© H.H Capor
Expositions du 7/5/2016 au 30/6/2016 Terminé
Kathmandu Photo Gallery 87 Pan road 10500 Bangkok Thaïlande
Through photography so quietly and profoundly emotional it devastates us, H.H. Capor’s ‘My Daughters’ is a poignant daydream born of the yearning for his long-lost only child, after a bitter divorce removed him from his little girl’s life. He tried to picture her all grown up, and conceived the idea for this intensely sensitive and intimate series of portraits of himself posing with girls who might have been his daughters. In each one the elements—the clothes, the backdrop, the atmosphere,Kathmandu Photo Gallery 87 Pan road 10500 Bangkok Thaïlande
the relationship—are meticulously truthful to each fantasy daughter.
© H.H Capor
It’s an extraordinary way of seeing the world. Confronted with such images, a casual viewer may assume that Capor is a dirty old man dating girls “young enough to be his daughter”. But his demeanour tells a different story. How richly we experience his heartbreak depends entirely on the purity of our soul.
© H.H Capor
H.H. Capor was born in Vienna, Austria, in 1948. An architecture graduate who turned to photography in 1981, his work has been widely exhibited in countless international photography festivals. He also teaches and holds photography workshops all over the world. This is the first time for his work to be shown in Thailand.