©Olivia Locher, I Fought the Law (Alabama), 2013
Expositions du 06/07/2017 au 18/08/2017 Terminé
Robert Mann Gallery 210 Eleventh Avenue NY 10001 New York États-Unis
Press ReleaseRobert Mann Gallery 210 Eleventh Avenue NY 10001 New York États-Unis
"I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream,” a song first published in 1927, by Howard Johnson, Billy Moll, and Robert King, stems from a commercial slogan for the I-Scream bar now known as the Eskimo Pie. This iconic ditty instantly evokes the sweet feeling of summer - sitting poolside enjoying a popsicle, chasing down the musical call of an ice cream truck, or finding yourself a snow cone at a street fair on a steamy August day.
Robert Mann Gallery’s summer exhibition, I Scream, You Scream, looks at both the visual and social culture of ice cream by juxtaposing contemporary color images of ice cream itself with historical images of people savoring every sweet morsel. The show explores how photographers can capture the playfulness of the human experience indulging in the pleasures of life that will melt in your mind, not your hand.
© Ralph Bartholomew, Repetitive Flash Photograph (Boy Eating Ice Cream), c. 1948