Zhi Jiang
- Exposition
Exposition « A history of Chinese photography » à la Galerie Paris-Beijing - Hôtel Winssinger à Bruxelles
La Galerie Paris-Beijing est heureuse de vous annoncer l'ouverture de son nouvel espace d'exposition à Bruxelles, rue de l'Hôtel des Monnaies, le 13 octobre prochain.
Depuis 2005, Flore et Romain Degoul, fondateurs de la galerie, se consacrent à la découverte et à la promotion d’une nouvelle génération de photographes asiatiques, artistes renommés et jeunes talents prometteurs, dans le but de créer une passerelle artistique entre l’orient et l’occident. Après Pékin et Paris, cette nouvelle installation au sein du quartier Saint-Gilles constitue à ce jour leur plus ambitieux projet.
© Hei Yue
Le choix d'inaugurer une troisième galerie est li&... - Exposition
Standing at the Water's Edge in Shanghai
M97 Gallery is pleased to present “Standing at the Water’s Edge”, a Group Exhibition featuring the works of sixteen M97 artists.
Exhibiting more than 30 photographs by 16 artists, "Standing at the Water's Edge" immerses the viewer's perspective in a juxtaposed state between land and water. The boundaries and relationship between these two intrinsically linked yet fundamentally opposed elements of nature encourage our gaze and stimulate our imagination. The water's edge is at once boundary and transition, destination and a point of departure. The bedrock of land acts as foundation and the continuous flow of water depicts the flow of time. From the water’s edge we can seek perspective, enlightment, or to feel the vastness of the universe against the smallness of our bei... - Exposition
NEW PHOTO - Ten Years
NEW PHOTO - Ten Years, a portfolio with 16 photographs and a complete facsimile reprint of NEW PHOTO, the seminal underground magazine and forerunner of contemporary Chinese photography.
In addition the exhibition features a media display of all 200 photographs published in NEW PHOTO, a reading room with the magazine issues and a new volume with specially commissioned essays and interviews with all artists.
NEW PHOTO was published from 1996-1998 by Rong Rong and Liu Zheng in four issues with a print run of only 20-30 copies. The magazine featured photographs by WANG XU, GUAN CE, LIU ZHENG, JIANG ZHI, ZHAO LIANG, QIU ZHIJIE, RONG RONG, SAN MAO, YAN LEI, ZHUANG HUI, AN HONG, GAO BO, LIU ANPING, HONG LEI, ZHENG GUOGU, JIN YONGQUAN.
The journal contained cutting-edge work by burgeoning experimental photographers, many...
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