European Photography - Reggio Emilia City Tourist Information Via Farini 1/A 42100 Reggio Emilia Italie
On Wednesday 30th April European Photography meets again in Reggio Emilia. This annual international festival is curated by the art critic Elio Grazioli and promoted by the Municipality of Reggio Emilia.
Umano troppo umano (Human, all too Human) is the title and key theme of this third edition of Fotografia europea, dedicated to the controversial concept of the body, explored in its many and sometimes radically contrasting meanings.
As a result of our multi-disciplinary approach, numerous temporary exhibitions will be organised until 8th June 2008.These will be joined by a calendar of over one hundred events in the opening days from 30th April to 4th May, including lectio magistralis, conversations, seminars, workshops and performances in several places around the city. The photographers, artists and critics involved in the exhibitions, as well as experts from the Italian and international intellectual scene (Alberto Abruzzese, Oliviero Toscani, Derrick De Kerckhove, Giovanni De Luna, Adriana Cavarero, Umberto Galimberti, Vito Mancuso, Alberto Bertoni, Laura Pugno) will participate in these events.
The exhibitions of this third edition of Fotografia europea will concentrate on the 'tactile' dimension of the photographic image. Five European artists have been chosen for the solo exhibition section: Raoul Hausmann, Wols, Paolo Gioli, Jorge Molder, Pierre et Gilles and four special assignments for new photography-based researches have been commissioned to Erwin Olaf, Ann-Sofi Sidèn, Antoine D'Agata, Aneta Grzeszykowska from the Municipality of Reggio Emilia.
The programme also offers a selection of over ten special projects inherent to the main theme and complementary exhibitions (Edward Steichen's retrospective, Heroines by Bettina Rheims and Atlante italiano 007). The event exhibition programme is completed by thirty works chosen as part of an international photography award, The Core of Industry, organised in collaboration with the Reggio Emilia Industrialists' Association.
Fotografia europea is also enriched by a calendar of itinerant workshops and laboratories for children, families, young people and cultural operators and hosts as special event the international preview of Sublime, a project across art and music by the composer Michael Nyman.
European Photography. Reggio Emilia 2008 can be found on the Internet at www.fotografiaeuropea.it