M+B 612 NORTH ALMONT DRIVE LOS ANGELES 90069 California États-Unis
For those who have not had a chance to come by, M+B is pleased to let you know that BARACK OBAMA: THE FRESHMAN, Photographs by Lisa Jack has been extended til August 29.
The show has been met with great enthusiasm and covered by publications around the world in print, television and radio. Highlights include:
The New York Times // Los Angeles Times // TIME Magazine // The Week // Drudge Report // Chicago Tribune // Liberation (France) // Paris Match (France) // L'Officiel Hommes (France) // Toronto Star (Canada) // The Huffington Post (UK) // Politiken (Denmark) // US Frontline News // Die Presse (Austria) // Krone (Austria) // Suddeutsche Zeitnug (Germany) // Stern Magazine (Germany) // Die WELT (Germany) // Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany) // News Bildredaktion (Switzerland) // Marie Claire (Greece) // Marie Claire (Taiwan) // La Nacion (Chile) // The Today Show // Inside Edition // ABC World News // CBS // FOX // NBC // MSNBC // Wolf Blizter's The Situation Room, CNN // Canal Plus + (France) // Associated Press // NPR // and many more . . .
To read a selection of the press articles : http://www.mbfala.com/press/,,,,,Lisa%20Jack/