©Michael Najjar
happenings, stars are the objects of cultural production in all disciplines. The possibility of leaving the Earth now raises fundamental questions in our understanding of whom we are and where we come from. The attempt to penetrate outer space reveals our innate sense of curiosity, our desire to broaden and push back frontiers.
©Michael Najjar
This exhibition shows photographies and video works from the latest projects of Michael Najjar. His work series “outer space” engages with the latest developments in space technology and investigates the possible influence on our future life on Earth and in near-Earth orbit. An essential experience in conjunction with these work series will be Najjar’s own space flight. As one of the “Pioneer Astronauts” of “Virgin Galactic” Najjar wants to be the first artist in space. Therefore he passed special astronaut-trainings in Russia, Germany and the USA.The relation between realistic elements and notional reality is characteristically for Najjar’s work. He impresses the term of “hybridphotography”, which combines analogue and digital technics.
Michael Najjar is born Landau in 1966 und lives in Berlin. He studied working experimental and interdisciplinary with photography, video and computer at the Bildo-Akademie for art and media in Berlin.