© Michael Najjar
Expositions du 5/6/2015 au 5/8/2015 Terminé
Galeria Juan Sillio stand: 10 B 05 (Hall 10) Santander Espagne
Galería Juan Silió is proud to presend the second solo exhibition of berlin based artist Michael Najjar.Galeria Juan Sillio stand: 10 B 05 (Hall 10) Santander Espagne
The focus of his work is on key elements of our modern society driven and controlled by computer and information technologies. Najjar, widely seen as a visual futurist, transmutes science, history and philosophy into visions and utopias of future social structures emerging under the impact of cutting-edge technologies.
© Michael Najjar
Michael Najjar's current "outer space" work series deals with the latest developments in space flight and the way they will shape our future life on earth, in earth’s near orbit and on other planets. The cultural dimension represented by emergent cutting edge space technologies – in terms of the deeper knowledge they will reveal about the universe, their impact on space travel and the way they will influence and shape our society – are very much at the center of Najjars's work.