Antonia Cattan: Taxonomical Archives Revisited #1, 2016 © Antonia Cattan
Expositions du 30/9/2016 au 30/10/2016 Terminé
Museum fur Fotografie Jebensstr. 2 D-10623 Berlin France
Press releaseMuseum fur Fotografie Jebensstr. 2 D-10623 Berlin France
The exhibition attempts to explore the connections and disconnections of intricately networked and fuzzily entangled currents and layers of migration: taxonomies of image trajectories between historical diaspora, current refugee migration and their media technological orders; streams of data, goods, and tourists along both rivers and wires; logistical and architectural infrastructures and their destruction and displacement; artificial seeds and their miraculous capital and disastrous experimentalism; cultural and personal memory, data mining and raw resource mining; different critical perspectives on technological, intellectual and artistic labour, automation and autonomy, power and control.
Aurelio Kopainig/Julia Mensch: Malvinas Argentinas, Córdoba
Notes from the Route of the Green Gold Rush, wall installation (ink jet print and text), 2015 © Aurelio Kopainig/Julia Mensch
Liesel Burisch: Waves, Video, 12:53 min, 2016 © Liesel Burisch