Fazel Sheikh, photographe américano-pakistanais né à New York, retrace à travers ses portraits l'histoire tragique de réfugiés établis temporairement dans différents pays et victimes des guerres civiles. Un témoignage qu'il nous livre dans une série de projets dont le but est d'attirer l'attention sur la question des droits de l'homme dans le monde :
"A Camel for the Son", un témoignage sur la violence endurée par les femmes somaliennes réfugiées au nord-est du Kenya, qui se regroupent pour revendiquer leurs droits, parfois au péril de leur vie. Le projet alterne portraits et propos rapportés, cette parole donnée étant la particularité du travail de Fazal Sheikh.
"The Victor Weeps", un projet rassemblant des portraits et des témoignages, voix des réfugiés afghans au Pakistan, rencontrés par l'auteur lors d'un voyage dans ce pays où son grand-père a vécu. Ces photographies offrent une vision plurielle des expériences du peuple afghan qui rêve toujours d'un retour au pays.
Livre Darkside, Vol. 2: Photographic Power and Photographed Violence, Disease and Death Following the survey of photographed sexuality and lust in Darkside I, the other end of the physical spectrum is illuminated: the intimate affinity between death and photography – impairment, disease, degeneration, violence and death, pain, grief and loss. Recording death is, along with war reporting, one of photography’s original tasks. Pictures of horror are often shocking and yet “bestselling”. They provoke questions about exploitation, complicity and power relationships – infront of and behind the camera and in the photograph itself. Photography often provokes accusations that it aestheticizes misery, creating a “pornography of horror”. Enlightenment quickly turns into transfiguration, photographic enlightenment into commerce. Darkside I and II examine Eros and Thanatos in pi...Conférence Photographer's Talk - Fazal Sheikh Deutsche Börse Photography Prize 2008 finalist discusses his series Ladli.
£5/ £3.50 concessions.
To book please call the Information Desk on 020 7831 1772 ext. 201....Exposition The exhibition PORTRAITS Press release
Portraits. The Fundación MAPFRE Photography Collection can be seen at Fundación MAPFRE’s Sala Recoletos exhibition space in Madrid between 22 June and 3 September 2017. Based on works from the Fundación’s holdings of photography, this exhibition presents a survey of the history of photography with the guiding theme of the portrait, one of the most dynamic genres in the visual arts and a key practice within photography from the origins of the medium.
Nine years ago Fundación MAPFRE launched its collection of photography, an initiative that now coexists with its already well-established drawings collection. The result has been to complement our exhibition programme and contribute to institutional collecting in a way that we considered both necess...Exposition Fazal Sheikh : Independence The featured works comprise the third project in the artist's multi-volume set of photographs, The Erasure Trilogy, which explores the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The exhibition will be on view from April 21 through June 30, 2016 and is part of an international presentation of Fazal Sheikh's work across six venues: the Brooklyn Museum, New York; the Slought Foundation, Philadelphia; Storefront for Art and Architecture, New York; the Al-Ma'mal Center for Contemporary Art, East Jerusalem; and the Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center, Ramallah. An opening reception for the artist will be held at the gallery on Thursday, April 21 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm.
Since his first visit to Israel and the West Bank at the invitation of Frédéric Brenner for the This Place initiative in late 2010, Sheikh h...Exposition THIS PLACE, The complexity of Israel The complexity of Israel and the West Bank through the eyes of twelve internationally acclaimed photographers.
is a monumental artistic endeavor initiated by photographer Frederic Brenner, who believes that only through the eyes of great artists can we begin to understand the complexities of Israel – its history, its geography, its inhabitants, its daily life – and the resonance it has for people around the world.
Inspired by historical models that gathered artists to ask essential questions about culture, society and individuals, including the Mission Héliographique in 19th-century France and the Farm Security Administration in the United States, Brenner first conceived the idea for the project in 2006. After seeking the advice of a group of international curators, he invited eleven ...Exposition Fazal Sheikh retrospective on the work of American photographer This fall Huis Marseille will be presenting, for the first time, a large retrospective on the work of American photographer Fazal Sheikh (New York, 1965). Sheikh is no stranger to the Netherlands. In his previous exhibitions held at the Nederlands Fotomuseum (1997, 2001) and during the photograhy festival Noorderlicht (1997), he showed his impressive portraits of homeless people and refugees in African and Asia. These exhibitions were the start of a substantial career.
In monumental and tranquil black-and-white portraits, Sheikh gives names and faces to the people in refugee camps in Kenya, Tanzania and Pakistan. He also records their stories in extensive statements. Fazal Sheikh now has well-developed body of work. The exhibition at Huis Marseille also includes his most recent series of photographs, taken in India: o...Exposition Tokyo photo 2009 Japan's first art fair dedicated to still photography TOKYO PHOTO 2009 endeavors to be the foremost art fair of photography in Japan. The venue is located in the heart of international business and culture in Tokyo. To be held from September 4 to 6, Tokyo Photo 2009 will provide visitors with a unique opportunity to see and buy a wide range of photographic works from vintage prints to cutting-edge digitally enhanced images.
With the support of the US Embassy and in collaboration with the Museum of Photographic Arts in San Diego, Tokyo Photo will mount a special exhibition entitled Photo America. Featuring over 50 historical works spanning the 19th century to the present, Photo America will present a panoramic overview of American photographic expression. Virtually all of the works will be displayed for the first time in Japan.
Lectures and seminars will...Exposition DARK SIDE 2 - Photographic Power and Violence, Disease and Death Photographed Following the investigation of photographed sexuality and desire in Darkside I, Fotomuseum Winterthur focuses now on the other extreme of the bodily spectrum, charting the path from the body as a veritable ‘picture of health’ to the body injured, disfigured or mutilated, in decline and decay. This raises questions: Why is there an intimate affinity between photography and death? Why does violence attract images? The visual world of western culture is full of images of violence – both random outbursts of violence and military violence, regulative state violence. In a strange reversal, societies have shut away images of life-affirming, life-giving sexuality, banishing them to the fringes of obscurity, whereas images of dark and excessive violence have been brought into the light. The reasons for this are ...Exposition Deutsche Börse Photography Prize 2008 The Photography Prize worth £30,000 is awarded annually to an international photographer who is judged to have made the greatest contribution to photography over the previous year. This year's finalists are John Davies (UK), Jacob Holdt (Denmark), Esko Männikkö (Finland) and Fazal Sheikh (USA). Founded in 1996, the Photography Prize has become one of the most prestigious international arts awards.
John Davies (b. 1949, UK) has been nominated for The British Landscape at the National Media Museum, Bradford, UK (13 October 2006 – 4 February 2007). His panoramic black & white photographs, taken between 1979 – 2005, document the changing post-industrial British landscape.
Jacob Holdt (b. 1947, Denmark) has been nominated for his publication Jacob Holdt, United States 1970 – 1975, p...Exposition Fazal Sheikh Moksha & Ladli Moksha, « le paradis »
Depuis 500 ans, la ville sainte de Vrindavan, dans le nord de l'Inde, est un refuge pour les veuves indiennes dépossédées de tout. Rejetées par leur famille et condamnées par la stricte loi martiale qui nie tous leurs droits, certaines décident de rejoindre Vrindavan dans des conditions difficiles, parfois au péril de leur vie. Leur rêve le plus cher est d'atteindre Moksha – le paradis – où elles seront libérées du cycle de mort et de réincarnation et où elles vivront entourées de leurs dieux pour toujours. Moksha réunit les portraits de ces femmes et leurs témoignages, récits bouleversants de cruauté et de dénuement. Fazal Sheikh s'est attaché à rythmer le livre et l'exposition d'images poétiques montrant leur environnement, paysages et sanctuaires, qui plongent i...Exposition Fazal Sheikh photographe afghan exposition fondation cartier bresson "Fazal Sheikh", une exposition exceptionnelle à découvrir à la Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson du 7 avril au 25 juillet....Modifier l'image