Reiner Riedler #Photographe
Born in 1968 in Austria
Expositions Personnelles I Solo show:
2008 Fake holidays,Images08 Vevey(Suisse)
Russian Circus, Fake Holidays, House of Photography Bratislava
Fake Holidays, Microcosmos Danube Island, Fotofestival Lodz/Pologne
2007 Fake Holidays, House of Photography, Novo Mesto/Slovenie
Wonderland, Galerie Momentum, Vienne/Autriche
Fake Holidays Festival of Light, Kaunas/ Lituanie
2006 The Possibility of an Island, Sirius Art Center/ Cork/ Irlande
Russian Circus, Anzenberger Gallery, Month of Photography Vienne
Russian Circus, Month of Photography Cracovie/Pologne
2004 Ukraine, Fotoraum für Fotografie, Schloß Weinberg/ Austriche,
2002 Ukraine, Nikon Image House/ Zürich/ Suisse
2001 Ukraine , City Hall of Ivano-Frankivsk/ Ukraine
Albania, Life at the periphery, Alte Schieberkammer/ Vienne
1996 Pilgramiges, Galerie Profil/ Bratislava/Slovaquie
Exposions de Groupe I Group show:
2008 Tourismus - All Inclusive, Kunsthalle Schirn, Frankfort / Allemagne
2007 Fake Holidays, Darmstädter Fototage / Allemagne
24 hours in Vienna, Leopold Museum, Vienne / Autriche
2006 Fake Holidays, Photofestival Boutographie/ Montpellier/ France
2005 Ukraine, Fotosommer Stuttgart/ Allemagne
Fake Holidays, Wiesbadener Fototage / Allemagne
2004 Poverty has faces in Europe - Crossed looks of three European photographers
European Parlament Brussels
Das Wunder Mensch, Museum of Modern Art Passau - InternationalPhotoart
2003 Ukraine, Fotohof Salzburg/A Poverty, Musée de la Ville ,Vienne /Autriche
Poverty, Sozialamt Graz
2001 Austrian Documentary Photography , Leica Gallery/ New York
1998 Aperto, Galerie Station U3/ Vienne
1997 Homeless, Fotogalerie/ Wien
Prix & Bourses I Awards & Scholarship:
Grand Prix du Festival de Kaunas 2007
Portfolio Review Bratislava, 2nd Prix
Humanitarian Photo Award 2006, 2nd prix
Projection Le reportage, les photographes temoignent Vendredi 26 septembre a partir de 21h – A la Galerie Contraste.
C’est une véritable fenêtre sur le monde qu’offrent les reporters, en parcourant le monde
pour nous en rapporter son portrait. Mais il n’est parfois pas nécessaire de partir aux
antipodes pour rapporter et sensibiliser les masses aux enjeux de notre temps.
En une soirée, vous découvrirez différentes approches du reportage au travers des
photographies de Oleg Dersky / Reiner Riedler / Ami Vitale / Anthony Berthaud.
Egalement au programme, le Bureau d’investigation photographique, collectif rennais, et
les photographes du célèbre collectif et agence, l’Oeil public !...Festival Photo Levallois 2011 promet le meilleur
Lancé en 2008 à l’initiative de la Ville de Levallois, Photo Levallois revient en novembre 2011 pour sa quatrième édition, confirmant son engagement envers la photographie contemporaine sous toutes ses formes. Depuis ses débuts, le festival se veut ouvert aux évolutions de la photographie sans privilégier une tendance particulière, afin d’en restituer la pluralité et la richesse, en faisant la part belle aux jeunes générations et aux échanges avec les autres domaines de création. Des artistes reconnus internationalement ou émergents aux photographes amateurs, tous trouvent leur place dans un événement qui rassemble les grands courants de la photographie contemporaine.
Au sein d’une actu...Exposition 16ème édition des Boutographies de Montpellier « Que de chemin parcouru depuis 2001 par le festival des Boutographies dont la Ville de Montpellier est le premier partenaire nancier et un soutien de la première heure. La qualité de sa programmation, l’enthousiasme et la persévérance de ses organisateurs, la délité du public ont permis à une manifestation initialement organisée dans le quartier Boutonnet de devenir un rendez-vous de niveau européen, attendu et reconnu par les professionnels. Et pour la 2e année, les Boutographies investiront La Panacée, un lieu propice à l’épanouissement de cette manifestation culturelle dédiées à la jeune création de la photographie contemporaine. »
– Philippe Saurel, Maire de la Vill...Exposition « The lifesaving machines » by Reiner Riedler In his photographic series of historical and modern medical machinery, Reiner Riedler asks « Why do they look so human? » The project, initially inspired one late night as the artist waited alongside his newborn son in a neonatal intensive care unit, seeks to coax the beauty and mystery from objects normally viewed with clinical detachment. Here, Riedler addresses the unconscious dialogue between our lifesaving machines and their human counterparts twofold, seen in both the documentation of medicine’s evolving technologies and apparatuses, and through the intentional isolation of the machines from their place of use, highlighting each alone afront a pitch-black background.
Rather than signifying pain and discomfort, the machines are at times dazzling, as seen in the image of a laser cut glass mod...Exposition Reiner Riedler expose « Fake Holidays » au Miami International Airport
(New York and Miami, December 3, 2013) Sous Les Etoiles Gallery is thrilled to present, in partnership with Miami International Airport’s Division of Fine Arts & Cultural Affairs, the series Fake Holidays by photographer Reiner Riedler. Thirty-six large-scale, boldly colored C-prints depicting imaginary getaways are on view beginning December 2013 in the airport’s highly-trafficked Concourse F.
Based on a series the artist began in 2004, Fake Holidays examines contemporary society’s preoccupation with leisure travel and exotic locations (the more foreign and fantastic the better). The pervasive trend has led to the creation of kitschy and pseudo-destinations, surreal replicas of real-life locals that Riedler captures with both its playful and sometimes garish spirit intact.
Jens Lindworsk...Exposition CAMERA-LESS, f&d cartier « Wait and See » Reiner Riedler « Sweat »
f&d cartier « Wait and See »
f&d cartier place objets trouvés on photo paper and expose them to daylight. Expanding on their already known “camera-less” photographic processes, the couple are now seeking to take a minimalist approach to their images. Intimacy, death, continuity, and time are central themes in their work. Playing with the given space and light, f&d cartier’s Wait and See installation of vintage photographic printing paper from 1880 to 1980 constantly changes before the viewers’ eyes. Confronted with the nature of the light’s impact, the papers’ neverending color transformation begins, each one unique due to its own “DNA” (chemistry, surface, age). To perceive the gradual “chromatic story” that each pap...Exposition La nouvelle gallerie OstLich s'ouvre avec l'exposition «Natch»
For the opening exhibition "Nacht" (Night) artists who have dealt with the subject in their work were invited to contribute.
"Nacht" shows pieces that reflect on the many associations and phenomena of the time between sundown and break of dawn : dreams, darkness, night life, loneliness, crime, the uncanny, sexuality, silence…
The selected artists research, wander and capture the night in various ways and from many contextual perspectives.
Artists :
Katrina Daschner, Andreas Duscha, Christian Eisenberger, Tomas Eller, Michael Höpfner, Inge Krause, Hans Kupelwieser, Tina Lechner, Tatiana Lecomte, Roberta Lima, Tina Ribarits, Reiner Riedler, Gregor Sailer, Linn Schröder, Jules Spinatsch, Borjana Ventzislavova, Nives Widauer, Anita Witek.
...Exposition Reiner Riedler's series Fake Holidays Reiner Riedler’s series Fake Holidays, takes us to the heart of a society of standardized leisure where foreign places are fabricated into local spaces in which we can stage our own life histories. Replicas of the greatest touristic landscapes in the world discard space, time and reality, arousing a sense of adventure and a taste for the exotic without the journey or the risk.
As Jens Lindworsky mentions in Reiner Riedler’s book, Fake Holidays, “Florida’s Disneyworld hosts more visitors than Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Israel combined. New and more refined illusionary worlds are added every year, and the simulation business is booming.” Whether in China, Germany or in the United States, Riedler shows a dramatization of these spaces, towns and lives. A honeymoon in Paris is now...Exposition Fake Holidays - Reiner Riedler "When wishes are out of reach, simulation is taking over our leisure time and our holidays. Imaginary worlds are created, often under massive technological exertion, in order to offer us experience as reproducible merchandise. Although the quality of these adventures on demand sometimes proves to be rather dubious, the boom does shed light on one thing: the yearnings and dreams underlying people's daily lives."
–Jens Lindworsky
Reiner Riedler was born in Austria in 1968. He went to Vienna in 1989, with the original intention of studying ethnology. He then attended a college for photography in Vienna and decided to dedicate himself solely to photography. He first worked for periodicals and magazines. His pictures were published in magazines such as National Geographic, Stern, The New York Times, Newswe...Exposition West the process revealing the multilayered facets of the phenomenon of globalization. west - by Regina Maria Anzenberger (Editor)
The development toward a globalized world has progressed inexorably during the past 20 years - with borders blurring and countries and cultures converging. This makes it virtually impossible to identify the "Western world" anymore in any geographic sense. Is the West then only a dream? The photography book WEST looks for answers to this question, in the process revealing the multilayered facets of the phenomenon of globalization. Gathered together here are works by various photographers who set off on a quest to find the West, documenting their discoveries in disparate ways. Their investigations focus on subjects such as the myth of the cowboy, the life of Cambodian street gangs in the USA, and everyday dealings in London's financial district. We are also given a g...Exposition Reiner Riedler - Fake Holidays FAKE HOLYDAYS est une série de photographies en couleur sur l’univers surréaliste et baroque des vacances artificielles : skier à Dubaï, se relaxer sur une plage tropicale en plein Berlin, ou diner au Kremlin au cours d'un séjour en Turquie...
Issu de la photographie documentaire, REINER RIEDLER a parcouru depuis 2004, l'Europe, les Etats-Unis, le Moyen Orient puis la Chine et pose à travers FAKE HOLIDAYS, un regard perplexe sur la société des loisirs. Avec humour et un sens de l’absurde, il porte son attention sur les détails, joue avec la fantaisie des situations et il révèle, derrière ces environnements de cartonpate peuplés de créatures de fiction et d’authentiques vacanciers, la présence de la r&...Exposition Festival des arts visuels de Vevey Images'08 Le concept “Vevey ville d’images” s’est développé pour mettre en lumière le nombre important d’entreprises et d’institutions liées à l’image et à la communication visuelle qui oeuvrent sur le plan culturel et économique sur la Riviera vaudoise. Le label Vevey ville d’images se concrétise notamment autour des institutions suivantes: une Ecole des arts appliqués (CEPV), le Musée suisse de l’appareil photographique, la prestigieuse collection d’art du Musée Jenisch Vevey, le Cabinet cantonal des estampes, le Centre national d’études sur le dessin, le siège de Film Location Switzerland et d’autres acteurs encore. Le festival Images’ est l’occasion de dy...Modifier l'image