Galerie RX 6, avenue Delcassé 75008 Paris France
Mois de la photo 2010 Point information 5,7 rue de Fourcy 75004 Paris France
Éric Rondepierre has been an actor, a dancer, and a painter. He is also an avid cinemagoer.
For some twenty years he has used the photographic medium without calling himself a photographer. For a long time he made exclusive use of the continuum of film, presenting treasures that would never have existed without him. Like literature, the cinema tells stories. Each work in the series entitled Seuils is a concentrated story, suggested to our imagination by the characters that inhabit it. Whether they turn their back on us as in Champs-Elysées, Loge or Perspective, close their eyes (Nocturne) or apparently ignore us (Sortie), these men and women are busy with their lives, their tragedies. Some hold pistols, others quarrel, a dead woman drifts along.
There is movement in these scenes in which the protagonists often walk, sometimes run, and are almost always seen in an environment inhabited by oblique lines, where wonkiness is the norm.
The mark of electric precariousness gives these photos the power to dazzle.
This means they are able to resonate with a psychological process that is unaware of the frontiers between past and present, between photography, cinema and life.
Denys Riout