© Rachel Harrison
Expositions du 6/6/2015 au 18/7/2015 Terminé
Regen Projects II 9016 Santa Monica Boulevard CA 9006 Los Angeles États-Unis
Regen Projects is please to present Three Young Framers, an exhibition of new work by New York-based artist Rachel Harrison. The exhibition reflects on what it means to frame a subject, in a time when subjects tend to frame themselves. A group of painted, abstract sculptures will congregate in the gallery, posing with selfie sticks like some sci-fi teen or tourist lifeforms. Metal studs erected in and around the perimeter of Regen Projects will also physically crop and frame the white cube, while nodding to Michael Asher’s 2008 Santa Monica Museum installation. In the back of the room, a reprise of Harrison’s Marilyn with Wall (2004) will be hung on a discarded, former gallery wall. And in a separate space, the artist will debut FOMO (2015), a set of thirty-four iPhone photos documenting footprints left in the snow.Regen Projects II 9016 Santa Monica Boulevard CA 9006 Los Angeles États-Unis
The show takes its name from the 1914 photograph by August Sander titled Three farmers on their way to a dance, or Young Farmers, which depicts a trio of German peasants, self-styled in formal suits, walking along a rural path. With his physiognomic photographs, Sander aimed to capture a social type in a moment in time. Harrison’s Three Young Framers, in turn, finds itself at the beginning of the century of the selfie, when the picture’s vantage point is often that of self-absorption, and the man-behind-the-camera is conspicuously absent. Three Young Framers is Rachel Harrison’s second solo presentation with the gallery, and her first since the selfie stick ban.