Spanish-American Art Museum Suipacha 1422, Buenos Aires Argentine
"The challenge for me as a photographer is to pull a person out of their skin and to show what’s really inside” Ralf Tooten, Photographer
You are about to meet 10 people from 4 countries in Latin America who on the surface all share one thing. They have all been diagnosed with psoriasis, a chronic skin condition characterised by red, scaly, patches of skin. But as you get to know them, it becomes clear that they share more than just a skin condition; they share courage, strength, determination and passion – attributes that are more than just skin deep.
This exhibition captures the journey of 10 people with psoriasis who came together to be part of the Psoriasis: The Naked Truth campaign. By baring their skin to the camera of Ralf Tooten and sharing their personal experiences of living with the condition, they stood up against ignorance and insensitivity, and tackled the many myths and misconceptions about psoriasis. Some told stories of embarrassment, frustration or guilt, others of acceptance, and some of triumph and success. Regardless of the nature of the stories, everyone told the truth.
This collection of images and personal testimonies reveals the reality of living with a condition that penetrates far deeper than the skin, to expose the Naked Truth about psoriasis.