soudan), Adolphus Opara (Nigeria), Guy
Tillim (...Exposition Africa : Big Change Big Chance, CIVA hors les murs Après sa présentation à la Triennale de Milan de 2014, le CIVA est heureux d’accueillir à Bruxelles, Africa : Big Change Big Chance, une exposition richement illustrée et commentée qui sonde la réalité architecturale et urbanistique d’un continent en mutation.
Africa Big Change Big Chance explore les changements et transformations à l’œuvre sur le continent africain. Ceux-ci agissent sur une grande échelle et concernent tout autant le déplacement des populations, les pressions diverses causées par l’urbanisation et la surexploitation des ressources naturelles et des territoires. Transformation – Big Change – et opportunité – Big Chance : telles sont les perspectives permettant d&rs...Exposition La Fondation Gulbenkian, en co-production avec le projet Gulbenkian Next Future, présente « Present Tense »
La Délégation en France de la Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian présente, en co-production avec le projet Gulbenkian Next Future, « Present Tense », une grande exposition autour de la photographie contemporaine du sud de l’Afrique.
Cette exposition présentera des photographies de Délio Jasse, Dillon Marsh, Guy Tillim, Jo Ractliffe, Kiluanji Kia Henda, Mack Magagane, Malala Andrialavidrazana, Paul Samuels, Pieter Hugo, Sabelo Mlangeni, Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi, Filipe Branquinho, Mauro Pinto et Sammy Baloji
Granite Mining in Angola, 2009 © Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi
Tirage numérique, impression Inkjet sur papier de coton 100 X 70
Alors que 2011 a marqué les vingt ans de la fin de l’apartheid en Afrique du Sud, la D&...Exposition Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation presents photographs from South Africa in « Present Tense » exhibition
« Present Tense » exhibition will be taking place nineteen years after the end of the apartheid regime in South Africa, twenty-one years after the peace agreements in Mozambique, twenty-three years after Namibia declared independence and eleven years after the death of Jonas Savimbi, which marked the end of the civil war in Angola.
In just two decades, the ever-changing political and social situation of this region of Africa has brought all kinds of challenges for its citizens, including the one of learning how to live together: in each town, and in each country with their neighbors across the border. It has not been an easy or evident path to follow, and occasionally a step backwards has threatened to destroy the expectations created twenty years earlier. There are different levels to the p...Exposition Guy Tillim présente «Second Nature» au Centre Photographique d'Ile de France
Le Centre Photographique d’Ile-de-France est heureux d’accueillir la seconde exposition monographique d’envergure en France de Guy Tillim, figure incontournable de la photographie contemporaine sud-africaine. Après avoir présenté les séries Jo’burg et Avenue Patrice Lumumba en 2009 à la Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson à Paris, Guy Tillim dévoilera de manière inédite en France dans les espaces du CPIF le projet Second Nature, qui rassemble deux séries réalisées en Polynésie Française et à São Paulo entre 2010 et 2011.
Cet ensemble explore la capacité de la photographie à restituer le paysage, naturel ou urbain, en convoquant une problématique inhérente à la représentation du paysage : « Dans quelle mesure fabrique-t-on une scène et dans que...Exposition Huis Marseille, museum for photography presents the collective exhibition Power/prix pictet
Shortlist Robert Adams (United States), Daniel Beltrà (Spain/United States), Mohamed Bourouïssa (Algeria/France), Philippe Chancel (France), Edmund Clark (United Kingdom), Carl De Keyzer (Belgium), Luc Delahaye (Winner, France), Rena Effendi (Azerbaijan), Jacqueline Hassink (The Netherlands), An-My Lê (United States/Vietnam), Joel Sternfeld (United States) and Guy Tillim (South Africa).
The Prix Pictet was launched in 2008 as a prize for photography and sustainability. Created by the Geneva-based private bank Pictet & Cie. In just four years the Prix Pictet has gained an international reputation for recognising outstanding photographic series that communicate messages of global environmental significance. Exhibitions of work by the shortlisted photographers from the four editions of the awar...Exposition The Prix Pictet Power Tour begins in Munich
The Prix Pictet Power tour begins in Munich in late October 2012 with an exhibition at Bernheimer Fine Art Photography from 24 October – 9 November. This will be the first time that the Prix Pictet has visited the city.
The theme of the fourth cycle of the Prix Pictet is Power which as a theme has great creative reach. Power embraces contradiction and paradox in equal measure. The same forces that result in disaster and despair can also generate hope and renewal. Advances in technology to generate renewable energy mean that the powers of the wind, the sea and the sun can now be converted into sustainable forms of energy.
© Robert Adams - Clatsop County, Oregon - Series: Turning Back - 2001 - Oregon, United...Exposition Guy Tillim presents « Second Nature » at Kuckei + Kuckei
In his new series, Second Nature, Guy Tillim explores the ambivalence of the image and the memory in our contemplation of images. The first part of these works arose on and around the islands of French Polynesia. On his travels, he follows in the tracks of explorers such as James Cook and artists such as Paul Gauguin in his desire to gain a contemporary view of this “paradise”. And in the process, he occupies himself with questions regarding the independence of the motif and the role played by the beholder. How much of ourselves do we invest in an image? Where lie the boundaries between interpretation and documentation? Tillim's motifs range from expansive seascapes and brief moments of everyday life on the islands to the wild nature found in the interior jungle. But he strictly avoids giving his works...Exposition Kofi Annan annoncera le quatrième lauréat du prix Pictet à la Saatchi Gallery le 9 octobre 2012
Les noms des douze photographes, dont les portfolios sur le thème Puissance ont été sélectionnés pour la quatrième édition du Prix Pictet, le prix de la photographie et du développement durable le plus prestigieux au niveau mondial, ont été annoncés le 4 Juillet 2012, durant un événement spécial marquant la semaine d'ouverture du festival de photographie, Les Rencontres d'Arles.
Les douze finalistes de la 4ème édition du Prix Pictet ont commencé à préparer leur travail pour l'exposition qui se tiendra à la Saatchi Gallery de Londres en Octobre. Le lauréat sera annoncé par Kofi Annan, Président d'Honneur du Prix Pictet, le 9 Octobre ...Exposition "Second Nature" by Guy Tillim
The photographs that Guy Tillim made last year in French Polynesia and São Paulo bring these locations into sharp focus but are devoid of specific emphasis. The weather conditions on a misty Tahiti volcanic beach are depicted in extraordinary, almost palpable detail, but the image shows no traces of the usual idiom for depicting a tropical idyll. After all, this island exists in the Western imagination in terms of its remote, exotic location, dazzling beaches, azure waters, and dusky naked beauties. Guy Tillim, however, gives a new context to this landscape.
As a modernistic counterpoint to his photographs of Polynesia, in late 2011 Guy Tillim travelled to São Paulo – a city that has also been much extolled, filmed, and described, and which is the subject of numerous poems. Here, too, Tillim h...Exposition Guy Tillim - Second Nature, at Stevenson Cape Town Gallery
For the past year Tillim has been photographing the landscape in French Polynesia. He was drawn to this landscape that has been continuously sketched - and later photographed - since Captain James Cook's voyages in the late 18th century, perhaps because it almost eludes convincing representation. In reading the accounts of the artists who accompanied Cook, Tillim was interested to note that their debates on-board ship around the subject of the representation of landscape are very similar to those we have today: how much do you 'give' a scene and how much do you let it speak for itself? In this regard, he explains his own difficulties in finding a way through this binary because of our strongly conditioned notions of the frame and the picturesque:
"In making photographs of the landscap...Exposition Photography Group Show Photography always puts reality into frames. The photographer takes a picture of something and thereby decides to leave everything else out of it, whereas it might well be possible that the things left out are far more important than the objects in the picture. We tend to object to this by saying that photography violates or undermines truth and reality because it distracts us from the essential events happening at the same time. In a way, that is a valid objection: a picture evidently will never be able to render or reproduce reality more genuine than reality does itself. You always "should have been there yourself", to put it in a slightly trivial way. We know by experience that every observation and perception of reality is "colored". Why is it then that truth is such a problematic issue in photogr...Exposition Avenue Patrice Lumumba - Guy Tillim In many African cities, there are streets, avenues and squares named after Patrice Lumumba, one of the first elected African leaders of modern times, winning the Congo election after independence from Belgium in 1960. His speech at the independence celebrations in Léopoldville, in the presence of the Belgian King, Baudouin, unequivocally signalled his opposition to the West's idea of neo-colonial order that would replace overt domination with indirect control. He was assassinated in January 1961 by Belgian agents after UN complicity in the secession of the provinces of Katanga and South Kasai, and a Western power-supported military coup led by Mobutu Sese Seko. Today his image as a nationalist visionary necessarily remains unmolested by the accusations of abuse of power that became synonymous with later African he...Exposition WORLD - IMAGES 3 In 2005 and 2007, Helmhaus Zürich presented the first and second parts of its World - Images exhibition series. The project now continues with the third part, accompanied, as always, by a publication. One of the main aims of this project is to find out more about the different ways in which artists transpose their views of the world into the medium of photography, especially in an age of media overkill. The exhibition shows a vibrant cross-section of contemporary photography.
World - Images 3 covers a range of individual visual worlds and worldviews. Each of the eight artists featured in this exhibition has a distinctive approach in terms of creative expression, subject matter and in terms of the social and geographic setting that is the focus of their work. Which worldviews are conveyed in the visual worlds of the...Exposition Guy Tillim Avenue Patrice Lumumba Extra City presents the project Avenue Patrice Lumumba by Guy Tillim in collaboration with the Flemish-Dutch House deBuren a few months before the 50th anniversary of Congolese independence from Belgium.
Avenue Patrice Lumumba is an examination of modern history in Africa against the backdrop of its colonial and post-colonial architectural heritage. It travels through numerous African countries, including Mozambique, Angola and The Democratic Republic of Congo.
In this project, the South African photographer Guy Tillim (1962, Johannesburg) departs from the late-modernist architectural structures that shaped the colonial landscape of conflicts in recent decades. However, the transitional and hybrid sceneries and spaces he depicts do not merely testify to conflict and an oppressive past, decay and violently contested...Exposition Guy Tillim - Afrique du sud, de l'apartheid à nos jours Dès ses débuts de photographe, Guy Tillim s’est engagé contre le régime de l’apartheid…
Ce photographe sud-africain né en 1962 se partage aujourd’hui entre Durban et Paris. Dès 1985, il intègre un collectif de photographes militant contre l’apartheid. Rapidement, la qualité de ses reportages lui vaut d’être engagé par Reuters et l’AFP, pour lesquelles il couvre plusieurs conflits. Puis il devient freelance et continue à parcourir le monde pour témoigner des atrocités de la guerre, tentant toujours de vivre sa photographie sans compromission. Son reportage en couleur sur les laissés pour compte de l’apartheid à Johannesburg a fait l’objet d’un livre aux &ea...Exposition A Look Away - South African Photography Today »A Look Away« is the first of two exhibitions on Contemporary South African Art at Gallery Kuckei + Kuckei in Berlin. While the first show will focus on the latest developments in photography, the second part, titled »Why not?«, will present artists working in various mediums such as sculpture, installation, video and performance.
»A Look Away« introduces four emerging photographers from different origins in South Africa: Pieter Hugo, Sabelo Mlangeni, Mikhael Subotzky and Nontsikelelo Veleko. Furthermore the show will present works of documenta-participant Guy Tillim.
The title of the exhibition is also the name of a recently founded art magazine in South Africa. It ironically describes what photography in Southern Africa always avoided. Especially in the years before 1994 photog...Exposition Gui Tillim - Petros village In cooperation with the Sant'Egidio Community, the Festival sent a great South African photographer to areas in Malawi risking famine.
The village of Petros is situated in the middle of Malawi, about 50 kilometres north of the capital, Lilongwe. Organised in rural communities, but not far from civilisation, the farmers in this village rely on the local market, where they sell tobacco and beans and grow maize, their basic nutrient. In 2004 it ever rained and they lost their harvest, but a famine was avoided thanks to help provided by the Sant'Egidio Community. The village of Petros takes its name from the village chief, Petros James. In compliance with the Chewa law, he inherited his position as village chief not from his father, but from an uncle, his mother's brother. The son of his own sister Neri will inherit the t...Exposition Guy Tillim Petros Village, Malawi, 2006 In this new series of colour photographs Guy Tillim looks intimately at the daily life of the residents of a village in central Malawi. On two occasions he stayed for a week in the village and quietly observed the conversations and routines of the day. His lyrical images of the residents and the textures of the village linger with their stillness and reserve.
The exhibition is also to be seen in Italy at the Museo di Roma on the occasion of the fifth edition of the FotoGrafia International Festival of Rome which opens in April 2006.
Tillim¹s work is included on the exhibition Snap Judgments: New positions in contemporary African photography curated by Okwui Enwezor at the International Center of Photography in New York (10 March 28 May 2006). In 2005 Tillim won the Leica Oskar Barnack Award for his photo...Exposition AFRICA REMIX L'ART CONTEMPORAIN D'UN CONTINENT 25 MAI - 8 AOÛT 2005
Pour la première fois en France, le Centre Pompidou présente une exposition majeure sur l'art contemporain du continent africain. Cette manifestation, Africa Remix, réunit les oeuvres d'une centaine d'artistes africains - des peintures de Chéri Samba aux installations de Barthélémy Toguo, Yinka Shonibare et Jane Alexander, Pascale Marthine Tayou, des dessins de Frédéric Bruly Bouabré aux peintures de Ghada Amer en passant par les photographies de Guy Tillim, Samuel Fosso, David Goldblatt, Zwelethu Mthethwa. Etendue sur 2200m2, cette exposition révèle les multiples aspects de la création contemporaine africaine.
Africa Remix propose une vision globale de la création du continent en incluant notamment un programme de cinéma « Fictions d'Afrique », prés...Modifier l'image