Edward Curtis Sheriff est un photographe ethnologue américain (né en 1868 - mort en 1952).
Edward Curtis a eu comme ambition d'entreprendre l'inventaire photographique exhaustif de tous les indiens des 80 tribus existantes. Cette population indienne qui était estimée à plus d'un million d'individus au XVIIIe siècle était descendue aux alentours de 40 000 lorsqu'il débuta son projet.
Le père d'Edward Curtis était prédicateur et emmenait souvent son fils dans de longs voyages à cheval et en canoë lorsqu'il parcourait sa paroisse dispersée. Curtis connut donc très tôt la vie au grand air, ce qui devait lui servir par la suite. Il exerça à partir de 1891, après la mort de son père, la profession de photographe en studio, à Seattle. Une équipe scientifique qui parcourait les montagnes voisines, séduite par ses capacités de guide et de photographe l'aida à obtenir un contrat qui lui permit de partir en Alaska comme photographe officiel de l'expédition Harriman. Il commença ensuite l'étude des Indiens, qui le fascinaient, par un été chez les Indiens de la Prairie, accompagné d'un anthropologue. Sa passion ne le quitta pas jusqu'en 1930, date de parution du vingtième et dernier tome de sa monumentale encyclopédie.
Livre « L'attrapeur d'ombres, la vie épique d'Edward S. Curtis » Considéré comme l'un des premiers photoreporters américains, Edward S. Curtis (1868-1952) a débuté sa carrière en tant qu'anthropologue. Très tôt fasciné par la photographie, une technique encore émergente, il fabrique seul son premier appareil à 17 ans. Après une traversée des Etats-Unis, il se passionne pour la culture amérindienne, et sans le savoir, ouvre la voie à un travail documentaire qui lui prendra près de 30 ans. C'est Timothy Egan, journaliste pour le New York Times, qui rédige sa première biographie exhaustive. L'attrapeur d'ombres, édité par Albin Michel, nous permet de découvrir ce personnage important du XXème siècle amér...Livre Edward Sheriff Curtis North American Indians It is thus near to Nature that much of the life of the Indian still is; hence its story, rather than being replete with statistics of commercial conquests, is a record of the Indian's relations with and his dependence on the phenomena of the universe--the trees and shrubs, the sun and stars, the lightning and rain--for these to him are animate creatures. Even more than that, they are deified, therefore are revered and propitiated, since upon them man must depend for his well being." --Edward S. Curtis, The North American Indians Between 1896 and 1930, Edward S. Curtis documented Native Americans and their way of life in the western United States and British Columbia. His efforts resulted in a twenty-volume visual record accompanied by text--a document unequaled in the history of photography. Sixty-eight photographs from ...Livre Edward S. Curtis Pieds nus sur la terre sacrée Pieds nus sur la serre sacrée rassemble des textes appartenant au patrimoine oral ou écrit des Indiens d'Amérique du Nord. Cette sélection se propose d'apporter des éclaircissements sur l'histoire des Indiens et de montrer la pérennité de leur civilisation. Le ton de ces écrits, classés par ordre chronologique, est tour à tour celui de la sagesse, du lyrisme, de l'éloquence ou de l'émotion profonde. Portrait de la nature et de la destinée indiennes, ils sont avant tout la preuve de la renaissance d'une civilisation authentiquement indienne. Cette anthologie tend à mettre en relief des traits caractéristiques de celte civilisation où les considérations politiques et historiques s'estompent au profit d'une harmonie de l'homme et de la nature, dans laquelle la terre devient une création sacrée. Voilà un ...Vente Auction "Art + decor featuring photogrphy" Over 100 lots of photographs to be offered including works by
Margaret Bourke-White, Max Yavno, Don Hong-Oai, Edward S. Curtis, Paul Caponigro, Ansel Adams, Imogen Cunningham, Ruth Bernard, Edward Weston, Peter Stackpole, Jock Sturges, Michael Kenna, among many others.
© Ernst Haas - Western skies motel, Colorado (1978)
© Margaret Bourke-White - Ocelot, Georgia (1936)
...Vente Ventes : 36th annual holiday sale The sale began saturday 20 but you have the opportunity to preview the SALE online and do a preemptive purchase!
For 35 years this show has been a magnet for all photography lovers: from novices buying their first photograph, to some of America's top museum curators looking for something really unusual.
There are over 400 photographs for sale at greatly reduced prices by such masters as Ansel Adams, Eugene Atget, Brassaï, Harry Callahan, Edward Curtis, Walker Evans, Lewis Hine, E.O. Hoppe (a special-purchase collection of industrial-modernist work), Carl Mydans, André Kertész, George Rodger, Aaron Siskind, Josef Sudek, Edward Weston, Minor White, Yvon of Paris, and others, including the versatile, redoubtable, anonymous and inexplicable vernacular photographs.
© Alan Henriksen
...Vente Alan Klotz Gallery's 36th Annual Holiday Sale
We want to strongly draw your attention to our 36th Annual Holiday Sale of Fine Photographs. As you will see from the announcement below it is the real thing, both serious and fun. I'm sure that your readers will be interested in hearing about it, since it is a Holiday event, and addresses both collecting and gift giving. What better Holiday photographic event could you point your people to?
The show will commence in three phases:
Online Only Black Friday Preview
Friday Nov. 28th starting at noon EST
Regular Gallery Hours Begin
Wednesday Dec. 3rd:
Wednesday NOON-8PM
Thursday-Saturday NOON-6PM
As Always, Prices range from $10 to $10,000 with lots in between!
There are over 400 photographs for sale at greatly reduced
prices by such masters as Ansel Adams, E...Vente Vente de Photographies anciennes, modernes et contemporaines à la maison Ader
Photographies anciennes par :
M. Aleo, Alinari, E. Atget, G. de Beaucorps, A. Braun, D. Charnay, Chevojon, G. Cromer, E. S. Curtis, Disdéri, T. Dumas, P. Géniaux, L. Gimpel, E. Huard, C. Lallemand, G. Le Gray, Charles Marville, L. Misonne, C. Moon, F. Moulin, P. Petit, G. v. Plüschow, G. Poulet, S. Rimathé, F. Rinehart, G. Sommer, H. Stevens, J. v. Wiesner et divers.
Exceptionnel réunion de quatre négatifs verre au collodion par Adolphe Braun, de formats monumentaux. Les plus grands négatifs du 19e siècle.
Rare daguerréotype mexicain.
Beaux ensembles de plaques de verre colorisées par Paul Géniaux et d’autochromes par Léon Gimpel.
Photographies modernes et contemporaines par :
L. Albin G...Vente Vente historique des photos d'Edward Curtis
Le site des Enchères en ligne artnet Auctions a le plaisir d’annoncer une vente sans équivalent dans l’histoire des ventes aux enchères consacrées à l’œuvre d’Edward Sheriff Curtis. Aucune vente n’a jamais présenté autant de tirages vintage réalisés par Curtis d’une telle qualité. Les tirages mis en vente proviennent exclusivement de la collection du plus grand expert et collectionneur de Curtis au monde, Christopher Cardozo. Edward S. Curtis est le photographe et ethnologue social des Amérindiens d’Amérique du Nord le plus célèbre au monde, ayant consacré plus de 30 ans de sa vie à préserver pour la postérité de nombreuses photographies af...Vente Vente de préstige à l'occasion de paris photo : Photographie ancienne, moderne et contemporaine
Expositions publiques : vendredi 20 novembre 11h-18h et samedi 21 novembre 11h-12h
Catalogue : 15 euros
Le catalogue est consultable en ligne :
...Vente Photographs auction
A mid-season Photographs sale composed of high-quality 20th and 21st Century works on January 31, 2008.
Viewing 25 - 30 January
25-26 January, 10am - 5pm
27 January, 12pm - 5pm
28-30 January, 10am - 5pm
Reception 24 January 6-8pm
Please view our Photographs catalogue online and read more about the sale on our website www.phillipsdepury.com.
...Exposition Edward Curtis Curtis Reframed: The Arizona Portfolios
In the early decades of the 20th century, famed photographer of the American West Edward S. Curtis created and published a vast photographic record of North American Indians. These iconic images have generated controversyOpens in a new window even as they have fascinated generations of viewers. Photogravures from the permanent collections of the Arizona State Museum and examples of the copper plates from the collections of the Center for Creative PhotographyOpens in a new window explore Curtis’s work with 13 Arizona tribes from 1903 to 1928. Twenty images will be exhibited at one time, then rotated after six months, for a total of sixty over the life of the exhibit.
...Exposition Swann Galleries’ Thursday, October 4 auction of Fine Photographs & Photobooks
Auction Also Offers Outstanding Selection of Vintage Photographs, Photojournalism Images, Contemporary Art.
Swann Galleries’ Thursday, October 4 auction of Fine Photographs & Photobooks is Edward S. Curtis’s magnum opus The North American Indian, a documentation of the customs, manners and rituals of more than 80 Native American tribes west of the Mississippi. This complete set, with 20 folios on Japan tissue (featuring 722 large-format photogravures), and 20 text volumes (with more than 1500 small-format photogravures on vellum), is one of the most stunning and ambitious photographically illustrated books ever produced. Ink numbered 113/500, ...Exposition Icons of photography - Treasures from the Karin and Lars Hall collection
It is a great pleasure and honour for us to present such a unique collection of artists that have shaped the development of photography as an art form, says Jens R Jenssen, senior vice president of human resources and leader of the Statoil art programme. And he continues: This exhibition will make a difference.
The exhibition consists of approximately 180 works of photography, spanning from the 1842 to 2002. With a unique collection of original Irving Penns as a basis, the diversity of the collection is presented in a wide number of small exhibitions within the main concept, says Arnt N Fredheim, curator, the Statoil art programme. It’s like a dream has come trough, he continues, as the possibility to make an exhibition of legendary photographers like William Henry Fox Talbot, Edward Weston, Karl Blossfeldt...Exposition Photography! A special Collection from Leiden University The oldest known image of the camera obscura principle (1545), the original camera belonging to painter George Hendrik Breitner, daguerreotypes over 150 years old: Leiden University's photographic collection is unique in many ways. It is both the oldest and the largest museological photography collection in the country, telling the whole story of the emergence and development of photography. It also includes work by contemporary photographers, and 'classic' works by photographers like Alfred Stieglitz and Diane Arbus. The largest ever exhibition of pieces from this unique collection can be seen at The Hague Museum of Photography from 23 January.
Despite resistance from both artists and academics - who felt it was 'beneath them' - in 1953 Hans van de Waal, professor of art history at the Leiden University, began the un...Exposition Fine 19th, 20th and Contemporary Photography For 30 years this show has been a magnet for all photography fans, from novices buying their first photograph to some of America's top museum curators looking for something really unusual. There are over 400 photographs for sale by such masters as Ansel Adams, Eugene Atget, Edward Curtis, Frantisek Dritikol, Robert Frank, Lewis Hine, E.O. Hoppe, Edwin Hale Lincoln, Eliot Porter, Eadweard Muybridge, George Rodger, Aaron Siskind, W. Eugene Smith, Josef Sudek and others, to the redoubtable, versatile anonymous vernacular photograph.
We will feature, as well, work by contemporary photographers, Carolyn Marks Blackwood, Bob Kolbrener, Alyson Denny and Harry Wilks. Everything from the ridiculous to the sublime vies for the collector's attention, with special groups of images purchased exclusively for this sale. ...Exposition Tokyo photo 2009 Japan's first art fair dedicated to still photography TOKYO PHOTO 2009 endeavors to be the foremost art fair of photography in Japan. The venue is located in the heart of international business and culture in Tokyo. To be held from September 4 to 6, Tokyo Photo 2009 will provide visitors with a unique opportunity to see and buy a wide range of photographic works from vintage prints to cutting-edge digitally enhanced images.
With the support of the US Embassy and in collaboration with the Museum of Photographic Arts in San Diego, Tokyo Photo will mount a special exhibition entitled Photo America. Featuring over 50 historical works spanning the 19th century to the present, Photo America will present a panoramic overview of American photographic expression. Virtually all of the works will be displayed for the first time in Japan.
Lectures and seminars will...Exposition Edward Sheriff Curtis à Bruxelles Le Café Français est heureux de présenter une série des photogravures (petit et grand format) et une série de lumineux orotones du célèbre photographe ethnologue américain, Edward Sheriff Curtis, qui a consacré sa vie à photographier les 80 tribus existantes des Indiens d'Amérique....Modifier l'image