Guido Van der werve
- Actualité
Exhibition : Nummer Negen, The Day I didn't turn with the world by Guido Van der Werve
Guido van der Werve set himself the task of turning once around his own axis within 24 hours without interruption – at the geographic North Pole, the world’s pivot point. For one whole day, he did not turn with the world. By moving against the rotation of the earth, the artist suspends an absolute earthly condition for one day, removing himself from the rotation cycle. His movement equals standstill. The artist as a daring hero in an extreme situation: his gaze turned constantly upon his own shadow in self-reflection, Guido van der Werve resists the icy coldness of his surroundings and confronts his body and his ego with the world.
The striking effect of this act is reinforced by the accompanying piano solo, composed and recorded by the artist himself.... - Exposition
Exposition : Landscape in Motion
The advent of the "Anthropocene period," in which mankind represents the earth’s determining force, has opened a new era in which we can hardly imagine looking at a landscape without the ‘eye’ of the camera.
The first photographs taken from space in the 1960s made the limitations of the Earth’s surface vividly clear, altering how we understand our interaction with land and landscape.
Landscape in Motion explores how our relationship to landscape has changed following pioneering works from the 1960s and how film has played an essential role in this process.
This groundbreaking exhibition includes work by leading international photographers and film artists: Darren Almond, Rosa Barba, James Benning, Ursula Biemann, Lucius Burckhardt, Leo Calice and Gerhard Treml, Center for Land Use I... - Exposition
Quand la danse rencontre la photographie
Le mouvement et son abscence. La danse et la photographie. Deux formes d'art de prime abord incompatibles. Et pourtant, elles sont réunies à Huis Marseille pour l'exposition : Dancing Light, Let it move.
Cette exposition révèle le pouvoir ultime de la photographie, celui d'immortaliser pour toujours un moment. Là où la danse se termine une fois la chorégraphie terminée, le cliché, lui reste à jamais. Il sacralise l'instant pour le graver dans notre mémoire. Il transforme même notre interprétation de l'expérience. Dancing Light fait honneur à ce principe. Les photographies de Naoya Ikegami du danseur de Buto Kazuo Ohno semblent le parfait exemple de ce mélange parfait entre danse et photog... - Exposition
Survivre au temps
Du 16 octobre au 22 novembre 2009, DHC/ART Fondation pour l’art contemporain présente l’exposition Survivre au temps de Tehching Hsieh et Guido van der Werve, dans le cadre de SESSION DHC, une nouvelle initiative de programmation condensée incluant une série d’événements en soirées. Cette activité gratuite explorera chaque année des thèmes renouvelés et présentera en première canadienne le travail d’artistes internationaux.
Survivre au temps réunit une sélection de documents relatifs à l’œuvre One Year Performances du célèbre performeur taiwano-américain Tehching Hsieh (One Year Performance 1980-1981 et One Year Performance 198...
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