Hans Christian Schink: "Parco degli Acquedotti (1)"
Expositions du 12/9/2015 au 31/10/2015 Terminé
Robert Morat Galerie für Photographie Kleine Reichenstr. 1 20457 Hamburg Allemagne
During his residency at Villa Massimo Hans-Christian Schink explores the urban history of Rome along the Aqua Claudia. The Aqua Claudia was an antique aqueduct, supplying the roman capital with water. The overall length from the source to the city-centre added up to approximately 69 kilometres. For the bigger part of the stretch, the canal took its course underground, for the last 13 kilometres the water was conducted into the city via over ground arch constructions. In 38 AD building of the Aqua Claudia began under the rule of emperor Caligula and was finished under emperor Claudius in 52 AD. From today’s Parco degli Aquedotti to Porta Maggiore the remaining fragments can still be found throughout the south-eastern districts. Hans-Christian Schink follows the aqueduct through the urban landscape, depicting a cross section of the city's history.Robert Morat Galerie für Photographie Kleine Reichenstr. 1 20457 Hamburg Allemagne
Hans Christian Schink „Via Casilina Vecchia (1)“