Takeshi Shikama
- Festival
4ème édition du festival Photo Saint-Germain
Pour sa 4ème édition, du 7 au 22 novembre 2015, le festival Photo Saint-Germain dévoile une toute nouvelle identité: suivant un parcours, carte en main, le public est invité à découvrir une sélection de galeries, institutions, centres culturels et librairies de ce quartier Rive Gauche.
Le festival Photo Saint-Germain est un événement dédié à promouvoir la création photographique. La programmation exigeante, articulée autour d’expositions et d’événements, fera de Photo Saint- Germain un rendez-vous essentiel en parallèle de Paris Photo et des foires off rythmant chaque année le mois de novembre.
Pour connaître toute la programmation du festival, rendez vous sur http:/... - Exposition
Exposition : Takeshi Shikama « Contemplation » & « Garden of Memory : Animals + Plants »
Lunn Galerie vous propose une sélection d’épreuves photographiques de collection des 19ème et 20ème siècles, ainsi qu’un choix de tirages d’artistes contemporains, dont l’œuvre explore la relation entre l’Homme et son environment.
Parcourant les forêts au Japon, aux Etats-Unis, et en Europe depuis douze ans, l'objectif de Takeshi Shikama s'est aussi attardé sur des paysages épurés ou des espaces urbains où la nature cohabite avec la pierre. Son regard cherche le même équilibre entre ombre et lumière, tisse les mêmes rapports entre sujet et cadre et construit ses 'haikus visuels' avec la même grâce dont il imprègne ses compositions sylvestres.
Entre 2011 ... - Exposition
Figments of Reality at Verve Gallery
VERVE Gallery of Photography is pleased to present Figments of Reality: An Exhibition of Contemporary Landscape Images, work by six fine art photographers examining the many ways in which a landscape can be interpreted. The exhibition includes VERVE Gallery artists Duane Monczewski, Beth Moon, Jennifer Schlesinger Hanson, and Takeshi Shikama. The exhibition also features guest artists Blue Mitchell and Keith Taylor.
The public reception will be held on Friday, November 7, 2014, from 5 to 7 pm
There will be a book signing by Beth Moon on Saturday, November 8, at 1pm
The exhibition is on view through Saturday, January 10, 2015
BETH MOON will have two new bodies of work in this exhibition, Odin's Cove and Diamond Nights. In addition, Beth will be signing her new book; Ancient Trees: Portraits of Time released th... - Exposition
ANKOKU - Matières Noires
De la même manière que les scientifiques cherchent à déterminer les lois fondamentales de l’Univers, les artistes – à travers leurs pratiques esthétiques, rêvent et interprètent le monde afin de nous y réinscrire en tant qu’être humain. Mais peut-on rendre visibles certains éléments complexes dont la réalité physique demeure inexplicable ?
L’énigme de la matière noire, jusqu’à présent insoluble, suscite la fascination des astrophysiciens et pourrait être un thème de recherche pour les artistes, chez qui les questionnements métaphysiques tiennent une place prépondérante. Si l’on considère que seulement 1% de la matièr... - Exposition
Les « Respirations Silencieuses des Forêts » de Takeshi Shikama à la galerie Photo Vivienne
"Every moment of light and dark is a miracle." (Chaque instant de lumière et d'ombre est un miracle.) - Walt Whitman
Il y a plus de 11 ans, Takeshi Shikama s'est perdu dans la forêt, au détour d'un sentier de montagne, attiré par l'obscurité des arbres. Il revient sur ce même lieu le lendemain avec une chambre photographique pour tenter de capter son essence, son âme. Depuis, il n'a cessé de photographier les forêts au Japon, puis aux Etats-Unis et, récemment, en Europe.
Venant d'une carrière dans le design, Takeshi Shikama déploie sa maitrise du langage visuel et des techniques photographiques analogiques dans sa quête de fixer le temps, de rendre visible les secrets du monde v&eacut... - Exposition
Takeshi Shikama Exhibition opens at Alan Klotz Gallery
Takeshi Shikama was born in Tokyo in 1948. For most of his life he pursued a career as a designer. He turned to photography in a serious way about a decade ago. His work has been exhibited internationally since 2004 in Japan, Europe and the United States.
It is surprising to learn that much of Japan is still forested. In an island nation, where land is at a premium, such forested areas are treasured, one might say, by extension, sacred. Takeshi would not quarrel with this notion. Although he lives in Tokyo, and for most of his life (by his own admission) has ignored Nature, he is now an avid walker in the woods, a student of its rhythms and textures, and a part-time resident. He has built a mountain lodge in the forest using the wood he has felled on the building's site and worked it into timbers wi... - Exposition
Takeshi Shikama - Alain Klotz Gallery
p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }Takeshi Shikama was born in Tokyo in 1948. For most of his life he pursued a career as a designer. He turned to photography in a serious way about a decade ago. His work has been exhibited internationally since 2004 in Japan, Europe and the United States.
It is surprising to learn that much of Japan is still forested. In an island nation, where land is at a premium, such forested areas are treasured, one might say, by extension, sacred. Takeshi would not quarrel with this notion. Although he lives in Tokyo, and for most of his life (by his own admission) has ignored Nature, he is now an avid walker in the woods, a student of its rhythms and textures, and a part-time resident. He has built a mountain lodge in the forest using the wood he has felled on the building's site and worked it into tim... - Exposition
Tokyo photo 2009 Japan's first art fair dedicated to still photography
TOKYO PHOTO 2009 endeavors to be the foremost art fair of photography in Japan. The venue is located in the heart of international business and culture in Tokyo. To be held from September 4 to 6, Tokyo Photo 2009 will provide visitors with a unique opportunity to see and buy a wide range of photographic works from vintage prints to cutting-edge digitally enhanced images.
With the support of the US Embassy and in collaboration with the Museum of Photographic Arts in San Diego, Tokyo Photo will mount a special exhibition entitled Photo America. Featuring over 50 historical works spanning the 19th century to the present, Photo America will present a panoramic overview of American photographic expression. Virtually all of the works will be displayed for the first time in Japan.
Lectures and seminars will...
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