Simona Ghizzoni #Photographe
Simona Ghizzoni (née en 1977), a étudié la photographie à l’ISFAV de Padoue et s’est diplômée en histoire de la photographie auprès de l’université de Bologne. Depuis 2005, elle consacre son temps et son énergie à la photographie documentaire et des projets de recherche personnels, notamment autour de situations féminines difficiles. En 2010, Si- mona Ghizzoni a entrepris un projet à long terme autour des conséquences de la guerre sur la vie des femmes, en travaillant avec des réfugiées jordaniennes et irakiennes, en Cisjordanie et dans la Bande de Gaza, et dans l’ouest du Sahara.
Festival Festival 2017 Photoreporter en Baie de Saint-Brieuc : Douze nuances de gris pour sonder le monde Dossier de presse
Pour l'édition 2017, qui se tiendra du 7 octobre au 5 novembre prochain, le Festival Photoreporter en Baie de Saint-Brieuc affiche sa démarche éditoriale volontariste en adoptant un fil rouge commun autour desquels s'articulent douze reportages de photographes internationaux.
unREST : explorer les vibrations du monde actuel
Forte de son expérience acquise, le festival Photoreporter a choisi pour cette édition d'aller plus loin qu'une juxtaposition d'expositions en adoptant un fil conducteur commun « unREST » :
UnREST correspond à cet état d'esprit d'incertitude et de renouveau, synthèse des deux tendances opposées qui animent le monde actuel.
Le monde semble instable, chaotique : incerti...Festival Festival : Cortona On The Move 2016
The sixth edition of Cortona On The Move, international photography festival, will be open to the public from Thursday, July 14th, until Sunday, October 2nd. The festival, which takes place in the historic town centre of Cortona (Arezzo province) and the De Medici Fortress of Girifalco nearby, is curated by artistic director Arianna Rinaldo and organised by Associazione ONTHEMOVE.
© Paolo Woods - Gabriele Galimberti - The Heavens
The festival motto Fotografia in Viaggio embodies our passion for exploring the language of photography by promoting the work of the very best contemporary exponents in the field, both nationally and internationally. It also expresses our desire to support and encourage the work of emerging young talents as well as our commitment to ...Festival Festival della Fotografia Etica 2011
Festival della Fotografia Etica - Lodi, 19-22 maggio 2011: La fotografia che parla alle coscienze.
L’unico Festival a livello internazionale che esplora il rapporto tra Etica e Fotografia.
Eugene Richards - War is personal.
Stefano De Luigi - Blanco
Simona Ghizzoni - Odd Days
MSF - Il cibo non basta
CESVI - Karamoja, Contrasti d’Africa
WorldReportAward - Premio Italiano di Fotogiornalismo
Per avere più informazioni, bisogna andare qui:
Il Festival della Fotografia Etica nasce da un’idea del Gruppo Fotografico Progetto Immagine e rappresenta un’iniziativa unica nel suo genere: non esistono, né in ambito nazionale né internazionale, festival fotografici dedicati all&rs...Festival The New York Photo Festival and Awards 2011
Main exhibitions : Photography Now : engaged, personal, and vital - Curated by Enrico Bossan & Elisabeth Biondi.
Hope: Between Dream and Reality - Curated by Enrico Bossan.
« Hope is the emotion that reveals an urgency of life. Just like a child’s eye staring at the world, hope encompasses the desire to live, look to the future and, crucially, change the world around us.
I have chosen a group of young photographers who neither provide a faithful representation of reality nor create an illusion, but who have impressed me with their ability to capture the essential aspects of life. These photos show the role photography can play as a witness. Photography may portray the world at its bleakest but we must remember to be positive towards the future and the opportunities that lie ahead.
Photo...Exposition "Horizons" à la fondation Calouste Gulbenkian
L'exposition Horizons présente les travaux de douze jeunes photographes européens invités, dans le cadre de la deuxième édition de l'European Photo Exhibition Award, à travailler autour du « nouveau social ». Souligné par plusieurs analyses récentes, ce « nouveau social » est le résultat de la fragmentation des espaces et discours publics et de l'augmentation de nouveaux types de tensions sociales. Ainsi, les douze participants à ce prix ont exploré les thèmes liés à ce paysage social émergent et révèlent les mutations significatives en termes d'identité culturelle, de modes de vie, de moyens de communication, de territoire ou de politique. A travers pa...Exposition Horizons European Photo Exhibition Award 02 The exhibition Horizons presents the work of 12 young European photographers who have been invited to focus on the "new social" within the framework of the second edition of the European Photo Exhibition Award. Highlighted by several recent analyses, this "new social" stems from the fragmentation of spaces and public discourses and the rise of new kinds of social tension. Accordingly, the 12 artists participating in this prize explore themes related to this emerging social landscape and reveal significant changes in the areas of cultural identity, lifestyle, communication, territory, and politics. Through urban landscapes, photojournalism, reportage, portraiture, and staging, these photographers have each interpreted the subject in their own way while remaining profoundly marked by their cultures. Whe...Exposition FORMA - The scene and the dream of photographs Every work is commented by a text especially written by each artist on the occasion of Paris Photo 2009
(with the exception of Mario Giacomelli); the text – when possible handwritten – will be given together with the actual work to the buyer.
Each photograph is the result of a vision. The author has imagined it, maybe dreamt of it, and then has retraced it in the reality to reproduce it with photography. Or perhaps, the author has staged it, following an impulse, a memory, a dream.
The images in this selection are examples of many possible “photographic dreams”, the results of projects created by different authors, young or not, famous and well established or moving their first steps in the international art scene.
To each of them we have asked to choose and comment their preferred visions...Exposition H 03.32 Palazzo dei Duchi d'Acquaviva Being there, looking, shooting, showing, keeping. Italian photographers gave themselves this painful but necessary task: to recount the tragedy of the Abruzzo earthquake in pictures. Hundreds of moments passed before their eyes: personal stories, separated families, fallen houses. When the memory needs evidence, the photograph comes into play. An exhibition is the most immediate way of putting these together. The creation of an institutional fund to conserve them....Modifier l'image