Stieglitz19 Arthur Goemaerelei 19 2018 Antwerpen/Anvers Belgique
In Wallonia, François Goffin might well be considered one of the most innovative young photographers of his generation. On display is his latest series “Bevel” in black and white, and the series “Les Choses Simples”, a series from which he gained renown as well as a book, published by Yellow Now. Both collections give us a new perspective of apparently common experiences. We see fragile moments of beauty, captured as only photography can capture such images: before they fade forever.
The photographer does not seek out the spectacular or the strong image, but his work teaches us to see as though he were instructing us to speak a new language of visual imagery. We are poised on a brink between the universal and the fragmentary.
In these photographs, common experiences and objects are transformed into art, as in William Elsschot’s or Modiano’s most evocative stories. Initially it seems that nothing is really happening, but after a while, the images reveal deeper significance. It is almost as if Proust’s madeleines were waiting for us just around the corner.
In March 2011, Goffin’s work will also travel to Guangzhou, China for the “DOF, Depth of Field” exhibition.