Fernanda Chemale
- Exposition
Exhibition : DISORDER by Fernanda Chemale at Galeria Tina Zappoli
DISORDER, book of photos from Fernanda Chemale and poems from Gisela Rodriguez, proposes a symbolic narrative of the contemporary man, raising an atmosphere of timelessness, solitude and disorder. The result are relations between the past, present and future which emphasize a suspended, chimerical and fabulous plan offering a portrait of the urban scenery of a society permeated by interpersonal broken relations and interconnected by fears, imaginations, emotions and lifestyle. The book, a 144 page brochure in format 20x22, has direction of production by Liége Biasotto and Graphic Design by Flávio Wild. It was made through Fumproarte, Municipal Fund of Support Culture and Porto Alegre´s Artistic Production.
© Fernanda Chemale
The poems of Gisela Rodriguez challenge the order of human and... - Exposition
«The Suspended Street» by Fernanda Chemale at the Virgilio Calegari Photogallery
The Suspended Street by Fernanda Chemale
Fernanda Chemale launches A Rua Suspensa [The Suspended Street], a photo and sound installation inspired by Travessa Venezianos, a traditional street in Porto Alegre. The imagery of a country town represented by its homes and people is alive in the metropolis. A Rua Suspensa affirms life’s poetry, at once near and far in the busy atmosphere of a big city. The author recently exhibited her photographs at Teatro Solís in Montevideo. She is starting the production of her next book, Desordem [Disorder], sponsored by Fumproarte. She is a contributor of the Nordestes Emergentes project developed by Fundação Joaquim Nabuco.
© Fernanda Chemale
© Fernanda Chemale
 ... - Exposition
« Classic Portraits of Rock from Rio Grande do Sul » by Fernanda Chemale at International Photography Festival Paraty em Foco
“Retratos Clássicos do Rock Gaúcho” [Classic Portraits of Rock from Rio Grande do Sul], a new series by photographer Fernanda Chemale, will debut at the International Photography Festival Paraty em Foco.
Her work was selected among “The Best of Portfolio em Foco” and will be exhibited as a slide show next Saturday, September 29, from 9 pm, in Paraty.
The Portfólio em Foco is a diffusion platform for photography fostering plural regards focused on wide dissemination of authorial works.
© Fernanda Chemale.
Connected to rock’n roll since the late 1980s, Fernanda Chemale cherishes the musicians ... - Exposition
Fernanda Chemale - ElephantCitySerpent
The images were selected for the edition of the homonymous book, that tells the daily of the man in large cities. "Fernanda's took up the challenge of creating a photographic collection ofo cities today without committing to photographing buildings, avenues, people; in short, the socio-cultural history of urban spaces. To see the city, to record its daily life, to feel its irritating pulse, to sense its unrelenting movement. When you see a city, you do not necessarily see truth. This is precisely the main idea that passes by Fernanda Chemale's ElefanteCidadeSerpente [ElephantCitySerpent]. Fernanda decides to look at the city by photographing it in a speedy-zapping vision, allowing us, her readers, to be partially responsible for putting together her amazing kaleidoscopes. Her sharp perception, combined to a fantasti... - Exposition
Fernanda Chemale - ElefanteCiudadSerpiente
Fernanda Chemale expone en el Centro Cultural de la Cooperación Floreal Gorini en Buenos Aires. El conjunto de imagenes selecionado del libro ElefanteCiduadSerpiente publicado en 2008 en Porto Alegre, estará em exibición del 08 al 25 de abril en la capital porteña conmemorando los veinte años de trayectoria de la fotógrafa brasilera. La curadora y coordinadora del Departamento de Ideas Visuales del Centro Cultural, Sabrina Díaz, selecionó 12 imagenes que representaran el trabajo de la artista en la “calle” Corrientes.
“ Ver la ciudad, grabar su vida diaria, sentir su pulso irritando, darse cuenta de su movimiento tenaz. Cuando usted ve una ciudad, usted no necesariamente ve la verdad. Ésta precisamente es la idea princip...
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