Expositions du 16/09/2005 au 27/11/2005 Terminé
International Center of Photography (ICP) 1133 Avenue of the Americas at 43rd Street New York NY 10036 USA Site web: http://www.icp.org
André Kertész (1894-1985) has been hailed as one of the most important photographers of the twentieth century. Working intuitively, he captured the poetry of modern urban life with its quiet, often overlooked incidents and odd, occasionally comic, or even bizarre juxtapositions. He endeavored "to give meaning to everything" about him with his camera, "to make photographs as by reflection in a mirror, unmanipulated and direct as in life." Combining this seemingly artless spontaneity with a sophisticated understanding of composition, Kertész created a purely photographic idiom that celebrates direct observation of the everyday. Neither a surrealist, nor a strict photojournalist, he nevertheless infused his best images with strong tenets of both. "You don't see" the things you photograph, he explained, "you feel them."
Born Kertész Andor in Budapest, he received his first camera in 1912 and immediately began to make intimate portraits of family and friends, studies of the Hungarian countryside, and scenes of daily life behind the battle lines of World War I. Seeking to make a living through photography, he moved in 1925 to Paris, where he established a successful career as a photojournalist. Buoyed by this accomplishment and inspired by the vibrant artistic community of the French capital, he created some of the most intriguing and celebrated images of the period.
In 1936 Kertész relocated to New York in order to further his career. Captivated by the rich visual spectacle of the city and awed by its scale, he used the camera to record both his fascination with, and sense of alienation from, his new surroundings. The images attest to a complicated personal history borne through the political upheavals of two wars and life in three countries. He died at age ninety-one. This exhibition offers a comprehensive overview of Kertész's rich and varied career.
The exhibition was organized by the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC and curated by Sarah Greenough. It was funded with support from The André and Elizabeth Kertész Foundation, Gayle and Robert Greenhill, Bicky and George Kellner, Alex Hillman Family Foundation, Lisa and Harry Elson, and an anonymous donor.
The images that appear on the home page are details of photographs by André Kertész.
Clock of the Académie Française, 1929
National Gallery of Art, Washington, Gift of The Howard Gilman Foundation and The André and Elizabeth Kertész Foundation
© The Estate of André Kertész and the Jeu de Paume/French Ministry for Culture and Communication
International Center of Photography (ICP) 1133 Avenue of the Americas at 43rd Street New York NY 10036 USA Site web: http://www.icp.org