© Lewis Carroll (English, 1832-1898) Lorina and Alice Liddell in Chinese costume
Expositions du 13/3/2015 au 22/3/2015 Terminé
HANS P. KRAUS JR 962 Park Avenue at 82nd Street 10028 New York États-Unis
Maastricht, The Netherlands— A group of portraits from the 1840s to the 1870s will be featured along with other 19th century photographs at Hans P. Kraus Jr. Fine Photographs at TEFAF Maastricht, 13-22 March 2015, Stand 452. Work by Lewis Carroll, Julia Margaret Cameron, Duchenne de Boulogne with Adrien Tournachon, Gustave Le Gray, Charges Nègre, and William Henry Fox Talbot will be on view.HANS P. KRAUS JR 962 Park Avenue at 82nd Street 10028 New York États-Unis
As a tribute to the 150th anniversary of the publication of Alice in Wonderland, an exquisite albumen print of Alice and her sister will be on view: Lorina and Alice Liddell in Chinese costume, c.1860, by Lewis Carroll (English, 1832-1898). Carroll was a mathematics tutor at Christ Church, Oxford, who became a remarkably gifted photographer. Made with his characteristic care and attention to detail, this compelling portrait of two sisters in costume under a broad umbrella reflects Victorian interest in the Far East. The photograph is a self-contained story as worthy of admiration and affection as Lewis Carroll’s writing, which has been cherished for generations.