Expositions du 21/04/2006 au 31/04/2006 Terminé
fotografia festival Internazioanle di Roma Zone Attive Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, 47 00185 Rome Italie
Curated by Giuseppe Casetti
Production: Zoneattive
The festival's homage to the father of italian photojournalism continues with this section dedicated to his relationship with sets. Dondero was the man who portrayed the community of artists who enlivened the most successfull season of italian cinema and theatre during the 20th century from Gian Maria Volonté to Pier Paolo Pasolini.
This exhibition provides an opportunity to observe, through a nucleus of significant images, the different stimuli that marked this artist's career during fifty years of travel, civil and social commitment and his encounters with extraordinary men and women.
"It must always be clear that taking photographs has never been my main interest. I still do not consider myself a photographer tout court. Photographs interest me as the bonding element of human relationships or when bearing witness to situations. I am not interested in people so as to take photographs of them..."
Mario Dondero started to take pictures in 1952. He was at the time a journalist with "Milano Sera," but became a photo-reporter when Salvato Cappelli and Giulio Trevisani founded "Le ore", a photographic newspaper with a motto that said "a photograph is worth a thousand words". At the end of 1954 he moved to France. In Paris he became friends with many French authors and intellectuals. His group photograph of the authors of the so-called Nouveau roman (Nathalie Serraute, Samuel Beckett, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Claude Mauriac, Claude Simon, Jerome Lindon, Robert Pinget, Claude Ollier) portrayed in Paris in October 1959, in front of the offices of Les Editions de Minuit has become extremely famous and is fully legitimately part of 20th century literary mythology. When he returned from France, Dondero moved to Rome. "It was then that I became friends with Pasolini who I met through common friends such as Alberto Moravia, Dacia Maraini, Laura Betti, Enzo Siciliano and Goffredo Parise: we often ate together in the same trattoria.It was a formidable luogo di aggregazione, Gian Maria Volontè used to come there as well as many other film people.then one would meet Giovannino Russo, Corrado Stajano, Ennio Flaiano, Mino Maccari, Gianbattista Vicari, Giuseppe Berto, because Rome was like a small village.".
Giuseppe Casetti
Teatro Tor Bella Monaca
via Bruno Cirino
06 2010579
OPEN: tuesday - sunday 9.00 am - 8.00 pm
Free entrance
Metro A - Anagnina - bus 20fotografia festival Internazioanle di Roma Zone Attive Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, 47 00185 Rome Italie