Olivier Chanarin #Photographe
Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin are a photographic team based in London. Together they have produced three photographic books: Trust which accompanied their solo-show at The Hasselbad Center; Ghetto, a collection of their work as editors and principal photographers of Colors magazine; and Mr Mkhize's Portrait which documented South Africa ten years after apartheid and accompanied their solo show at The Photographers' Gallery. Their work has been exhibited internationally and is part of the Victoria and Albert Museum's permanent collection. They are the recipients of numerous awards, including the Achievement Award from the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain, and have also been awarded a number of photographic commissions. Broomberg and Chanarin also teach on the MA photojournalism course at London College of Communication. They continue to work for a number of magazines including The Guardian Weekend, The Observer Magazine and Life. Last year they produced their first documentary film, commissioned by Channel 4.
Signature Rencontres de Mars au Bal Books Mars au BAL BOOKS s'annonce intense avec de nombreux événements : rencontres et signatures autour des nouveaux livres de Pieter Hugo, de Broomberg & Chanarin et de Paul Kooiker.
LE BAL BOOKS invite la Galerie Van Zoetendaal, une des plus importantes galeries de photographies des Pays-Bas (Amsterdam), connue pour l'édition de livres au design étonnant. Elle présentera 'Sunday', le nouveau livre de Paul Kooiker, en présence de l’artiste.
Dans cette monographie, Kooiker reprend l'esprit de Hans Bellmer qu'il transpose au XXI ème siècle. Une femme qui pose nue, habillée seulement de ses talons, dans un jardi...Exposition « À fendre le cœur le plus dur » Les concours de circonstances ont quelque chose de magique quand ils font mûrir d'aussi beaux projets que celui-ci. C'est en effet une suite de « hasards » bienvenus qui ont mené l'historien Pierre Schill à créer l'exposition « À fendre le cœur le plus dur », présentée au Centre Photographique d'Île de France (CPIF) jusqu'au 21 Février 2016.
En 2008, Pierre Schill, historien et enseignant à l'université de Montpellier 3, conduit une recherche sur les combats syndicaux des mineurs de l'Hérault au début du XXème siècle. En fouillant les archives du député anticolonialiste héraultais Paul Vigné d'Octon, mili...Exposition Exposition : « A fendre le coeur le plus dur » Au départ, un hasard à Montpellier, une petite boîte trouvée dans les « papiers » de Paul Vigné d’Octon, député anticolonialiste de l’Hérault au moment de la Troisième République. À l’intérieur, une vingtaine de photographies : des soldats sous les palmiers, le désert et puis une exécution en place publique : quatorze corps d’« indigènes » pendent au gibet. Images égarées sans aucune indication de date, de lieu, ni de nom de photographe. Faut-il détourner le regard et refermer la boîte ? Continuer à fouiller les archives et poursuivre la recherche initiale, comme d’habitude ? Oublier ?
Le temps s’écoule et l’empr...Exposition Exposition : « A fendre le cœur le plus dur » au Frac Alsace À fendre le cœur le plus dur / Témoigner la guerre est un projet artistique transversal à l’initiative de l’historien Pierre Schill, qui associe art contemporain, danse, photographie, littérature et histoire. Il trouve son origine dans la découverte d’une archive inédite composée de photographies et d’écrits datant de 1911, et réalisée près de Tripoli, sur le territoire de l’actuelle Libye. Cet ensemble résulte de la commande d’un reportage sur la guerre de colonisation qui opposa le Royaume d’Italie et l’Empire ottoman, passée par le quotidien Le Matin à l’homme de lettres français Gaston Chérau (1872-1937).
Postulant la fécondité d&r...Exposition Exhibition : To Photograph The Details of a Dark Horse in Low Light by Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin For their solo exhibition To Photograph the Details of a Dark Horse in Low Light, internationally highly acclaimed artists Adam Broomberg (South Africa, 1970) and Oliver Chanarin (Great Britain, 1971) lead viewers through a meandering and disturbing history lesson on the relationship between photography and race.
In response to a commission to 'document' Gabon, Broomberg and Chanarin made several trips to the West African country to photograph a series of rare initiation rituals, using only Kodak film stock that had expired in the 1960’s. In the late 1970’s the French-Swiss filmdirector Jean Luc Godard famously claimed that this early colour film was inherently 'racist', because it was better at depicting white rather than black skin. Using outdated chemical processes Broomberg and Chanarin...Exposition PRUNE - abstracting reality The exhibition PRUNE – abstracting reality focuses on the complex but intriguing relationship between realism and abstraction in contemporary photography. The exhibition includes only photographic work that is based on reality but which depicts this reality with a greater or lesser degree of abstraction. On show in the exhibition is work that first and foremost can be appreciated for its abstract, formal qualities, such as form, colour and composition. Only afterward does the viewer recognise the subject rendered in the work. Then the viewer becomes aware of an underlying story and the concept employed by the photographer. Usually it is the information in the caption which compels the viewer to relate to the work in a new way.
The exhibition emphasises that abstraction of reality is always present in photography a...Exposition Realtà Manipolate : Come le immagini ridefiniscono il mondo L’esposizione, nata da un progetto del CCCS, con la consulenza scientifica di Brett Rogers (direttore della Photographers' Gallery di Londra), Luminita Sabau (direttrice della collezione di fotografia contemporanea DZ Bank, Germania), Martino Marangoni (direttore della Fondazione Marangoni di Firenze) e Franziska Nori (project director del CCCS), focalizzerà la propria attenzione sul significato del termine ‘realtà’ nelle ricerche artistiche contemporanee che sviluppano diverse possibilità visive di rappresentare il mondo nell’ambiguità tra reale e verosimile, concreto e apparente, presente e passato.
Le diverse discipline scientifiche hanno già definito un cambiamento paradigmatico, affermando che il “mondo reale” non esiste come categoria autonom...Exposition Manipulating Reality : How images redefine de the world The exhibition, the idea for which came from a CCCS project that availed itself of the scientific advice of Brett Rogers (director of the Photographers' Gallery, London), Luminita Sabau (director of the DZ Bank collection of contemporary photography in Germany), Martino Marangoni (director of the Fondazione Marangoni, Florence) and Franziska Nori (project director with the CCCS), will be focusing on the meaning of the term "reality" in contemporary artistic research, as it explores different ways of visually representing the world in the ambiguity that lies between the real and the verisimilar, the concrete and the apparent, the present and the past.
Several different scientific disciplines have already defined a paradigmatic change when they contend that the "real world" does not exist as an indep...Exposition Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin The Red House Brancolini Grimaldi is pleased to present "The Red House", Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin's first solo exhibition in Italy. The show is comprised of 23 photographs of wall drawings and graphic markings made by Kurdish prisoners held in solitary confinement. The cells, hidden below Saddam Hussein's Ba'athist party headquarters, were only made accessible after the 1991 Kurdish uprising that left The Red House abandoned.
Rather than conventionally documenting the architecture of this historic monument, Broomberg and Chanarin kept with their stylistic method, capturing isolated details, bare of visual references. As David Campany writes in Aperture magazine (#185, November 2006) "The camera is used to isolate these things, to cut them out for interpretation and reflection. Their camera usually looks at ...Modifier l'image