© Fernanda Chemale
Virgilio Calegari Photogallery Rua dos Andradas, 736, 7th floor Porto Alegre Brésil
The Suspended Street by Fernanda Chemale
Fernanda Chemale launches A Rua Suspensa [The Suspended Street], a photo and sound installation inspired by Travessa Venezianos, a traditional street in Porto Alegre. The imagery of a country town represented by its homes and people is alive in the metropolis. A Rua Suspensa affirms life’s poetry, at once near and far in the busy atmosphere of a big city. The author recently exhibited her photographs at Teatro Solís in Montevideo. She is starting the production of her next book, Desordem [Disorder], sponsored by Fumproarte. She is a contributor of the Nordestes Emergentes project developed by Fundação Joaquim Nabuco.
© Fernanda Chemale
© Fernanda Chemale
Photographies et vignette © Fernanda Chemale