Title: Yamal Peninsula – Home of the Nenet Credit: Yuri Kozyrev / NOOR / laif for Russian Reporter Caption-line: Yama, Russia, October 2009: Vasilyi Ivanovitch, the elder oft he Nenet Tribe
laif photogalerie Merowingerstr. 5-7 50677 CologneCologne Allemagne
From the frontiers of climate change comes Consequences by NOOR. Featuring the work of nine internationally acclaimed documentary photographers, this exhibition documents the devastating effects of climate change around the globe: every day realities experienced by millions of people, in the form of hunger, disease, conflict, forced migration and loss of livelihood and human rights.
Consequences by NOOR is a showcase for creativity in photography and an eyewitness record of the causes and the humanitarian effects of world-wide temperature changes. Produced in the autumn of 2009 by NOOR photo agency, represented in Germany by laif, these visual reportages show not what might happen in the future but what is happening today, emphasizing the urgency of addressing the issues at stake. The project is supported by Nikon Europe and Greenpeace International.