David Drebin est né à Toronto, au Canada. Diplômé de la Parson’s School of Design de New York, il a très vite acquis une grande notoriété en tant que photographe publicitaire et est devenu une figure appréciée du milieu de la photographie.
Il a notamment collaboré avec Rolling Stone, Nike, Marie Claire (Royaume-Uni), Vanity Fair, Elle, American Express, PlayStation, The New York Times et bien d’autres encore.
Drebin par Drebin
« Il y a plus de dix ans, j’ai décidé de devenir photographe uniquement parce que je désirais comprendre le fonctionnement de mon imagination et découvrir ce que je pensais vraiment des autres humains. Je crois qu’on peut appeler cela de « la photographie de mode » encore que je ne fasse actuellement partie d’aucune catégorie. J’aime la mode mais suis davantage fasciné par les gens qui la portent que par son langage présent. Je suis celui qui photographie la personne qui porte les vêtements des créateurs sans avoir l’intention d’être un photographe de mode, simplement un photographe !
J’aime les photographies qui sont souvent ambiguës et renferment un sens caché. Elles sont finalement captivantes et demeurent gravées dans la mémoire après les avoir regardées pour la première fois.
J’aime tellement les photos que toutes celles que je découvre me renvoient à ma propre imagination. J’aime les photos qui parlent d’une chose tout en esquissant une autre. C’est cela qu’on appelle peut-être « la photographie narrative ».
Je suis un fan inconditionnel de Richard Avedon, davantage pour sa technique que pour chacune des photos qu’il a réalisées. Il donne toujours l’impression de vouloir faire ressortir quelque chose de la personne, bien plus que de faire simplement une belle photo. J’aime sa tentative apparemment constante de révéler une sorte de vérité.
C’est également ce que je recherche. J’adore aussi les photos de Guy Bourdin, bien que je n’aie aucune idée de la méthode qu’il a utilisée.
J’apprécie juste le glamour qui transparaît dans son travail.
De toutes les photos que j’ai prises jusqu’à présent, je n’en ai pas de préférées, à l’exception peut-être de la fille qui s’exhibe au-dessus de l’autoroute, parce qu’il me semble que c’est une personne qui vit et apprécie ce moment. J’adore également la femme vêtue d’une robe rouge. Où va-t-elle ? D’où vient-elle ?
J’aime les images contenues dans mes photos. »
Exposition Exposition : « Chasing Paradise » de David Drebin
L'ouverture de La Photographie Galerie à Bruxelles se fera avec la présentation de l'exposition de David Drebin, « Chasing Paradise » qui aura lieu du 29 avril au 18 juin 2016 au 100 rue de Stassart,1050 Bruxelles.
Après avoir complété ses études au Parsons School of Design à New York en 1996, David Drebin s’est rapidement démarqué en tant que photographe de renommée internationale pour ses images de vedettes de cinéma, de personnalités sportives et d’artistes. En 2005, Debrin a présenté sa première exposition en solo à la galerie Camera Work à Berlin. Cette exposition fut suivie en 2007 par son premier livre de photographies intitulé Love and Other Stories qui...Exposition Photo Shanghai, Asia's premier art fair's 2015 edition Photo Shanghai, Asia’s premier art fair dedicated to photography returns this September to the Shanghai Exhibition Centre. The fair will open to VIPs on 10 September and to the public from 11-13 September.
Since launching in 2014, Photo Shanghai has quickly established itself as mainland China’s most international art fair and is already shaping the relatively untapped market of photography collecting in China and across Asia. It is today a key date in the art calendar for those wishing to establish and extend their network across Asia. Photo Shanghai has set a new benchmark for fine art photography in the region and achieved huge success both in terms of sales and visitor numbers.
The Empty City No.4 - 2012
© Chen Qiulin
The 2015 edition, once more directed by Alexander Montague-Sp...Exposition La Galerie Opiom présente l'exposition « David Drebin / Facing the City » OPIOM Gallery est fière de présenter « FACING THE CITY», soit 16 oeuvres du photographe Canadien David Drebin.
A partir du 5 septembre, l’esprit hollywodien prend ses quartiers à OPIOM Gallery avec l’exposition de David Drebin. Photographe choyé par les célébrités, de Charlize Theron à Steve Jobs, David Drebin est réputé pour son oeuvre profondemment cinématographique. Créant des mises en scènes dignes des plus grands films américains, il écrit avec brio un dialogue entre ses arrière-plans urbains, de New York à Hong Kong, et les femmes fatales qui les habitent. L’ensemble, avec ses acteurs saisis comme au paroxysme d’une trame psychologique intense, est la r&eacut...Exposition David Drebin présente « Chambre avec vue » à la Galerie Acte2Galerie
acte2galerie présente pour inaugurer l’année 2013 une exposition du photographe americain David Drebin.
acte2galerie expose à cette occasion les photographies issues de la dernière série du photographe intitulée « Beautiful Disaster ».
Celle-ci développe des histoires de femmes fatales dans une atmosphère sensuelle, ou règnent le désir, la solitude et la mélancolie. Intouchables mais irrésistibles, les protagonistes déploient une aura mystérieuse qui est la marque de fabrique de David Drebin.
Le spectateur devient voyeur et s'offre un voyage dans la vie de ces héroines glamours et insolentes mises en scène dans des décors vertigineux.
David Drebin est...Exposition Exhibition "Color" at the CWC Gallery in Berlin
The exhibition Color presents over 100 photographs various positions of artistic color photography and gives with works of path breaking artists like Edward Steichen, Jeanlopu Sieff, Helmut Newton, William Eggleston, Stephen Shore, Jeff Koons up to Nadav Kander, Robert Polidori or Martin Schoeller insights into the development of the handling and the aesthetisication of color within the field of photography,
Beyond the usual process of colorizing black and white prints afterwards colour photography established itself from the 1930s onwards first within fashion and advertisement photography and quickly became an essential tool for the mass media and the entertainment industry. Colour used to pertain an adequate tool to describe the world how it could be in our imagination and wishes – colour outlines, accentu...Exposition Steve Schapiro and David Drebin Exhibition at the CWC GALLERY Camera Work Contemporary, Berlin
David Drebin
Beautiful Disasters
Book Launch & Book Signing
Saturday ⋅ September 15, 2012 ⋅ 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Steve Schapiro
Then and Now
Book Launch & Book Signing
Saturday ⋅ September 15, 2012 ⋅ 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.
CWC GALLERY is pleased to present a selection of the most famous works by David Drebin and Steve Schapiro with new and never shown photographs, opening on August 27, 2012. On September 15, in the context of the special exhibitions, Steve Schapiro and David Drebin will present their new photobooks »Then and Now« (Hatje Cantz) and »Beautiful Disasters« (teNeues) at CWC GALLERY.
© Steve Schapiro, David Bowie, Los Angeles, 1975
Steve Schapiro
Whether th...Exposition David Drebin à la Young Gallery Bruxelles
La Young Gallery a le plaisir de vous présenter 30 nouvelles photographies de l’artiste canadien, David Drebin, issues de ses nouvelles séries datant de 2010 à 2012.
Ses grands tirages reflètent la vie urbaine ; ses lumières, ses couleurs, son atmosphère nocturne et surtout l’omniprésence de la femme qui fait partie intégrante de son travail.
Originaire de Toronto au Canada, David Drebin a obtenu en 1996 son baccalauréat au Parsons School of Design à New York, où il habite toujours. Les oeuvres photographiques de Drebin ont fait le tour du monde. Une collection de ses images filmiques a été publiée en septembre 2007 dans une monographie intitulée “Love And Other Stories”. Celle-ci of...Exposition The Morning After - David Drebin David Drebin’s photographs are epic, dramatic and, above all, cinematic. His work combines voyeuristic and psychological viewpoints in a unique manner. The photographer offers to the beholder an exciting insight into the emotions and experiences of the protagonists of his illustrative worlds. It is predominantly the night shots of glittering metropolises such as New York, Hong Kong, and San Francisco which serve as gigantic backdrops for his photographs. With their impressive skyscrapers, they provide the beholder with a nearly infinite surface for the imagination. Thus, it is only consistent that Drebin gives the viewer a voyeuristic insight into the apartments, where he mystically stages attractive women in a glamorous and sexy manner.
Drebin's intention is to liberate the viewer from the rules and standards o...Exposition NUDES Positions of Nude Art Photography
A group exhibition mainly curated from its own collection, displaying more than 40 photographers and their perspectives on mostly female nude art. Selected classics are supplemented with, in some cases, never before exhibited contemporary works of Blaise Reutersward, Nadav Kander, or Ralph Mecke.
The kaleidoscopic exhibition stretches from classical, nearly sculptural studio-stagings, as in the works of Horst P. Horst, Frantisek Drtikol, or Rudolf Koppitz, to the erotic and provocative images of Helmut Newton or Bettina Rheims, and extending to the series of documentary pictures by recently-deceased Larry Sultan, which originated off-set during pornographic shootings.
The studio-photography of the Pictorialists was followed by trend-setting picture experiments in the 1920s. Artists like Man Ray, Andr?© K&e...Exposition Panorama - David Drebin David Drebin's newest series Panorama evokes feelings of wonder and awe. Drebin takes well-known destinations-Paris, London, New York-and renders them so vividly as to make them fresh and engaging. The more exotic locations-Monaco, the French Riviera, the Red Sea-are instilled by Drebin with a sense of sentimentality that reflects a precise sense of place.
Looking at one of Drebin's photographs, the viewer feels as if he or she has discovered some hidden aperture through which one can engage with the world in a new and mysterious way. Though the pictures are taken from remote vantage points, Drebin manages to immerse the viewer in the setting; in this sense they have a decidedly cinematic feel. Drebin's Panorama conveys more feeling than typical static images-there is a palpable exchange of experience between artist a...Exposition FASHION 9 decades of fashion photography
Gallery Camera Work in Berlin presents from September 20th until November 15th an exhibition of fashion photography of the 20th and 21st centuries. This group exhibition provides a representative overview of the development of fashion photography from its beginnings in the 1920s to the present time. With over 250 works of a total of 65 photographers - many of which are vintages - one can trace the different trends of fashion photography.
The spectrum of the photographs on display ranges from the sometimes classic compositions of an Edward Steichen to the experimental photographs of Man Ray, from the sexual revolution to the resulting emancipation of women as shown for example by Helmut Newton, from the cool elegance of the 1990s - influenced by Peter Lindbergh - to the highly imaginative works of a Tim Walker. On...Exposition David Drebin Cityscapes It only takes a moment in the company of David Drebin to understand what motivates him to take incredible pictures. Across the dinner table, his eyes are constantly scanning the room, he tries to look inside the minds of the other diners in the room, attempting to figure out the relationships and emotional dynamics between the sitters. He is a combination of voyeur and psychologist, his pictures offer us a window into the emotions and experiences that every person feels at some point. Often the viewer can relate to the situation being presented, a memory is brought back to the fore of their mind, sometimes sad, sometimes funny, sometimes sexy.
His breathtaking cinematic expertise (something he mastered during his time at Parson's School of Design in New York) draws strong references to the work of both Gregory Crewdso...Exposition David Drebin - Sexy Funny, Funny Sexy Since graduating from the Parsons School of Design in 1996, Toronto-born photographer David Drebin has made a name for himself as a visionary ad creator, editorial artist and fashion photographer. Based in New York, Drebin’s independent work has been broadly exhibited in Europe and the United States at venues such as the Fahey Gallery in LA, Camerawork in Berlin and Young Gallery in Brussels. His portfolio includes celebrity portraits as diverse as Charlize Theron, Fergie, and 50 Cent to Ad campaigns for Conde Nast Fashion Rocks, MTV, Mercedes and Adidas.
Drebin’s world is lush and glamorous. His latest compilation of internationally-shot works, Love and Other Stories, is crowded with women of extravagant beauty inside and out thinking and feeling in locations from Capetown to Rio. These scenes never fail to...Exposition David Drebin David Drebin, originally from Toronto, Canada, graduated from Parson School of Design in New York City in 1996 and has been based in New York City ever since.
After success in the commercial world doing ad campaigns internationally for companies from American Express, Davidoff, New York Times to name a few as well as magazines from Vanity Fair, Travel and Leisure, GQ, Elle, Rolling Stone and many others David has gone on to have exhibitions in Los Angeles and Berlin.
David's first monograph "Love and Other Stories" was be published by DAAB was realeased in 2007.
He has gone to be exhibited in Berlin, Paris, Brussels and Los Angeles, with further shows planned in Spring '07 for London and Amsterdam...Exposition David Drebin "Love & other stories" A découvrir !...Modifier l'image