©Guido van der Werve Nummer acht, everything is going to be alright, Golf of Bothnia FI
Expositions du 13/3/2015 au 26/10/2015 Terminé
Kunsthaus Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum Lendkai 1 A-8020 Graz Autriche
The advent of the "Anthropocene period," in which mankind represents the earth’s determining force, has opened a new era in which we can hardly imagine looking at a landscape without the ‘eye’ of the camera.Kunsthaus Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum Lendkai 1 A-8020 Graz Autriche
The first photographs taken from space in the 1960s made the limitations of the Earth’s surface vividly clear, altering how we understand our interaction with land and landscape.
Landscape in Motion explores how our relationship to landscape has changed following pioneering works from the 1960s and how film has played an essential role in this process.
This groundbreaking exhibition includes work by leading international photographers and film artists: Darren Almond, Rosa Barba, James Benning, Ursula Biemann, Lucius Burckhardt, Leo Calice and Gerhard Treml, Center for Land Use Interpretation, Tacita Dean, Marine Hugonnier, Armin Linke, Lukas Marxt, Walter Niedermayr, Ed Ruscha, Allan Sekula, Robert Smithson, Shi Guorui, Michael Snow, Guido van der Werve and others.
© Los, James Benning, 2007