Studio Nómada Barcelone Calle De La Palma de Sant Just 7 08002 Barcelone France
Dreams “When we dream we reveal the most concealed aspects of our personality. A hidden door opens in the soul’s secret spaces, and the characters that transport us to our most real fantasies appear. They will guide us by way of our psyche, and will be the key to the exploration of our deepest thoughts.” A cocktail party will take place for the inauguration of this much anticipated exhibition on the 24th of April at 19:00, in the Nomada Space.
artists : Rafael Mata - Venezuela , Cyril Rezé - France, Ana Darder Pizá - Spain, Francisco Aveledo - Venezuela, Víctor M. Ausín Sáinz - Spain, Antonio Gabaldón Guerrero - Spain, Konstantina Gavala - Greece, Albino Tonnina - Italy, Alejandro Pérez Gabarró - Spain, Gema Sanchez González -Spain, Estibaliz Mugeta - Spain, Belén Palmero Sánchez - Spain, Jonal Lozano - Spain, Joanna Puyosa - Venezuela, DeAnna Villalobos - United States, Philippe CAP - France, Daniel Godoy - United States, Francisca Parada Burgos - Spain, Alessandro Esposito - Italy, Elisabeth Buzon Alvarez - Spain.