Mario Dondero

Mario Dondero

Born in Milan in 1928, he started to work at the beginning of the Fifties for the daily papers "L'Unità", "L'Avanti", "Milano Sera", and for the magazine "Le Ore", animated mainly by Salvato Cappelli, Giuseppe Trevisani and Pasquale Prunas, who coined the slogan "a photograph is worth 1000 words". During those years he was part of the "Jamaican" group in Milan. In 1955 he moved to Paris where he worked for a number of Italian newspapers (among others "L'Espresso", "L'Illustrazione Italiana", as well as for "Le Monde", "Le Nouvel Observateur" and "Le Figaro". Also published by the magazines Jeune Afrique, Afrique-Asie, Demain l'Afrique, he constantly showed a lively interest for Africa, a continent he often visited. Dondero is still working and as always he is unconventional with his personal, autonomous and original style emerging in his reportages like a portrait.