- Concours
Results Prix Pictet 2009
Prix Pictet Honorary President Kofi Annan will present the award to the winner of the Prix Pictet 2009 at the Passage de Retz gallery in Paris on 22 October. This is the second year running that the former Secretary-General of the United Nations has agreed to bestow the prize. Speaking at the 2008 award ceremony Kofi Annan said “Each artist has addressed the environmental and social challenges we face in their own personal way. The result is a series of powerful images, which seek to confront us with the scale of the threat we face, and to inspire governments, business, - and all of us as individuals -to step up to the challenge and support change for a sustainable world..”... - Livre
Prix Pictet 2009 Earth
Now in its second year, the Prix Pictet, awarded by the Swiss Private Bank Pictet & Cie, aims to use photography to educate audiences worldwide about issues related to climate change. This is the first photographic award on the topic of sustainability, harnessing art’s unique compelling power for the benefit of our precious planet. The theme for this year is Earth, encompassing the planet, the ground beneath our feet, and the ways in which mankind negatively affects the landscape, whether through broken abandoned cities, strip mining, waste dumps or other forms of exploitation. It also refers to the aftermath of natural disasters such as earthquakes, landslides and volcanoes. The shortlist of the nominees (Darren Almond, Christopher Anderson, Sammy Baloji, Edward Burtynsky, Andreas Gursky, Naoya Hatakeyama, Nad... - Festival
20ème édition du festival nantais de photographies
Communiqué de presse
Pour ce 20e anniversaire nous avons choisi de poursuivre le mouvement engagé voici plusieurs années, ce questionnement sur la nature humaine, tenter de définir cette condition, en viser les failles et aussi montrer ce qui fait mouvement.
Cette année la QPN se lance à la poursuite du bonheur, cet état ultime, incontestable de l’épanouissement personnel et collectif. Insaisissable et sujet à d’infinies variations, c’est souvent une fois disparu qu’il se révèle à nous ; il est aussi à venir, espéré, recherché. Nous sommes en quête seuls et ensemble.
— Hervé Marchand
© Expo "Le bonheur est dans l'album" à l'At... - Exposition
Exhibition : « Destinerrance » by Edgar Martins
Press release - Edgar Martins has developed an authorial path of recognised singularity through a photographic practice rooted in a reflection upon the contemporary regimes of visuality, the use of photography in an institutional context, and how photography relates with our life and death. The exhibition which Edgar Martins now presents at the José de Guimarães International Arts Centre is the culmination of a project prepared over a long period of time which featured two considerably shorter exhibitions in Lisbon, at the MAAT and at Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art. Martins’ research took him to the Archives of the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences (Portugal), the institution which holds legal jurisdiction over one’s body following death. The resulting visual reflectio... - Exposition
Exposition : « Temps modernes » à Nantes
Communiqué de presse de la Galerie Melanie Rio
A l’occasion de la 20ème édition de la Quinzaine Photographique Nantaise, la galerie melanie Rio propose le regard de quatre photographes de la galerie sur les périodes de prospérité économique aux Etats-Unis et en Europe au 20ème siècle et en Chine dans les années 2000. Cette exposition questionne l’héritage de notre mode de développement économique, largement contesté et repensé aujourd’hui.
Philippe Chancel interroge le médium photographique sur sa capacité à pouvoir encore attester du réel avec ces tirages extraits du dernier opus de Datazone. Ces photographies témoignent du véritable tsunami éco... - Exposition
Festival Alt. +1000 à Rossinière
Pour sa quatrième édition dans le village de Rossinière, le festival de photographie contemporaine Alt. +1000 invite des artistes suisses et internationaux à venir présenter leurs œuvres. Les photographies sélectionnées en 2015 s’articulent autour de la notion de territoire, thématique très présente dans l’histoire de la photographie. La question du territoire, du lieu ou bien du paysage évoque une réalité plus complexe qu’elle n’y paraît tant les frontières – symbolisant des limites – restent complexes à distinguer ou à franchir. Qu’ils soient abordés de manière documentaire ou bien conceptuelle, les travaux exposés offrent une lecture ... - Exposition
« Le Théâtre de l’Espace et l’Impossibilité Poétique de Gérer l’Infini », par Edgar Martins
La galerie melanie Rio est heureuse de présenter « The Rehearsal of Space & the Poetic Impossibility to Manage the Infinite » (Le Théâtre de l’Espace et l’Impossibilité Poétique de Gérer l’Infini), la nouvelle série très attendue d’Edgar Martins, résultat d’une collaboration à long terme avec l’agence spatiale européenne. The Rehearsal of Space est l’inventaire photographique le plus complet produit pour une éminente organisation scientifique de recherche spatiale.
©Edgar Martins
En 2012, Edgar Martins a obtenu un accès sans précédent à l’ESA et aux pro... - Exposition
Les ruines de l'économie immobilière américaine, par Edgar Martins
This is not a House formed part of an assignment for The New York Times Magazine, one that turned into an international controversy.
The US sub-prime mortgage crisis, which has its roots in the closing years of the twentieth century, became apparent in 2007 and exposed pervasive weaknesses as well as deep-rooted inequalities within financial industry regulation and the global financial system. In the winter of 2008, Martins produced a series of photographs that explored the collapse of the US housing market. He photographed abandoned homes, golf courses, ski resorts, hotels and other building projects in sixteen locations, across six separate States.
When the work was finally published in the summer of 2009, it became the focus of a heated debate as a result of Martins’ decision digitally to re... - Exposition
Edgar Martins - The Time Machine
Since graduating from the Royal College of Art in 2002, Edgar Martins (b.1977) has rapidly become one of the world’s most sought-after artists. Working exclusively with photography, he has gained international critical acclaim with his perplexing yet familiar urban landscapes, presented as visibly artificial, constructed environments. Both his subjects and photographs are typically ambiguous in their representation, prompting a re-evaluation of our understanding of photography and its fragile relationship with reality: ”My images depend on photography’s inherited tendency to make each space believable, but there is a disturbing suggestion that all is not what it seems.”
The Time Machine is a body of previously unseen works, shot between 2010 and 2011. Structured as a topographic survey of h... - Exposition
The first Prix Pictet in Italy will be at FORMA, Milan
The Fondazione FORMA per la Fotografia, is Milan’s only permanent space dedicated exclusively to photography. The gallery will be showing a selection from the portfolios shortlisted for the 2009 prize, on the theme of Earth, together with a selection of works produced by Ed Kashi for the Earth Commission. The Prix Pictet ‘Earth’ exhibition has so far visited the Thessaloniki Museum of Photography, The Empty Quarter Gallery in Dubai, the Eindhoven University of Technology, the Gallery of Photography in Dublin, the Moscow House of Photography, and Caprice Horn Gallery in Berlin. Earlier this summer the Musee de L’Elysee, Lausanne staged a special showcase exhibition featuring the work of four laureates of the Prix Pictet - Benoit Aquin, Nadav Kander, Ed Kashi and Munem Wasif. Later in th... - Exposition
Prix Pictet 2010 Earth Exhibition
The Prix Pictet is the world’s first prize dedicated to photography. It has a unique mandate – to use the power of photography to communicate powerful messages of global environmental significance. This year the theme is ‘Earth’. The exhibition includes work by the twelve international photographers shortlisted for the 2009 prize:
Food riots. Loss of forest cover. Desertification. The ecosystems we depend on appear to face resource demands already beyond their capacity. As governments try urgently to stimulate growth, a central question remains - can the earth’s complex living systems sustain the future consumption patterns of another three billion people in the world’s population by 2050? The submissions speak of the harmful and often irreversible effects of exploiting the earth&rs... - Exposition
Kofi Annan to announce the Prix Pictet 2009 Winner
On 22 October at the Passage de Retz gallery in Paris Kofi Annan, Honorary President of the Prix Pictet, will announce the winner of this year’s award. Planning for the exhibition of work by the Prix Pictet Shortlist 2009 is complete and it is clear that that the Jury face a considerable challenge when they sit down to consider this group of images that range from the painterly to the documentary and all points in between – often within a single submission. The power of the shortlisted images was summed up by Stephen Barber when he introduced them at the Rencontres d’Arles. “We are all of us, all too familiar with the great issues of sustainability – climate change, environmental degradation, deforestation – yet how many of us have experienced personally the devastating consequences de... - Exposition
Kofi Annan annoncera le lauréat du Prix Pictet 2009 le 22 octobre
Kofi Annan, Président honoraire du Prix Pictet, annoncera le lauréat de l'édition 2009 le jeudi 22 Octobre au Passage de Retz. L'exposition des photographes nominés pour le Prix Pictet 2009 est prête et il apparaît clairement que les jurés ont relevé un défi de taille lorsqu'ils ont dû sélectionner ces images allant du pictural ou documentaire, souvent au sein d'un même dossier. La force des images choisies est bien résumée par Stephen Barber lorsqu'il les présenta en juillet dernier aux Rencontres d’Arles. “Nous sommes tous familiers des graves problèmes liés au développement durable - le changement climatique, la dégradation de l'environnement, la déforestation - mais malgr...
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