© William Christenberry, House & Car, Near Akron, Alabama, 1978
Expositions du 18/2/2017 au 15/4/2017 Terminé
PDNB Gallery 1202 Dragon Street, Ste. 103 Dallas 75207 Texas États-Unis
Press release - In conjunction with Jeanine Michna-Bales' show reflecting on the history of the Underground Railroad, PDNB Gallery has organized a group exhibition of photographs of the South spanning many decades.PDNB Gallery 1202 Dragon Street, Ste. 103 Dallas 75207 Texas États-Unis
True South includes powerful images of the people and landscapes, from the Deep South to Texas. Several photographer's represented in this exhibition are part of PDNB Gallery's artist stable. A few artists will be new to the gallery, including Brandon Thibodeaux (b. 1981) and Ferne Koch (1913 - 2001). Thibodeaux's photographs of the Mississippi Delta will be part of the show and will be included in his upcoming book, When Morning Comes.
© Birney Imes, Arcola Cafe, Arcola, Mississippi, 1985
Ferne Koch's endearing images from Daleville, Alabama in 1950-1951 were taken while her husband was stationed there during the Korean War. She made friends with the townspeople, photographing them in the tradition of Walker Evans.
True South includes portraits of people from Appalachia, prisoners in Huntsville prison, surreal Southern manors of Louisiana, Juke Joints in Mississippi, and
3rd Ward neighbors in Houston, Texas.