© Anastasia Khoroshilova
Expositions du 11/3/2015 au 9/5/2015 Terminé
Galerie Ernst Hilger Dorotheergasse 5 1010 Vienna Autriche
In her new solo exhibition, Russian photographer Anastasia Khoroshilova presents two new work groups, "Kasaniya" (Tracks) and "Die Übrigen" (The Remnants).Galerie Ernst Hilger Dorotheergasse 5 1010 Vienna Autriche
"Kasaniya" (Tracks) is a series of large format color photographs, taken by Khoroshilova in the region of Karelia. Fought over since the 13th century, this area is now split up between Finland and Russia and forms the outer boarder of the European Union. For many people living outside of the EU, the border that runs through Karelia symbolizes a promise of a better life, for others the tragic crash of their dreams and hopes. Khoroshilova travelled through both the Russian and the Finish region and asked people to show her places that were meaningful to them and their families. For the photographer, it was a voyage through the history and fate of both countries, drifting from yesterday to today and back. In her travels she was confronted with the Russian–Finnish war, concentration camps, GULAGs, the White Sea Channel, new borders, resettlements of the population and migration nowadays, runes and fairy tales. But also with everyday realities and contemporary destinies: large families and single mothers, immigrants, veterans, Karelian and not Karelian, prejudices and fears, love and friendship, pain, hurt and joy, memory and forgetfulness.
Anastsia Khoroshilova, from the Series Die Übrigen (The Remnants), 2014, C-print on dibond, 150 x 190 cm
All images credit: Anastasia Khoroshilova/Galerie Ernst Hilger
Anastasia Khoroshilova, from the Series Kasaniya (Tracks) #12, 2013, C-print, 40 x 30 cm
All images credit: Anastasia Khoroshilova/Galerie Ernst Hilger