© Studio Orta
Expositions du 4/12/2015 au 10/12/2015 Terminé
Grand Palais Galeries nationales du Grand Palais Champs-Elysées 75008 Paris France
As part of the international climate conference COP21 taking place in Paris from the 30th of November to the 11th December 2015, artist duo Lucy + Jorge Orta have been invited to present their work “The Antarctica World Passport, International Distribution Bureau” at the Grand Palais, from the 4th to the 10th December 2015.Grand Palais Galeries nationales du Grand Palais Champs-Elysées 75008 Paris France
© Studio Orta
The Antarctic project hinges on the openness and political neutrality of the region, championing its peaceful goals of transnational support and scientific research. Lucy + Jorge Orta invite viewers to protect the Antarctic region and engage in the on-going fight against global warming. This socially engaging and participative art project is part of the artcop21 program, initiated by COAL for the COP21.
© Studio Orta
Lucy + Jorge Orta have always put environmental concerns at the centre of their work, and are renowned for encouraging awareness and international solidarity. The duo collaborated with “Art Meets Fashion” brand Each x Other to create a collection inspired by their work, using fashion as a medium to disperse their ideas to a wider audience. The pieces feature the supranational Antarctic flag and bear the unifying message ’NO BORDERS'.