Olivio Barberi est né en 1954 en Italie et commence à exposer en 1978. En 1993, 1995 et 1997 il participe à la Biennale de Venise et à de nombreuses manifestations internationales d’arts visuels contemporains. En 1996, le Folkwang Museum d’Essen lui consacre une rétrospective. En 2003, il participe à «Strangers », la première triennale de photographie et de vidéo organisée par le Centre International de la Photographie ICP à New-York. En 2003, il entreprend le projet site_specific qui s’intéresse à plusieurs villes dont Rome, Montreal, Amman, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Shanghai et Séville. En 2005, il commence une nouvelle série de films intitulée Seascape et Riversacape. En 2006 la BIACS (biennale de Séville) l’invite à réaliser un nouveau film. Les œuvres d’Olivio Barbieri sont présentées dans des musées, des universités et des collections en Europe et aux États-Unis. De nombreux ouvrages ont également été publiés sur son œuvre.
Festival What to See at Fotografia Europea 2016 The 11th edition of the Fotografia Europea international festival of photography promises to be one of the biggest and best yet, with a program of exhibitions, conferences, performances, educational initiatives, and other events taking place throughout the Municipality of Reggio Emilia in Northern Italy from May 6 through July 10, 2016.
The theme of Fotografia Europea 2016, “The Via Emilia. Roads, Journeys, Borders,” is focused on the topic of roads, starting from what the curators of the festival describe as “the major Roman road that runs ‘from the river to the sea’” and extending to “the byways of the world, the places of transit, and borders in today’s society.”
© Walker Evans Street in Bethlehem, Penn. Data: 1935 Data stampa: 1972 CSAC, Universit...Festival Alt plus 1000, festival de photographie de montagne
Les montagnes ont été propices à l’affirmation des identités, en Suisse, comme ailleurs dans le monde. Le thème ne cesse de passionner les artistes depuis les excursions dans les Alpes du peintre Caspar Wolf au XVIIIe siècle. Le paysage de montagne a ainsi attiré les premières générations de photographes au XIXe siècle, qui sont parvenus rapidement à produire d’extraordinaires images. En ce début du XXIe siècle, la montagne nous montre soudain une certaine fragilité à mesure que l’humain occupe son territoire. Que reste-t-il des mythes qui lui sont liés? Les montagnes sont-elles encore source d’inspiration pour les créateurs d’aujourd’hui? Quelle perception e...Exposition Do you remember the first time ? at Atlas Gallery
Do you remember the first time ? features works by contemporary photographers Olivo Barbieri, Jim Goldberg, Nathan Harger, Adam Jeppesen and Paolo Ventura, presented for the first time in London exclusively at Atlas Gallery. Many of these exemplary contemporary artists have been exhibited internationally, and are included in museum and distinguished private collections worldwide, but have never before been exhibited in a commercial gallery in the United Kingdom.
This exhibition presents the opportunity to experience with new eyes key works by known artists who are redefining the boundaries of contemporary photography.
Olivio Barbieri takes aerial photographs of cityscapes and landscapes, creating images that look like scale models.
Nathan Harger creates high contrast black and white photographs of man-made...Exposition Dreamlands L’exposition Dreamlands développe un propos inédit : montrer comment les modèles de foires internationales, d’expositions universelles et de parcs de loisirs ont influencé la conception de la ville et de ses usages.
Démultipliant la réalité par la pratique de la copie, jouant d’une esthétique de l’accumulation et du collage souvent proche du kitsch, ces mondes clos et parallèles ont en effet inspiré les démarches artistiques, architecturales et urbanistiques au XXe siècle, au point de s’ériger en possible norme de certaines constructions contemporaines.
Cette exposition pluridisciplinaire rassemblera plus de trois cents oeuvres, mêlant art moderne et contemporain, architecture, films et docum...Exposition La mostra site specific_MILANO 09 Milano, ottobre 2009 – Inaugura il 27 ottobre alla Triennale di Milano e sarà visitabile dal 28 fino al 15 novembre la mostra site specific_MILANO 09, prima tappa del progetto A Different Altitude di Olivo Barbieri e Ron Zacapa, un viaggio fotografico che racconta alcune delle più interessanti città italiane viste da una prospettiva insolita - dall’alto di un elicottero.
La mostra, realizzata in collaborazione con il Museo di Fotografia Contemporanea di Cinisello Balsamo - Milano e con la Triennale di Milano, presenta dieci immagini inedite di grande formato del capoluogo lombardo realizzate da Olivo Barbieri.
Questo progetto si inserisce nella serie site specific_: fotografie e film realizzate a partire dal 2004 che coinvolge città fra cui Roma, Torino, Montrea...Exposition Kaléidoscope d'Italie Kaléidoscope d'Italie is a compilation of the work of 32 photographers which relates the history of Italian photography from the '50s to the present day. In bringing together several generations of photographers - selected for the importance of their photographic research, their sensibilities and their different approaches - this exhibition gives a broad view of Italian photographic culture with all the wealth that it has to offer.
The relationship between art and photography is a complex one and for the first decades of the period in question two different approaches existed side by side: one artistic, the other documentary. A constructive dialogue between them proved to be difficult as they did not share any common ground.
From the '60s onwards, international artistic influences began to gain in importance...Exposition Realtà Manipolate : Come le immagini ridefiniscono il mondo L’esposizione, nata da un progetto del CCCS, con la consulenza scientifica di Brett Rogers (direttore della Photographers' Gallery di Londra), Luminita Sabau (direttrice della collezione di fotografia contemporanea DZ Bank, Germania), Martino Marangoni (direttore della Fondazione Marangoni di Firenze) e Franziska Nori (project director del CCCS), focalizzerà la propria attenzione sul significato del termine ‘realtà’ nelle ricerche artistiche contemporanee che sviluppano diverse possibilità visive di rappresentare il mondo nell’ambiguità tra reale e verosimile, concreto e apparente, presente e passato.
Le diverse discipline scientifiche hanno già definito un cambiamento paradigmatico, affermando che il “mondo reale” non esiste come categoria autonom...Exposition Manipulating Reality : How images redefine de the world The exhibition, the idea for which came from a CCCS project that availed itself of the scientific advice of Brett Rogers (director of the Photographers' Gallery, London), Luminita Sabau (director of the DZ Bank collection of contemporary photography in Germany), Martino Marangoni (director of the Fondazione Marangoni, Florence) and Franziska Nori (project director with the CCCS), will be focusing on the meaning of the term "reality" in contemporary artistic research, as it explores different ways of visually representing the world in the ambiguity that lies between the real and the verisimilar, the concrete and the apparent, the present and the past.
Several different scientific disciplines have already defined a paradigmatic change when they contend that the "real world" does not exist as an indep...Exposition H 03.32 Palazzo dei Duchi d'Acquaviva Being there, looking, shooting, showing, keeping. Italian photographers gave themselves this painful but necessary task: to recount the tragedy of the Abruzzo earthquake in pictures. Hundreds of moments passed before their eyes: personal stories, separated families, fallen houses. When the memory needs evidence, the photograph comes into play. An exhibition is the most immediate way of putting these together. The creation of an institutional fund to conserve them....Modifier l'image