Eighteen Hedges, Versailles, France, 1998 © Michael Kenna
Expositions du 16/5/2015 au 1/8/2015 Terminé
PDNB Gallery 1202 Dragon Street, Ste. 103 Dallas 75207 Texas États-Unis
This will be PDNB Gallery's fourth solo exhibition for the renowned landscape photographer, Michael Kenna. This very special show will highlight photographs of France taken in the past several decades. The exhibition follows the release of his latest book, FRANCE, by Nazraeli Press, and his exhibition in Paris at Le Musée Carnavalet.PDNB Gallery 1202 Dragon Street, Ste. 103 Dallas 75207 Texas États-Unis
Homage to HCB, Study 2, Bretagne, France, 1993 © Michael Kenna
Kenna has photographed all over the world, but perhaps the work he did in France in the 1980's put him on the map. His long exposures of Versailles, taken at dawn or dusk, produced memorable images. These sublime photographs were published in one of his most recognized books, Le Nôtre's Gardens. The locations included Vaux-le-Vicomte, Versailles, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Fontainebleau, Chantilly, Les Tuileries, Saint-Cloud, Sceaux, and Marly.
Now, when we see the perfectly manicured trees of Versailles, we think of Michael Kenna's photographs. Later, when Kenna photographed Japan (exhibited at PDNB in 2003), his meditative skill of photographing took off to a new level. But France was where this artist developed the eye to see the divine beauty of nature. This exhibition will include some early works from the 1980's, and some newer images that have not been exhibited. Locations will include Le Desert de Retz, Les Tuileries, Falaise d'Aval, Mont Saint Michel and the Eiffel Tower.