My landscape series explores the contrast between the fictional landscape of zoos and the natural landscape of the Sonoran Desert.The contained zoo spaces stimulate my imagination when I photograph the vast desert vistas, and visa versa.My approach to photography is situated in the illusion of realism and my photographs look «documentary».However, I stage some photographs and I have always used darkroom manipulations to make analogueb&w and colour prints.At SAGAMIEI am researching how the artifice of digital manipulation might produce a «natural look» in the final print. What Photoshop alterations can be made to my landscape photographs that are not apparent to the viewer? My work has been exhibited in many public and private galleries. Major exhibitions have taken place at the Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montreal (1992) and the Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography in Ottawa (1995). Recent exhibitions, with publications, include the «Convent Series» at the Musée d’Art de Joliette (1998), the «Convent Series» at the Center for Creative Photography in Tucson, Arizona (2000), «Dialogues d’intérieurs» at the Musée de la PhotographieàCharleroi, Belgium (2001), «Presenze/Assenze» in Rome (2002), and «Collèges et Couvents» at the Château d’Eau in Toulouse (2003). I have prints in many collections including the Canadian Centre for Architecture, the Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography, the National Gallery of Canada, the Musée du Québec, and the National Archives. J'ai eu l'occasion d'exposer dans de nombreuses institutions publiques et galeries privées. Deux expositions importantes ont eu lieu au Centre Canadien d'Architecture (1992) et au Musée canadien de la photographie contemporaine à Ottawa (1995). Mes expositions individuelles récentes, avec publications, incluent «La série des couvents» au Musée d’Art de Joliette (1998), « The Convent Series» au Center for Creative Photography à Tucson, Arizona (2000), «Dialogues d’intérieurs» au Musée de la PhotographieàCharleroi (2001), «Presenze/Assenze» à Rome (2002), et «Collèges et Couvents» au Château d’Eau à Toulouse (2003). De plus, mes photographies font partie de plusieurs collections dont celles du Centre Canadien d'Architecture, du Musée canadien de la photographie contemporaine, du Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, du Musée du Québec, et des Archives nationales du Canada. I would like to express my gratitude for the Concordia University Part-Time Faculty Association Professional Development Grant I received for this artist residency.Cette résidence d’artiste bénéficie du soutien de l’Association des professeures et professeurs à temps partiel de l’Université Concordia (CUPFA / APTPUC).