L'éditeur Allemand Hatje Cantz Verlag, 1er éditeur allemand avec des revenus de 12 millions d'euros annuels, vient d'être racheté par GANSKE VERLAGSGRUPPE, un groupe de médias allemand qui édite notamment BMW Magazine. Ci-dessous, le communiqué de presse du rachat.
The acquisition of the renowned art book publisher allows natural integration into and amendment of the portfolio of the GANSKE VERLAGSGRUPPE in the core competence areas art, architecture, design and photography.
As of 1st of June 2011 the Hamburg based GANSKE VERLAGSGRUPPE takes over the HATJE CANTZ– with nearly 12 million EURO revenue p.a. it is the leading German art book publishing house. The publishing group from Hamburg was able to successfully stand up to several interested bidders. All involved parties agreed to maintain silence on the purchase price. The HATJE CANTZ VERLAG belonged to the J. Fink Media Group which needed to file for insolvency proceedings.
Frank-H. Haeger, Member of the Managing Board GANSKE VERLAGSGRUPPE explained: “We will keep the HATJE CANTZ locations in Stuttgart and Berlin with all the employees. The extensive dialogue with the Managing Director Annette Kulenkampff convinced us that HATJE CANTZ is not only a strong brand but that we are also gaining competent and dedicated colleagues to our group.”
With the acquisition of HATJE CANTZ the GANSKE VERLAGSGRUPPE strengthens its portfolio in the fields of art books, collectors’ catalogues, graphic arts, design and photography – areas in which the group has successfully left its footmark by the art-mail order selling of FRÖLICH & KAUFMANN and ARTSERVICE as well as the magazine ARCHITEKTUR & WOHNEN. Publisher Thomas Ganske adds: “With our traditional core competences centering on topics such as art, design and photography HATJE CANTZ fits exceptionally well to us.”
HATJE CANTZ Managing Director Annette Kulenkampff is “relieved, that with the GANSKE VERLAGSGRUPPE we were able to find a buyer, where my colleagues with their standards to settle for nothing less but the highest publishing quality and highend productions could feel at home. We eagerly look forward to working together.”
Ostfildern, 4. Mai 2011