U.S. Army Signal Corps “Winston Churchill Groups at Conference in Yalta”, February, 1945 siler gelatin print on glossy fibre paper, printed June 27, 1976
Expositions du 19/9/2014 au 25/10/2014 Terminé
Daniel Blau London 51 Hoxton Square N1 6PB London France
Daniel Blau gallery is delighted to announce the opening of the forthcoming exhibition,‘Other Portraits’; a selection of portraits and self-portraits by twenty-two of some of the most significant and celebrated photographers of the twentieth century.Daniel Blau London 51 Hoxton Square N1 6PB London France
Included are distinctive photographs by Margaret Bourke- White, Cecil Beaton, Walker Evans, Bernatzik, Araki, Tina Modotti, Arnold Newman and others. Gandhi, Roosevelt, and Mao Tse Tung are seen alongside portraits of Andy Warhol, Federico Fellini, as well as Nuba tribes people from Sudan. The photographs range from the subtle and intimate portrait of “Bernice Abbott” by Walker Evans, to the bold, curious images of “Willem de Kooning” by Arnold Newman. The exhibition is an invitation to explore the essence of each, from a reflective Churchill by Larry Burrows, to the steady eyes of Bourke-White’s self-portrait.
A fascinating dialogue exists between the person in front of the camera and the one behind. Not only do we see the subject portrayed in the photograph, but the photographer is revealed too.
Keystone Press
“A Pile of 4000 Monks of St. Catherine’s Monestry”,