Galerie Fait & Cause Rue Quincampoix, 58 75004 Paris France
For more than ten years Diane Grimonet pursued her goal which was documenting the lives of "people living in precarious conditions” all over France.
“Non-assistance to…? 1998-2010” is above all a painful admission of successive political failures, a series of images selected among the strongest and most iconic ones on topics such as: immigration and illegal immigrants, homeless people and housing problems, job difficulties and single women.
So many different stories and situations of extreme social distress... Despite all the governments and the several laws that have followed, and despite the movements of rebellion and solidarity, images and situations remain the same. Not only there is no help for these people, but also the prevailing feeling is that the situation of these vulnerable populations is getting worse and worse.
These photographs are informing us, if it is still necessary to do so, about the misery, injustice and inequality that a part of the population living in France is facing today.">