Abbie Trayler-smith
- Chronique
Quand les femmes font parler d'elles
Le siècle des femmes : douze regards de photo-reporters sur les femmes d'aujourd'hui, qu'elles viennent de Chine, du Mexique, d'Ouganda ou d'ailleurs. Sur leur lieu de travail, à l'école, dans une chambre d'hôpital, l'album raconte l'histoire d'héroïnes de la vie de tous les jours, avec leurs luttes, leurs joies et leurs contradictions.
Le voyage commence avec Hessa, « perle noire » en arabe. Hessa est une adolescente qatarie pas tout à fait comme les autres. Issue d'une famille aisée et ouverte, elle jouit de libertés inhabituelles pour une fille de son âge. Isabelle Eshraghi, photographe, capture avec subtilité la fugacité de la vie quotidienne d'Hessa : &agr... - Festival
The Eye International Photography Festival
Over one busy weekend leading UK and international photographers will gather in Aberystwyth for a jam packed programme of talks, discussions, interviews, portfolio reviews and exhibitions for the inaugural Eye International Photography Festival.
Leading UK and International photographers talk about their work and experiences, with the line-up so far including celebrated Magnum photographer David Hurn; Eamonn McCabe, former Guardian Pictures Editor; Sean O'Hagan, the Guardian and Observer photography features writer; multi award winning press photographer John Downing MBE FRPS; Welsh documentary photographer Roger Tiley; Panos Pictures photographers Abbie Trayler-Smith and Chloe Dewe Mathews; award winning wildlife photographer Andy Rouse; international celebrity portrait photographer Cambridge Jones; photojou... - Exposition
Abbie Trayler-Smith - Still Human Still Here : The underground world of destitute asylum seekers
The shocking, hidden lives of refused asylum seekers whose bids for sanctuary have been rejected by the government are revealed for the first time in a photo exhibition that launches in March.
Panos photographer Abbie Trayler-Smith has photographed men and women from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Zimbabwe and other troubled states who have fled torture and persecution in their own countries. They hoped they'd be safe in the UK but instead are enduring a new kind of torment here - destitution....
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